I want to thank you all for tour comments! Here is the second and last part as promised, although a little slower.
Just cause some one asked

In part one:
Naruto - 15
Sasuke- 18

In Part two:
Naruto- 18
Sasuke- 21

Warning: Lemon! For those who do not know what this word means or people who do not enjoy reading them. Leave now, no flames please.

Disclaimer: I snuck into Kishomoto's house to steal the copyrights to Naruto. But his dog saw me and started barking, so I had to flee...

Three years later


Naruto couldn't help but be excited as he packed his bag. After three long years he was finally going to see Sasuke again. He was leaving early in the afternoon with a group of people who were planning on trading in the fire country. He placed his bag on the floor and looked at his room. Almost certain this was going to be the last time he was going to see it. Naruto had missed Sasuke terribly. He had been a wreck the first few months but managed to pick up his life again.

He heard a small yip next to him and turned to his bed. A small orange fox jumped off of it and rubbed himself against Naruto's leg. The blond laughed. When he had visited the Tea country a year before he had freed the small fox from a trap. They got attached and Naruto decided to keep him. Much to Gaara's horror of course.

"Yeah, yeah Kyuubi. You excited as well? I've told you about Sasuke a lot, you're probably excited to meet him as well." Naruto kneeled and ruffled the patch of hair on top the fox's small head.

Hearing the door shut Naruto knew Gaara was back in the Kazekage's mansion again. He sat down next to Kyuubi and the small fox climbed onto his lap and laid down on it. Someone knocked on the door and Naruto told them to enter. Gaara stepped inside and Naruto smiled.

"So you managed to get home before I left."

"Of course I managed to get back Chibi. Do you really think I'd let you leave without us saying a proper goodbye."

Naruto grinned and shook his head. "I don't know why you still call me Chibi."

Gaara shrugged and held out his hand to help Naruto stand up. Kyuubi yipped and jumped off of Naruto's lap. Gaara couldn't help but smile as he watched Naruto. The boy had grown so much in three years. He had grown taller and was all muscle now. His baby fat had disappeared.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I baked cookies!"

Gaara smirked and ran down the stairs after Naruto. If there was something he loved, it was cookies. "Chocolate chip cookies. My favourite Naruto!"

"I know, just thought since I'll be gone I'd bake a batch for you. I also baked a batch for Temari and Kankuro."

They sat down and talked about Naruto's plans and what Gaara had been doing. Time quickly passed and Naruto gasped when he looked at the clock. It was nearly half past twelve in the afternoon and he had told the people he was going to be travelling with that he would meet them at the front gates at a quarter to one. Naruto ran up the stairs and grabbed his things and almost ran out of the door without saying goodbye to Gaara.

"Gaara, I-I'll miss you." Naruto said with tears in his ears.

"I'll miss you too Chibi. But remember, if there is anything wrong, just send a messenger bird. And I'll see you at the festival."

"Yeah. Goodbye Gaara." They embraced each other and Naruto ran out the door with Kyuubi right behind him.

Naruto ran as fast as he could with his heavy bag on his back, even Kyuubi was having trouble keeping up with him. When he reached the city gate he stopped and Kyuubi bumped into him. The small fox whined as he looked up at Naruto who had a angry expression on his face. There was no sight of the people he was supposed to be travelling with. Naruto sighed and sat down against the gate. He should have known Lee and the others would have been late.

"Baka. Baka. Baka" Naruto repeated to himself as he bumped the back of his head continuously against the wall.

"Naruto-kun~!" Naruto looked up and saw a flash of green running towards him. He smiled, Lee had finally arrived! The other travellers caught up and Lee placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"I am deeply sorry my good friend. Gai-sensei had to show me something and you know I can not resist his awesome youthfulness!"

"Yeah whatever. We going now?" Naruto asked.

"Of course! It is off to the fire country that we go!"

