Story title: Just a touch away from you.

Author: Razias
Series: Bleach
Pairing: Soi Fon and Yoruichi Shihouin
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters of bleach.


A/N: First of all I would like to say that English is not my first language. I'm from the Netherlands, so there may be some mistakes in grammar or spelling in this story.
If you notice them, I'd appreciate if you'd let me know. ^^

Then as second note, this also is my first fanfiction. I've never done anything like this before (: Though I'll give it a try.

That was all, please have fun reading!



Chapter 1
A new captain.


Soi Fon woke up fiercely when she heard an odd noise float into her room through the opened window. Softly she rubbed her eyes with her hands, and then let out a sleepy yawn. After she closed her mouth, she stretched her arms above her head and with a big groan she pushed herself up and sat straight on her bed, placing her hands behind her to catch her weight.

Her hair looked messy, wisps of her short dark hair were pointing out different ways so it made her appear kind of chaotic. It looked like she had a very restless night, and waking up from screams outside her house, didn't do any good either. Curious she moved over to the window and shoved away the curtains…what the hell was going on out there?

Soi's eyes widened when she peeked out of the window, and saw a red haired man with a ponytail and tattoos on his face standing in front of her house, with on the opposite a skinhead with red stripes near his eyes. Both men drawn out their swords, and pointed them at one another. Behind them were several people, all yelling out loud to encourage the red haired man, or the skinhead.

Rapidly Soi turned around and ran to her wardrobe to get dressed. She had to take a closer look at what was going on outside. She pulled out one of her shinigami suits and ran to the bathroom to put it on. Once she changed her pyjamas for a black shinigami pants and top, she searched around to find her hairbrush. Once she found it, she stroked it through her hair a few times, and with a quick glance in the mirror she decided she looked decent enough to go outside. Quickly Soi ran to the stairway -almost stumbling over her own feet- when she tried to grab her sword, and at the same time trying to get outside as fast as she could.

When she opened the front door, she saw the situation had become worse than what she had seen through her window. She stood still frozen in the doorway to watch the further developed battle.

Now the men were fighting, and swords were clinging against each other.

Neither of the swords had been released yet. Until...

"HOWL ZABIMARU!'' Renji's scream resounded through the furthermore abandoned street, and his sword transformed into a segmented blade with a pick-like protrusion on each segment.

At the sight of Renji releasing his zanpaktou, Ikkaku's grin on his face widened and he let out a sarcastic huff.

"Ah, Renji. Are we going to play it this way?" The look on his face changed from arrogance to an expression of excitement. "Well, show your best! 'Cause this ain't going to be easy for you, Abarai! GROW, HOUZUKIMARU!" This time Ikkaku's sword began to change shape, it became longer and thinner, in the end, a spear looking weapon was held in his hand with on top a red horsehair tassel.

With the transformations of their zanpaktou's, a distance of a couple of meters was created between the two fighters. And now their swords had transformed, it was time to truly begin the fight. Ikkaku immediately rushed forward to close the distance and attack Renji. Renji instinctively blocked Ikkaku's attack and jumped to the right, almost getting hit by a second strike of Ikkaku's zanpaktou.

"Hah! So slow!" said the spear-holding man with a wide grin, ready for another attack.

Renji quickly made another step to the side and made sure he was at a certain distant from Ikkaku to let his sword have the space to attack. With a concentrated frown on his face he let his zanpaktou stretch, making Zabimaru useful as a whip, and swung it over to the place where Ikkaku was standing. The other easily dodged it, and ran with a loud scream and eyes full of triumph towards his target. He was absolutely sure he wouldn't miss Renji this time.

Soi Fon slightly narrowed her eyes when she saw Ikkaku was running to his prey with amazing speed. Renji's eyes instead grew large when he realized he wouldn't be fast enough to call back Zabimaru and avoid this attack from hitting him. Before Soi could even give a second thought about it, she reached for her own sword and jumped forwards to where the two men were standing.

A sound of four swords hitting each other sounded through the Seireitei. Everybody of the squads stood still in a dead silence. Four people were standing in the middle of the crowd. One of the persons faced Ikkaku, stopping his spear from coming any closer to Renji, and the other one stood behind him, to block Renji's stretchable Zabimaru from hitting Ikkaku in the back.

A few seconds of pure horror passed by, when the figure behind Ikkaku let down her sword. Everyone could tell she was a captain, by the white haori she was wearing. It was a beautiful dark-skinned woman, with wild, short purple hair, that was waving along with a breeze. She wasn't very tall, but her slight features easily made you underestimate her physical power, though she looked like someone you shouldn't mess around with. Silently she stood up straight, and turned around to face the others.

It was like Soi felt thunder strike inside her, when she saw those two golden eyes locking straight into hers. For a moment she thought she saw the captain's eyebrows rise, impressed, that a little Chinese girl had have had enough courage and strength to stop a spear handed bloke from a very deadly attack, while the rest of the squad had been too paralyzed to move. But it happened so quick that Soi wasn't sure if she had seen it right, and after a few seconds, the captain glanced away. With her cloudy grey eyes, Soi followed the other girl's movements, and let down her sword, which she had held up to block Ikkaku's attack until now.

"You two. Come with me." spoke the strict, as well as soft, voice of the captain. Then the woman turned around to send the squads back to their quarters, and walked off to the east, her haori flaring up from the wind.

Quickly she glanced over her shoulder to see if Renji and Ikkaku followed her obedient. When she saw both men followed her silently, a bit overwhelmed, she gave a quick glance to Soi, who still stood fossilized in the middle of the street, and smiled.