Kay I am writing this story in response to a challenge made by Dream Walker. The terms of the challenge are basically:
Kagome is poisoned
Sesshomaru is involved in the process of curing her
Try to keep the Sesshomaru in character (with the exception of slight warming towards Kagome) --- I might have failed this
They don't have to end up together
Can be a chapter story ---- I'm thinking of adding a second one-shot when I have time to turn it into a two-shot later but for now it remains a one-shot
Minimum 3000 words --- 6269 words totalled
I couldn't help but turn this into a lemon… *mischievous grin* So, enjoy… for those who like such goodness.
Disclaimer: Sesshomaru and Kagome are merely used in such situations for my own amusement and the entertainment of my readers. I don't own them and make no money from this story!
Poison Within
Sinking just below the horizon, the sun's angle cast shadows over the world being taken over by the darkness of night. Pale purples and blues of the sky tangled with oranges and pinks wisps of clouds. Near the eastern sky stars were already beginning to peek out and say hello to the earth. Closer to the forest floor trees tangles amongst one another. Branches embraced golden leaves of the fall season. Flowers slowly began to curl into themselves as the last bit of daylight faded away. A fire centred in a small meadow clear of long luscious green grass crackled and flickered while eating away at the sacrificed wood. Nearby the clash of metal against scales echoed through the forest. An animalistic growl broke through the attacking battle cry as another crash was swallowed by the line of trees.
Sapphire eyes watched as the hanyou battled on. Sango and Miroku stood back as well, simply watching the scene as Inuyasha attempted to pulverize his enemy that interrupted his dinner of ramen. With the exhausted sigh, the miko crossed her arms and counted mentally to thirty slowly. If he couldn't do it on his own by then, well she would assist him whether he liked it or not. Her stomach was growling from the long day of travel and the miko wanted nothing more than to sink into the nice hot springs she knew was close after feeding her hunger.
Red blurred whenever the male darted into another attack. His white locks flew over his shoulder to dance in the wind while his hands, grasping the hilt of Tessaiga firmly, lifted above his head. It was the third time he had tried the same attack and he hadn't succeed the first two times and she doubt this time would be any different. Of course when his attack missed the amber orbs grew angry and decided to try for a fourth time.
"Inuyasha the jewel shard is in his mouth. Beheading it won't work!" Kagome cried out when the half-breed knocked the head from its shoulders severing all nerves, bones, and muscles in the neck.
They head began to bounce around, snapping, snarling and spraying Inuyasha in a bluish green liquid. All the while the hanyou jumped about avoiding each of the attacks one by one.
"You could have told me sooner damn bitch," he snapped dodging the now jumping head.
It took much effort on her part not to hiss the word that would force the inu to plummet to the ground. Or repeat them so he would be dragged deeper and deeper until he left a perfectly shaped Inuyasha Crater behind. Inside she watched as she swung and split the head clearly in two. When it didn't move Kagome assumed too much damage had seized the shard from bringing it back to life. Ignoring the stench the miko walked forward. Her hand reached out to direction of the shard to grasp it. But before she could react the jaw shuttered before clamping down the majority of her right arm. The sharp fangs bit into her skin, piercing her deeply with multiple lacerations. Immediately she felt the invasion of a foreign substance in her blood line.
But her logical mind was washed away with the pain and she screamed all the way shaking her arm to knock the half head loose. Flaring her aura did no good but it stopped the flow of whatever the youkai embedded in her veins. Inuyasha rushed to her side and wrenched the thing off her arm. The violent act tore her skin more causing more pain and followed by another loud shriek as Kagome tried to cuddle her arm.
"Kagome!" Sango and Miroku dashed to surround her.
At that moment she was glad they had left Shippo in the village with Kaede. The miko didn't want to expose the kitsune to such a sight as the one she looked to. The arm didn't even look like it belonged to her. The fangs had torn away most of her blouse and the rest of the sleeve looked to be melted away. The deep puncture wounds were an angry black and blue while all other pink flesh pieces slowly grew to an angry red. The sharp pain of the teeth was nothing like the force that was driving into her very bones now.