The other people cheered and Kyuubi happily yipped along with them. It did him good to see his master smiling. They passed through the gates and Naruto waved goodbye to some guards who he knew and they waved back. Several wished him good luck and he grinned back at them.

They were well on their way when Lee joined Naruto at the back of the rest. Kyuubi was resting on Naruto's shoulders and the blond was smiling.

"So, I heard a youthful rumour that you are going to the fire country to confess your love to a certain someone." Lee said as he struck his 'good-guy' pose.

"Yeah, it's something like that."

"That is what I like about you my blond friend! So youthful, it is beautiful."

"Sure Lee, how's Sakura doing?" Naruto smiled when he saw Lee's face light up.

"My cheery blossom is excellent! I proposed to her last week and she said yes."


"I thank you. We are getting married end this year after the light festival." Lee jumped up and down in excitement. Naruto had always wondered why Lee was the way he was. Until I met Gai.

"Maybe I will as well…" Naruto whispered to no one in particular. Lee hadn't heard him and was happily humming as they walked on.

They took a break a few hours later and Naruto was laying on the ground under a tree in the shade. Kyuubi was chasing after a butterfly. It was a beautiful day not a cloud to see. Naruto was startled when someone sat down next to him. He looked up and saw another figure he knew.

"Hello Shikamaru."

"Naruto. It's so troublesome, there aren't any clouds today."

"Yeah, bummer…"

The two sat in silence for a while and Naruto opened his eyes when he heard snores coming from Shikamaru. The blond smiled. He met Shikamaru when they were still kids, shortly after Gaara had taken him in. Shikamaru was the only person who didn't mind that Naruto had been lying to him all those years when he and some others were told who he really was after the cold war. Naruto knew that Shikamaru was a genius even though he was terribly lazy. Once he had played a game of Shogi against the brunet and had lost.

The leader of the travellers announced that they were moving on so Naruto shook Shikamaru until he woke up. He immediately understood and stood up to find his own things again. Naruto whistled and Kyuubi ran towards him. His eyes gleaming triumphantly and he showed Naruto they butterfly he had caught in his mouth. Naruto laughed and petted the top of the fox' head.

"You little rascal. Come on we gotta get going." Kyuubi opened his mouth and the butterfly fell to the ground. He quickly ran up next to Naruto and yipped.

"No way, this time you're walking." Kyuubi's ears went into his neck for a second but he followed Naruto still even though he was disappointed.

"Hey Lee!" Naruto shouted when he spotted his friend again and ran towards him. "How long will it take until we reach the border?"

"Well the border should be half an hour away and since we are with a trading caravan we have to report at the castle which should be two hours from the border." Naruto nodded and Kyuubi yipped again. The blond sighed.

"What is with your fox?"

"He wants to be carried, he's a little too lazy for his own good." Lee shouted it was nonsense and leaned down to pick the fox up and placed him on his shoulders. Kyuubi happily licked Lee's face and Naruto rolled his eyes.

They crossed the border with no problems at all and were on their way to the castle. Every step he took Naruto got more anxious and nervous. Would Sasuke have changed? Maybe he would even have forgotten him and was married with a pig headed girl who only 'loved' him for his money and status.

Naruto bit his lip. No, Sasuke promised he would wait for him. Naruto knew he trusted Sasuke, so why did he have doubts? Maybe, Sasuke wouldn't love him anymore when he arrived.

Kyuubi whined and looked at Naruto from his perch on Lee's shoulders and the blond snapped out of his thoughts. He smiled, there wasn't anything to worry about. Sasuke made a promise Naruto knew he would never break.

As they neared the castle Naruto couldn't help but walk behind the rest, with Lee and Shikamaru with him.

"Why do you want to walk behind the rest? How troublesome."

"Are you afraid of something Naruto-kun?" Lee asked while he brushed Kyuubi's tail out of his face.

"Not something. Someone really. The person I haven't seen in three years." Naruto blushed and looked down at his feet.

"Oh! You are talking about that special someone you told me about earlier right Naruto-kun?"

