A/N: Bella here, with a new fic! It's KakaSaku, and dedicated to kuripsuthebunny and other KakaSaku lovers out there!!!


"Have the cells been ionized?"

"Everything is set."

The silver haired man nodded. "Are you ready Obito?"

The man strapped to the metal table in the center of the room gave his companions a thumbs up and his signature grin. "Ready as I'll ever be, Kakashi."

Kakashi then turned to the brunette woman on the opposite side of the table. "Rin,"

Without a second word from the man, she squeezed the contents of the syringe into the Uchiha on the table. Moments later, Obito was fast asleep. She walked towards Kakashi and joined him on an elevated platform right after sticking another tube into the patient's body.

The Hatake punched in a few numbers into one of the numerous keyboards that decorated the platform, and watched as Obito's heart rate quickened.

"Kakashi, is that supposed to happen?" Rin asked, placing a hand on his white-coated shoulder.

The man looked at her, a smile gracing his flawless face. "Don't worry," He planted a chaste kiss on her nose before turning to another monitor. "It's just his body fighting against the foreign cells. Obito is fine."

She looked back at the raven-haired man lying on the metal table. She prayed for her best friend silently, hoping that they would finally find a cure for his family's fatal flaw—the Sharingan, a hereditary disease that causes complete blindness, headaches, jumbled coordination and brain damage.

So who would be better to find the cure than the three apprentices of the late Namikaze Minato, the award winning scientist for developing a vaccine for breast cancer? The three of them were the world premiere young scientists, the youngest threesome to graduate from Konoha University's medical course, and they ventured deeper into the medical world. In fact, they were all part of the group of scientists that developed a cure for the common cold.

She studied the screen that counted his red blood cell count. "Kakashi, the ionized cells are reproducing! That's not supposed to happen!"

Kakashi rushed to her side, and scrutinized at the screen. "Holy shit," He cursed to himself as he rapidly punched in commands into the computer. "Abort! We miscalculated!" He tried to shout, but before he could finish his sentence, white light filled the room, encasing them.

The next thing he felt was an overwhelming heat, then his world went black.


Seven years later…

Kakashi replaced his mask on his face and his bandana across his forehead and left eye before dumping his now emptied plate in the sink. It was 9:30 in that August morning—his morning Human Anatomy students were probably complaining on how late he was. He's made them wait long enough.

He opened the door of his apartment and proceeded to walk down the five blocks he needed to pass to get to Konoha University. As he walked down the streets of his hometown, a bright yellow and orange blob and a black head ran past him, followed by a horde of women.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted to the two boys at the head of the marathon. "Good morning Naruto, Sasuke!"

Before the throng of women completely passed, he heard a faint "Morning Kakashi!" and "hn" from the two heartthrobs. He chuckled as he watched the boys he practically raised as his own sons (though they were only ten years younger than him) run away from their fangirls.

Ever since the freak lab accident of both Naruto and Sasuke's parents fourteen years ago, Minato's apprentices took the two boys in. Obito took his blood nephew in, since they were both Uchihas and Kakashi and Rin took Naruto, a more hyperactive, troublemaking boy that required two people to take care of him.

But ever since that day seven years ago, he was dubbed the 'father' of these two unfortunately attractive teens who never went anywhere without a throng of girls chasing them.

As the group of girls passed, he continued his walk to the large medical building of Konoha University's large campus. He entered the white washed building and into a sort of Victorian hallway, paneled with wood and everything. He turned into laboratory 3C. Students were scattered over the stools and counters, either chatting with each other about the latest campus gossip or studying by themselves. When they heard their professor come in, the all turned their attention the front and pointed their fingers at him.

"You're late Kakashi-sensei!" They all chorused together.

He rubbed the back of his head and his visible eye crinkled in a sign of apology. "Sorry students, but I ran into—"

"LIAR!" They all shouted in unison.

The masked man sweatdropped. He wasn't lying—he did run into some friends/surrogate sons, but his students never believed any of his excuses. 'Oh well,' he thought, quickly dismissing their complaints and moving on to the day's lesson.

A brain was set in front of him. He picked up a scalpel and was about to make an incision through the cerebellum when he dropped his scalpel.

"Kakashi-sensei, are you alright?" Hyuuga Hanabi, the little sister of Naruto's girlfriend, Hyuuga Hinata, who was also a former student of his but moved to another year level, inquired.

Before he could mumble an 'I'm fine', he lost his footing and stumbled backwards. He tried grabbing the side of the table to balance himself, but it was as if his fingers weren't following his commands. The professor ended up falling backwards on the floor.

Students fled from their desks and surrounded the teacher, screaming things like 'Kakashi-sensei' and 'get the nurse'. He could feel himself rising off the floor on a stretcher. Before he blacked out, he could hear the faint sound of sirens ringing through the campus.


Kakashi's eyes trailed around the room. He was lying down on a bed (that was clearly not his) in a white painted room (which was clearly not his). He turned to the nightstand beside him and saw the calendar and clock (both which were not his) and saw it was 7:30 P.M., meaning he's been unconscious for about 10 hours. He looked past the nightstand and saw a white curtain, probably meant for separating a room.

He took an intelligent guess on where he was—the hospital.

Being a doctor himself, he should at least be used to the scent of anesthetics and sanitizers, but he hated it. That's why he retreated to the comfort of the sound of metal clanking and the smell of burning chemicals. He would never go into actual medical practice—he'd rather teach and research then actually treating a patient.

The swish of the sound of the curtain being pulled back broke his train of thought. "Kakashi!!!!!!" A familiar blonde boy cried, rushing to the side of his surrogate father. Behind him was the familiar raven head of the stoic Uchiha Sasuke. "Are you alright?!"

Kakashi tried sitting up in the bed, but a perfectly manicured set of fingernails perched on a hand blocked his vision, preventing him from sitting up. He looked at the hand's owner and saw a familiar busty blonde woman staring him down.

"Tsunade-sama," He said her name respectfully. After all, who wouldn't respect the hospital's head, or more specifically their teacher's master's ex-girlfriend? "Am I allowed to be discharged?"

"Kakashi, you don't even know your condition." She deadpanned, glaring daggers into his mind.

His visible eye crinkled in a way that it seemed as if he was squinting. "Then why don't you tell me what my condition is?" He retorted.

The woman crossed her arms over her chest and smirked. "It is not in my place to tell you." She said, and stepped back for another woman, just about Naruto or Sasuke's age, with bright pink hair tied in a ponytail. She had blood red frames sitting in front of emerald green eyes. Her outfit consisting of a red turtleneck and a khaki skirt was worn under a long white lab coat. "Kakashi, I'd like you to meet the head of the Medical Research Wing,"