"Does it hurt?" Inuyasha asked looking at it intently he was suddenly pushed aside by Sango.
"Of course it does. How could you ask such a stupid thing?" the slayer growled impressively, "We need to get this clean so I can assess the damage."
Kagome managed a short nod as the tears welled in her eyes from the intense pain radiating through her arm and up her shoulder. It was beyond any sort of agony she had ever suffered before and any movement of the appendage strengthen the torture. Slowly she was led back to the camp where she allowed the slayer to worsen the pain in trying to clean the burning flesh.
As the moon reach its zenith above the campers another cry of pain reverberated through the forest. Worried looks watched as Sango bathed the miko with a cloth drenched in cool liquid to bring down the fever. Miroku and Inuyasha exchanged concerned looks and waited for the sleeping draught, Sango had finished feeding the miko, to kick in.
"Inuyasha, it doesn't look good. Kagome's body can't fight off the venom in her life stream. We need to get her to some help fast or we will lose her."
His own mind had been thinking the same thing only moments ago. An image appeared in his head and he knew as much as he hated it that person was the only one who would be able to help in this stage of the contamination. The only problem would be locating the bastard without taking too much time in the process. The last time they had encountered him was closer to the north east. The hanyou was positive the taiyoukai was on border patrol, watching his lands for any signs of attack. So he would just have to head in the logical path the full inu would take.
"Use Kirara to carry Kagome to the border of these lands and the neighbouring realm and try to take as few breaks as possible. I'll meet you there as soon as I can."
Violet and hazel eyes watched the half inu climb to his feet and bound out of the clearing. A pure determined look they had never seen with such intensity before graced his features. They packed up immediately and followed the orders given.
Meanwhile Inuyasha travelled at top speed in hopes that he would sense or smell some sort of trail that would lead him to his hated full brother. Just as the sun rose to greet the earth he picked up on a familiar flare of power. Instantly he used all his reserved strength to speed up his patterning pace of running and leaping over the landscape. Moments later he halted in a blood soaked battle field. Everything glistening in angry red mars, except the inu lord dressed pristinely in his white silk.
"If you are here for the shards you're too late as always Inuyasha," the inu mocked without even turning towards his despicable younger half brother. "Naraku's insects have taken them away," and with those final words he began to walk away.
The hanyou had expect the taiyoukai to attack him and drew his sword just as he positioned his feet shoulder's length apart in a stance to reflect any such attack. But Inuyasha watched as the taiyoukai casually began to leave the clearing without another word.
"Sesshomaru, you bastard, don't you dare walk away!" the hanyou growled and was satisfied when he watched the full inu stop in his tracks, "I… I… I need a favour."
"And what would make you think this Sesshomaru would perform a task for you?" the inu's curiosity had been caught and he turned to look over his shoulder.
The half breed lowered his sword. The fang was soon sheathed but the defensive stance remained. Knowing he had little time to waste Inuyasha focused on his task at hand rather than the issues that he had with his older half brother.
"It's not really for me. I've come to ask for a favour for Kagome. You owe her; she was the one to gift you with your arm after all."
The tale was something Sesshomaru was unable to forget. The young miko had run away from her group after sensing him passing by. Tracking him down would have been a feat in itself since his presence was hidden from the world most of the time. Not needing the words of the half in to remind him in the least, he was well away he owed her. It was true that he, the Great Sesshomaru, was in debt to a human.
"What is it the miko seeks?" he demanded forcing the hanyou to remember that everything was on his terms at all times.
"Life. I know you can kill poison with your own. Kagome was bitten by a youkai and it transferred an immense amount of toxin into her body. I want you to expose her to your venom to taint the poison so she can fight it off."
"Are you incapable of keeping your woman safe?" the taiyoukai mocked.
"I… I was careless," the hanyou admitted with a sunken heart. "But she shouldn't die from my mistake."