"Yeah… Exactly" Naruto laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at the sight. He knew that Naruto only did that when he was nervous. The only thing he wondered, was why Naruto was so nervous to see this 'special someone'.

It was late afternoon when the arrived at the castle gates. The leader gave his id card to the head guard and they were let through. Naruto felt several emotions run through him. Everything was exactly like he remember, a little smaller now but that was because he grew himself. Naruto smiled. But the anticipation was killing him. He knew, whenever such a large caravan passed through that the king and queen would greet them. And sometimes, Sasuke would be standing next to them.

He gulped as they made their way to the square where the stage was. As they got closer he felt as if his heart was going to burst. The caravan stopped and Naruto poked his head from behind the cart. That's when he saw him.

It was different than Sasuke had told him. That his heart would skip a few beats and that he would feel warm inside. No, this was entirely different.

His heart almost burst when he saw the face he was longing to see. It was hard to keep his breathing even and he could feel his face grow warm. Naruto had to lean onto the cart to make sure he wouldn't fall as his knees threatened to buckle. Overall, it was better than Sasuke had described it. Naruto knew now where he belonged as he longed to be the one standing next to Sasuke.

Shikamaru and Lee looked at their friend in confusion. They had never seen him like that before. Kyuubi balanced on Lee's shoulders and jumped onto Naruto's head and yipped loudly. Naruto blinked and looked up at the fox and grinned. The caravan started moving again but he didn't. His friends stayed with him wondering why he was acting the way he was.

The king and queen were about to turn and leave when they saw Naruto. The queen grinned and nudged Sasuke who was looking rather uninterested. He glared at his mother and she winked and pointed towards Naruto.

"Look." She said and Sasuke looked to where she was pointing. He couldn't believe his eyes. Blond hair, unforgettable azure eyes and a smile that made his heart beat faster.

"Naruto." He whispered as he slowly took a step off of the stage.

Naruto grinned and took his bag off his bag and placed Kyuubi in Shikamaru's hands and asked him to hold onto the fox for a minute. A tear escaped from one of his eyes before he turned around again.

"Hey Sasuke, I'm back!"

Mikoto gave Sasuke a small push to encourage him to go to Naruto. The prince nodded and walked off of the stage. Apparently Naruto thought he wasn't fast enough and ran towards him and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"I'm back. I'm finally back. Sasuke!" Naruto's grip tightened and Sasuke brought one of his hands up to stroke Naruto's wet cheek.

"I've been waiting." He said with a faint smile.

"I know, so have I." Naruto leaned forward and captured Sasuke's lips with his own. They were exactly like he remembered them.

Shikamaru and Lee were watching, both gaping at the sight in front of them. Shikamaru even let Kyuubi fall out of the arms. The fox yipped as his bottom met the ground and looked up at Shikamaru.

"How troublesome…"

"Look at their youthfulness! So awesomely powerful! Who would have thought that our Naruto-kun's special person was the prince of the fire country Uchiha Sasuke!?"

Kyuubi growled at the two for not paying attention to him and ran over to Naruto.

"Ow." Sasuke broke the kiss and looked down at the fox who was snapping at his feet. Naruto laughed and bent down to pick the fox up.

"Sasuke, this is Kyuubi my fox. Kyuubi this is Sasuke. Remember? The man I told you about?" The fox barked excitedly and Naruto stood up again. Kyuubi leaned forward and licked Sasuke's nose.

Naruto laughed when he saw the look on Sasuke's face and Sasuke couldn't help but laugh along with him. Mikoto and Fugaku also came off of the stage and went to greet Naruto. Mikoto embraced him as tears escaped from her eyes.

"Oh Naru! I'm so happy you're back. You don't want to know how Sasuke has been sulking these last few months and I-"


"Why yes dear?" She looked at the boy in her arms.

"Choking. Not. Breathing." She gasped and quickly let him go. Naruto took a deep breath and straightened again. He shook hands with Fugaku and turned to look at his two friends.