"Your request isn't as simple as you might think half breed," his voice flowed over the wind as he continued to explain, "Although the poison I implant within her blood would indeed kill off the toxin within her it wouldn't save her. Her body has to accept the poison as friendly first. I can accomplish such a deed if I must but it is a high price to pay."
"What is it?" the hanyou insisted, obviously desperate in his desire to save the miko from death's grip.
"Can you not guess young pup?" Inuyasha growled at the childish nickname but his silence told the inu he was going to have to spell things out for him. "Your pure miko must give her body to me for a night. The intimate contact will allow her blood to accept any poison of mine to flow within her veins without the fear of death. Such an act would also lengthen her life, increase certain senses and qualities, as well as keep out weaker foreign contamination in the future."
Inuyasha growled as he took in what Sesshomaru was saying. His choice was Kagome's life for her innocence, or her death to maintain her purity. Technically such a decision should have been made by her but he wasn't willing to watch her die as slowly as she was. Perhaps that made him not in his right mind when he answered.
"Fine, I'll allow you to touch her just this once. Don't you dare mark her though or there'll be hell to pay. Sango and Miroku are escorting her to your lands as we speak… I know you can get there faster than I," the entire time he keep his amber tones on his bare clawed feet afraid of what he might do if he looked into the face of the male that would be taking away his female's most sacred treasure.
As the inu walked away a smirk formed along his face. He didn't tell a lie per say but the scenario wasn't the full truth either. Many a nights he laid wake thinking about the strange women. The power she had and the aura that would continue to grow made her his equal. One day he was certain her reputation would bring her higher status as well. Logically he should begin laying claim to her. This new development was something he could use to his advantage and he would take it gladly. He was only thankful that the hanyou was too stupid to realize the control Sesshomaru had over his power.
Even if the person was at the brink of death he could call back the poison plaguing the body. But he wanted his essence to flow freely through the miko, in a way to ensure her protection in the future. It would be his way to make sure nothing minor would harm her. Small injuries would heal faster. Poison would have no affect on her. The immune system would be stronger, meaning fewer of those nasty human colds. But most of all, any lower status youkai would smell the hidden scent of his power and would avoid her at all cost.
Bedding the miko was just plus in getting her body to willingly accept the inu in more than one way. With her purity intact he knew he'd be her first and no one ever forgot their first lover. If his image infected her thoughts than she would slowly forget about the hanyou and eventually she would eagerly come to him. With a plan now set in motion he took to the sky and shifted into a small glowing orb, his fastest means of transformation.
Locating the slayer and monk with his precious package wasn't a difficult task. As he shifted into his humanoid form he took in the scene. The male was boiling water over a fire and next to him was the exterminator who attended to his miko resting against the nekko. The young woman caught his immediate attention. One arm was bound tightly in a strong cloth material. Her pale skin looked clammy and beads of sweat along with the blush on her cheeks told him she was suffering a fever. The sleeping miko wouldn't regain her consciousness he realized when the beating of her hearts reached his ears. The slow, steady pounds were decreasing as they spoke.
"Sesshomaru what are you doing here?" the slayer rose to her feet and took a battle stance grabbing her conveniently placed boomerang-like weapon.
The houshi join the female with a hand on the charm sealing his wind tunnel. Not wanting to deal with the nonsense but seeing he had no choice if he wanted to get the woman away safely he keep things short, direct, and to the point in a tone that told most not to ask questions.
"This Sesshomaru has agreed to the half breed's request and has come to assist the miko. Stand aside," he ordered sharply, "It is best to watch the miko within the walls of the Western Palace."
The two concerned pack mates hesitated briefly but golden eyes watched as they stood down allowing him access to the weak female. He quickly crouched down so he could pull the woman into his arms and tightly against his chest. Even in the course of a couple of hours the woman had lost some of her body weight. She felt lighter than a feather as he rose and let his gaze fall upon the angelic features of her face in a forced slumber. With her tenderly tucked within his arms he changed his form and began his journey to his palace.
"Did you see that?" Sango whispered when the glowing orb vanished out of view.
"You've seen him change like that before," the monk was speaking about the ball of light believing it was what held the slayer's fascination.
"No… the way he looked at her," she was now gazing at the nothingness amongst the forest trees, "the way he held her."
Miroku paused before answer and recalled the images, "You don't think…"
"No, of course not."
"But it's possible."
"We should keep this away from Inuyasha," the exterminator expressed suddenly.
"Good idea."
The close proximity of the pack to his lands was useful to him. It took only a few moments to make his way to his castle. The white stone walls sparkled, dazzlingly under the morning sun. Slipping back into his usual form, he manipulated his way to the balcony of his sleeping chambers. The private space gave him an immense amount of isolation from the rest of the palace. No one for any reason would dare to interrupt the lord while he was here. The woman was set down gently in his bed. The armour binding around him was loosened and toss to the side until he could deal with it later but shallow breaths were the focus of his concern.
He needed her to wake so he could continue with his plan. Claws, glowing a vibrant green, pricked the injure arm through the bandages to diminish any poison at the point of entry. Another sharp tip dipped into the exposed skin of her neck, a direct source to her heart. The venom was his own essence so he was able to feel as it flowed through her and slowly began to take over the other foreign substance. It moved through her faster than he would have hope, her weak body too powerless to fight any longer. But before the poison could enter her heart and stop the soft, steady, slow beat, he leaned and placed his mouth over the pin prick on her neck and he sucked the contamination back into his own body.
Pulling away he simply watched the miko. The toxin within was strong but the mass amount made it difficult to rid away all of it without putting her too close to danger. It would seem that his little lie was going to become more truthful. However, with most of the venom gone she should wake. A little over a hour later he listened to her breathing as it increased, the heart beats picked up, and gradually the eye lids fluttered a couple of times.
"Sesshomaru?" half-lidded eyes variety between focused and unfocused while gazing upon his face curiously. Her small frame was tiny on the large futon he had placed her own. "Inuyasha did find you. I'm sorry to bother you."
It puzzled him how she could say such things even nearing death. Most people would want anyone to drop everything if it meant they would be saved. This miko contradicted most humans he had met. If there ever was a person completely pure in every meaning of the word than she was that being. Yet by the end of the night she wouldn't be innocent body wise.
"This Sesshomaru has agreed to pay back the debt owed to you miko."
"Not that I'm not grateful and all, I really am, but how will you filling me with poison help any more than this? You're more powerful so any venom you let enter my body will probably kill me faster," her voice was soft from exhaustion and each word emitted from her slowly, reminding him he didn't have much time left.
"You'll just have to trust this Sesshomaru," he replied casually and didn't hide the fact he was beginning to discard the layers covering his upper torso.
"What… what are you doing?" she gasped but she wasn't able to move due to the pounding in her head.
"Your body must be forced to accept this Sesshomaru's essence as friendly."
Her eyes were widened and he knew she succeeded in understanding what the hanyou had to have explained: "But… I… I'm human, you're youkai, taiyoukai. This is ludicrous."
"For the sake of upholding my family honour and repaying an owed debt this Sesshomaru will look pass all this. You are a worthy bed partner either way due to the potential you carry."
He was straddling her form suddenly and being very mindful of her arm wrapped tightly and throbbing at her side. Kagome gulped as he worked his hands over her hips, sides, stomach, and rested over her breasts. His every intention was to make her enjoy this.
"Why don't you take me and get it over with," she couldn't believe she was accepting the bizarre idea that had been proposed but she really didn't want to die.
"You must be prepared to receive me," he explained while his fingers moulded the twin mounts as she wiggled within his grasp.
"I don't really want this so I doubt…"
"You underestimate my skill," he growled in a tone that could be taken as angry or a teasing annoyance.
"But…" the sudden cool air kissing her chest made her blink.
Sesshomaru had simply striped her of her shirt and bra in one swift swipe of his claws. Her perky breasts were exposed to his keen eyes. Her mind argued the erect tips were due to the coldness of the room. The goose bumps over her skin were also from the temperature but she realized that she really wasn't cold and the room wasn't chilly in the least. The heat of the local fire and the warmth of the inu's body was enough to keep the dropping seasonal temperature at bay. When something warm enclosed around on tip she gasped in shock and from the pleasure it brought with the neighbouring tit pinched and rolled between two of his fingers.