He chuckled nervously and motioned for them to come to him. Lee grabbed Naruto's bag and quickly ran to the blond while Shikamaru walked muttering under his breath.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet King Fugaku, Queen Mikoto and Prince Sasuke of the fire country."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Sasuke asked as he wrapped his arms around Naruto from behind.

"Oh yeah! These guys are Rock Lee and Nara Shikamaru."

"It's a pleasure to meet Naruto's friends" Mikoto said as she shook hands with the two.

"We'll have the servants arrange a room for them if they would like to stay a little longer. In the meantime, let us go eat."

"Yeah! Chouji's cooking is the best in the world!" Naruto grabbed Lee's and Shikamaru's hand and ran off with them trailing behind him. Kyuubi was trying his best to hang on.

Mikoto giggled and wrapped an arm around her youngest sons shoulder. Sasuke looked up and smiled. He wasn't comfortable with the fact that his mother had told Naruto he had been sulking for the past few months, but what the hell? Naruto was finally back. That was all that mattered.


The day went by smoothly and Naruto was telling Sasuke about all the adventures he had and how he came along Kyuubi. The fox was lying be the fireplace and enjoying the heat. Naruto had already seen Iruka again and their reunion was a tearful one. Naruto yawned and sat back into the chair he was sitting in.

"It looks like it's time for you to go to bed." Sasuke joked.

"Well, maybe. I still have so much more to tell!"

Sasuke leaned forward and cupped Naruto's face with his hands.

"We'll have enough time for that."

"Yeah, I guess. Can you bring me to my room? I don't think I'll be able to find it any more."

Sasuke fought the urge to sigh and took the blonds hand. Naruto whistled and Kyuubi's ears shot up before he opened his eyes and stood up to follow his master. Eventually it was Naruto who started pulling Sasuke along as he recognized where they were and they reached his room in no time.

Naruto looked up at Sasuke, the raven hadn't changed much thankfully. He was still taller than Naruto but that didn't matter to the blond.

"T-then this is goodnight." Naruto said as he blushed.

"Yes, but before I go…" Naruto looked up as Sasuke leaned down.

Their lips met again and Naruto felt himself wanting more. He ran his tongue over Sasuke's bottom lip to the ravens surprise and he opened his mouth. They kissed passionately for a few minutes before Naruto moved away to catch his breath.

"Goodnight Naruto. I love you." Sasuke whispered into the thick blond hair.

Naruto looked up and smiled at Sasuke. "I love you too Sasuke."

Naruto parted from the other and walked into his room. Once he shut his door he leaned against it and slid down until he was sitting on the floor. He closed his eyes and sat there for a moment before bringing his fingers up to touch his lips. It had been too long since he had felt Sasuke's silk-like lips against his own. Slowly he stood up again and stripped down to his boxers.

With a relaxed sigh Naruto fell onto the bed and laid under the covers. Kyuubi jumped up from the floor and onto the bed. He curled up next to Naruto's stomach and the blond stroked the fur on Kyuubi's head. He laughed when the fox purred and closed his eyes and fell asleep.


It had been three weeks since Naruto came back to the fire country and it was exactly a day until the festival. Sasuke hadn't noticed that when Naruto wasn't with him he was practicing for the festival. Shikamaru and Lee hadn't left yet either. Both were enjoying the 'youthful' life of royals, as Lee called it. Gaara had arrived the day before and the kingdom was preparing for everything.

Naruto looked out over the giant square from his balcony and watched as carpenters changed it. The stage had gotten extensities and there were colourful flags hanging around all over the place.

He squinted his eyes when he saw more people arrive through the palace gates. A flash of green ran over the courtyard and into the arms of someone with pink hair. Naruto smiled, Sakura had come from Suna to join Lee to see the festival. Suddenly arms wrapped around him from behind and he smiled and leaned back into them.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked as he trailed kisses up and down Naruto's tanned neck.

"Looking down on the preparations for the festival. I just saw Lee run into the arms of his fiancé as well. I'm sure you'd like to meet her."

"I don't know. I have bad experiences with girls."

Naruto giggled as he though of Sasuke's stories about his fan girls. He was glad he didn't have those in his years in Suna. It wasn't until he came back from the capital, Konoha, that girls finally began to notice him. It hadn't bothered him at all. But compared to Sasuke's fan girls those girls were kittens.

"You'll like Sakura. Come on." Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand and led him downstairs until they were standing in the doorway towards the courtyard.

Lee and Sakura were walking hand in hand and Naruto waved when he saw them. Sakura smiled and waved back before running up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Naruto laughed as he saw the jealous look in Sasuke's eyes.

"I think you should let me go Sakura." Sakura let him go and shyly stepped backwards when she saw Sasuke glaring at her and blushed.

"It's ok. Sasuke here is a little-" Naruto blinked. "No, wait very possessive."

Sasuke wrapped an arm around Naruto's shoulders and licked his earlobe, causing the blond to shiver. "But you like it."

Suddenly from out of nowhere Kyuubi came and barked happily when he saw Sakura. The pinkette grinned and leaned down to pick the fox up. She gently patted his head and told Naruto how big Kyuubi had gotten.

"Well, the food here is good for a growing Kitsune." Sakura laughed and Naruto and Lee joined her. Sasuke smirked as he watched them.

"If you don't mind. Naruto and I still have some business to do."

"Oh! That's right, we'll see you later guys!"

"Of course my youthful friend! Go with your soul mate and cherish the times you spend together!"

"Lee! I though you were going to stop using that word!" Sakura said before slapping Lee's shoulder.

"I have tried my love. But there is so much youthfulness in the world that it is inevitable to stop using it!"

The two started bickering and Sasuke and Naruto walked back inside leaving Kyuubi in the arms of Sakura, the fox didn't mind the noise as long as he was being held in warm arms.

"So, why do your mom and dad want to see us?" Naruto asked Sasuke.

"You'll find out soon enough. Gaara will be with them as well."

"Why can't you tell me Sasuke?"


Naruto grumbled as Sasuke leaned to kiss his forehead.

"Be patient my love."

"Patient my ass.." Naruto said as they walked towards Fugaku's study.

Sasuke knocked on the door and a muffled version of 'come in' was heard from the other side of the door. They walked into the room and greeted those inside. Naruto sat down on the couch next to Gaara and Sasuke stood next to his father.

Mikoto was sitting in an armchair and was smiling happily. Naruto looked at Gaara next to him with a confused expression. Then red head slightly smiled and turned his attention to Fugaku.

"We have asked you two to come here, because we want you to help us open the festival." Fugaku said as he leaned back into his chair.

"Open the festival?"

"Yes Naruto. You've seen it once or twice in Suna." Gaara said and patted Naruto's shoulder as the other nodded.

"Ok I'm good with that, as long as I'm going to be ready for my performance."

"That has been taken care of." Mikoto said. Sasuke looked from his mother to Naruto and back. He hadn't heard anything about a performance. He was about to asked Naruto when the younger shook his head.

"Be patient my love." Naruto mocked Sasuke's voice from before.

They stayed in the study a little longer as they discussed how everything was going to be done. Naruto and Mikoto were talking to each other about Naruto's performance and every time Sasuke tried to listen along with them they'd stop and glare at him. He sighed after being caught for the fifth time and gave up. Gaara announced he was leaving for the night and they said goodbye.

Naruto jumped up and followed him after saying his own goodnights. Sasuke then stood up and bowed to his parents before saying goodnight as well. It was going to be a big day tomorrow and he knew he would need his sleep.


"Good afternoon~!" Naruto skipped into the dining room where Shikamaru, Lee and Sakura were eating their lunch. Other guests looked up when they saw them and began eating again when he sat down.

"Good afternoon to you as well Naruto-kun! Also psyched for the festival?" Lee asked as he gulped down his sandwich.

"You know it Bushy Brows!"

"You two are so troublesome…" Shikamaru said.

"Aaahh Shikamaru, you love us anyway." Naruto teased as he grabbed his glass of water.

They ate in silence from that point on and once they were finished Naruto led them out to the castle gardens.

"I come here sometimes when I want to get away from it all." Naruto explained as he led them through the large garden. He pointed at a swing before sprinting over to it and sitting on it.

"I can see why…" Sakura looked around in awe. Never had she seen such a beautiful garden.

She grabbed Lee's hand and led him to a flowerbed and Shikamaru laid down on the grass and watched the clouds go by. It was a beautiful day. They stayed in the garden for the rest of the afternoon and relaxed and talked to each other. Naruto looked up at the sky when he noticed it had gotten darker and gasped when he saw the sun was setting.

Sakura looked at him and pinched his arm.

"Ow! Oh, I have to go guys. I can't be late for the opening!"

"It's fine Naruto. We're going to get ready as well. If I don't see you anymore, good luck with the dance!" Sakura said as she hugged him.

"Thanks." Naruto hugged her back and then ran off to his room.

He quickly changed his clothes and brushed his hair before he ran back down to join Sasuke and his parents. They were waiting for him and he apologized for being late. Mikoto shrugged and held Fugaku's hand as they walked out onto the stage. Naruto and Sasuke followed them.

The crowd started cheering when their king and queen came out from behind the curtain. Fugaku took his place behind a microphone and Mikoto, Sasuke and Naruto sat down on chairs placed next to him.

"I would like to welcome you all to the annual festival!" Fugaku said and the crowd started cheering again. He raised his hand and it was silent.

"We celebrate this festival to thank the Tailed Beasts for watching over our countries from above. This year Konoha had been given the privilege of hosting it.

"And we couldn't be happier. Hereby I open the festival and wish you all great pleasure the next few days!" The crowd cheered again and servants cleared the stage for the first act.

Naruto kissed Sasuke before he ran to the dressing rooms. Sasuke followed his parents to their seats and couldn't help but wonder what Naruto was going to do. He watched the first act, which was boring and waited in anticipation as the stage was being set for Naruto's performance.

Several dancers came onto the stage in white and orange costumes and the music started. One threw a smoke boom out of which came red smoke and when it had cleared a boy was standing there. A red fox tail and matching fox ears. Sasuke's breath hitched when he looked at Naruto.

The blond was wearing red and orange clothing and Sasuke knew he was going to dance in honor of the great fox spirit. The music picked up and Naruto and the dancers started dancing. Sasuke's eyes never left the blond, the way he swung his hips was mesmerizing and Sasuke couldn't help licking his lips as he watched his blond dance.

The music suddenly stopped the dancers and Naruto bowed and several smoke bombs were thrown again. When the smoke had cleared they were all gone. The crowd started cheering again and Sasuke clapped with a broad smile on his face.

Naruto came from behind the stage minutes later, his face still flushed and sat down next to Sasuke.

"Great job Naruto! Much better than practice." Mikoto congratulated him and he smiled in return.

"See Sasuke. I told you to be patient."


"Don't you have anything else to say than that?" Naruto asked. Sasuke smirked and watched the next act. Naruto crossed his arms and saw Sasuke finger something in his pocket. He ignored it and watched as well.

The acts went on until late into the night and Naruto was enjoying them. The last act had just ended when Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled him up onto the stage. The audience watched as the youngest Uchiha grabbed a microphone and Naruto blushed when Sasuke turned to stand right in front of him. Sasuke cleared throat.

"I've been wanting to ask for sometime and decided now was a good time. I originally asked this three years ago, but things changed for a while." Naruto saw a faint blush on Sasuke's cheeks and got nervous.

Sasuke kneeled down on one knee and the crowd started cheering when he took a small black box out of his pocket. He opened it and Naruto saw the most beautiful ring he had ever seen.

"Now I, Uchiha Sasuke want to ask you Uzumaki Naruto. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Of course!" Naruto said as he felt tears fill his eyes. Sasuke stood up and smiled. It was the most beautiful thing Naruto had ever seen and he laughed as Sasuke slid the ring into his finger and leaned down for a kiss.

The crowd was cheering louder now. Mikoto and Fugaku came up onto the stage and congratulated them. Naruto was smiling as someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and saw Gaara smiling at him.

"Congratulations Chibi." Gaara said before wrapping his arms around Naruto. He remembered the day he had brought a small Naruto to his home and now here he was. Eighteen years of age and engaged to Uchiha Sasuke, prince of the fire country.

Naruto and Sasuke walked off the stage hand in hand, both smiling when Lee and Sakura came running up to them. They congratulated them and Sakura gasped when Naruto showed her his ring.

"Look at that gem! You're a lucky person Naruto." She said and he blushed again.

As they walked through the hallway of the castle servants started clapping and Naruto waved when he spotted a beaming Iruka. They stopped when they reached Sasuke's room and stood there for a moment.

"Stay with me tonight?" Sasuke asked Naruto and the blond nodded. Naruto wasn't surprised when he saw Sasuke's room hadn't changed one bit.

Naruto's eyes widened when cool lips pressed down onto his but he quickly relaxed and wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck. Sasuke tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss. Their tongues met as pale hands found their way under Naruto's shirt and started rubbing over his nipples. Naruto gasped into the kiss and could feel Sasuke smirk against his lips.

Raising his arms Naruto took off his shirt and tugged off Sasuke's as well as they fell onto the bed. The kiss broke and Sasuke was nipping and licking his way down Naruto's neck.

Tanned hands gripped Sasuke's hair as Naruto gasped when Sasuke bit down on the junction between his neck and shoulder. Sasuke sucked the spot and licked it, proud to see a hickey forming. He slowly moved his way down Naruto's chest and licked his right nipple.

A moan escaped Naruto and Sasuke began to suck onto the nipple as his left hand came up to play with the other one. He switched as his free hand moved to rest over the bulge that had formed in Naruto's pants.

"Ngh.. S-sasuke." Nimble fingers opened the pants and began pulling them off of their owner. Naruto lifted his hips to help Sasuke and soon he was stripped down to his boxers.

Naruto pulled Sasuke back up and kissed him again. More moans came out of Naruto's mouth as Sasuke grinded their clothed erections. Naruto placed his hands on pale shoulders and pushed Sasuke backwards to change their position.

Black eyes met lust filled blue ones as Naruto tugged Sasuke's jeans off of him and tossed it aside. He was unprepared when Sasuke rolled them over again. Looking down at Naruto Sasuke rolled his hips experimentally and both moaned as their hips began moving in a feverish tempo.

Naruto opened his eyes again when cool air met his member. Naruto mewled when Sasuke licked the length of his member before licking the tip. His hands buried themselves in raven hair once again and Sasuke engulfed his cock into his mouth. Naruto forced himself to keep his eyes open as he watched Sasuke's pink lips run over him.

The coil in his stomach tightened and just as he was about to release when the heat around his member was gone. He was staring into Sasuke's dark eyes again and Sasuke placed three fingers on Naruto's lips.


Naruto took the fingers in his mouth, letting his tongue run between them to coat them evenly. The fingers withdrew and Sasuke trailed them down between Naruto's legs.

"This might hurt a little, but it'll get better." Sasuke leaned down to kiss Naruto when he pushed the first fingers into the ring of muscles.

The blond winced at the pain and struggled not to try and force the finger out of him. "Relax Naru-chan."

Sasuke sucked his earlobe as he added the second finger and began scissoring them. Naruto's fists clutched then sheets as Sasuke kept stretching him. Suddenly Sasuke rubbed against something that made him see stars in front of his eyes. Sasuke smirked at Naruto's reaction and rubbed his fingers against his prostate again.

"Sasuke!" Naruto's back arched and the raven added the third finger continuously rubbing against that one spot. Sasuke then withdrew his fingers getting a groan in return from Naruto.

He grabbed the blonds' legs and wrapped them around his waist before positioning himself against Naruto's entrance. Sasuke waited until Naruto nodded before slowly pushing himself inside. He stopped when he was halfway as Naruto adjusted. Naruto rolled his hips and nodded when he was ok.

Sasuke pushed inside until he was fully sheathed and pulled out and plunged back into the warmth that was Naruto. Moans escaped from Naruto's mouth as Sasuke moved in and out with a steady pace.

Then Sasuke hit the prostate again and Naruto gripped his shoulders, leaving crescent-formed nail marks on the pale back. Sasuke's rhythm grew fast and uncontrolled as he leaned down to ravish Naruto's lips. Naruto mewled as Sasuke hit his prostate over and over again.

A cold hand wrapped around Naruto's neglected member and started stroking it. So close, Naruto was so close. The double sensation sent him toppling over them edge and he screamed Sasuke's name as he found his release. Sasuke groaned as the warmth around him tightened and released as well, a muffled version of Naruto's name coming from his lips.

Sasuke rolled off of Naruto and pulled himself out of the blond. A tanned arm wrapped around his waist and Sasuke rubbed his nose against the blond hair.

"I love you…. Sasuke." Naruto said as his eyes shut.

"I love you too, Naruto." Sasuke kissed Naruto's forehead and they fell into a peaceful sleep.

---- Naruto's dream

Naruto was looking down at a still sleeping Sasuke and stroked the dark hair. He suddenly heard the door creak behind him and turned to see who was there. Slowly Naruto stood up and walked towards the door. He opened it and looked around the large hallway. Tightening his bathrobe around him Naruto stepped into the hallway.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Naruto asked, but got no answer.

He turned a corner and gasped when he found himself standing in his old room in the Uzumaki mansion. His fingers trailed over the furniture and he sat down on his bed snuggling up with his pillow that smelled exactly like his father.

Closing his eyes Naruto laid down on the bed and relaxed. A soft voice called his name and at first he thought he had imagined it.

"Naruto… Sweetie wake up." His eyes snapped open when he realised who was talking to him. There was only one person in the world who had called him that.

He looked to the side to see his parents sitting on the edge of the bed, both smiling. They looked exactly like he remembered him and he felt tears fill his eyes.

"It does me good to see you again Naruto." Kushina placed her hand on Naruto's and smiled when the blond stared down at it in shock.

"How….but you're not…..supposed to…..be dead." Naruto stammered as he looked at the both of them who only started chuckling in response.

"We are Naruto." Minato said as he wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder.

"We're only here to tell you that we're proud of you son." Kushina said as she looked at her husband lovingly. Minato nodded and placed his hand on his son's chest.

"Remember what I told you?"

Naruto nodded as he recalled that memory. "But remember. Where ever I am, what ever happens to me. I'll always be with you, if it's either here" He pointed at his forehead. "Or here." He placed his hand on top of his fathers. "Just remember me and all we shared together. I'll be with you, forever and ever."

Minato smiled against and ran his thumb over scarred cheeks.

"I'm glad you're happy. We are so very proud of you son. Stay with Sasuke forever, he'll be good for you. We'll always be watching."

Slowly they faded away, but not with hugging their son first.

---- End Dream

Naruto shot upright in Sasuke's bed and was breathing heavily. He looked beside him and marvelled at Sasuke's beauty. He laid back down next to Sasuke and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I promise, mother, father. I'll love him forever and ever." Naruto whispered as he grasped onto the necklace around his neck and shut his eyes and fell back to sleep.


I hope you all enjoyed! And as for the lemon, it was my first so please go easy on me!
See you soon~!