The glowing sapphire orbs took in the sight of the inu. His silver hair loosely trailing down his back shifted with his position falling over both of them and tickling her bare sides. Kagome moaned when he bite the sensitive nub and soothed the rough bite with his tongue before moving to pay his respects to the under pleasured nipple. He was stopped when the scent of tears reached his nose. Each of his arms held his weight off the miko while he studying the sorrow filled face.
"What is the matter miko?" he lowered his tone an octave and huskily whispered to her in a way that showed a sort of compassion within his voice.
"Why are you doing this?"
At that moment he knew telling her to prevent her death would not cut it as an answer. They both knew he could bring her back after death with Tenseiga. Still he didn't want to tell her the real reason. Not a yet at least.
"This Sesshomaru is taking measures to ensure your future," he focused on her eyes hating the way she appeared to draw him in and drown him, "The poison that will flow through your body will help your protection later. It is an equal payment to returning my arm which acts as protection in a battle."
For some reason she bought the logic. It helped her focus on the act and she could look at it as nothing more than a task they both had to get through and complete. The confusion in her mind still told her it was wrong to sleep with another simply for life but her body had already begun to response to his caresses and Kagome had to admit that she wanted more.
"Okay," she whispered, "I… I'm ready."
Even at her words he knew she was nervous and with his caresses he would ease her into the eternal dance he had longer to show her. He nuzzled her neck with his nose by instinct of his beast to sooth her. It seemed that though she was human she responded well to his intentions. The inu nipped at her neck, careful though not to break the skin and mar it. His tongue darted between his lips and alleviated the irritation he had caused from his maiming. Of course no matter what the woman had told him he wouldn't have let her go. That night she would spend her time with him. Her body would be his and when his scent and essence filled her to the rim he knew many would fear coming near her. Nothing dared to challenge him. Thankfully the hanyou would be able to sense how deeply his scent would penetrate her due to his weaker nose.
Refocusing on her reminded him where he left off. Circling the tip of the breast he had yet to fully pay attention to he began to push his knee between her legs so she would be unable to relieve the pressure on her own by squeezing the long limps closed. His knee brushed against the heated sex and loving the friction she, against her better judgement, pressed down onto him. Slowly her hips moved back and forth, he encouraged her to continue the motion as he his licks between the valley of her breasts. Distracted from the emotions washing over her, she didn't feel the claws tearing away the pants she wore. Dressed solely in her panties he looked over her form and with a flick of his wrist the last of her attire was tossed to the floor. Every last piece shredded and never to be used again. But she couldn't think of the anger that she would have been feeling at the moment for him destroying her good clothes.
She was falling as he sunk lower down her form. Falling into oblivion. Possibly even falling for him. It was a vague, brief, barely there thought but she was definitely slowly misunderstanding the moment. He was helping her, paying her back the only way he felt he could. This, whatever it was, meant nothing. No feelings, she had planned to have no emotions attached to the act. It was sex. Just an activity. But the way his fingers rolled her pearl, golden eyes stared at her intensely, bites and open mouth kiss sunk pass the surface of her skin. Everything was slowly breaking down and she was beginning to feel that this was more than sex. It was a dance shared between star-crossed lovers.
Sesshomaru was between her legs now and looking over the contours of her body. With her chest heavy he licked the glistening folds but was careful not to sink too deeply with the moist appendage. Her whimper was feeble when he pulled her clit into her mouth. A weak moan followed when his fangs swept pass the bundle of nerves before he continue to dip into her cavern but quickly pulled away to find the hidden bead again. Each of her mews were artistically pulled from her with each open kiss of his mouth. Tugging with his teeth against the sensitive skin dragged out a louder coo as her hips bucked against him seeking more and more until her soft sound became a scream. A tongue slipped into the dripping cavern to taste the coated walls. The rough surface of the muscle intruding on her most private part caused her to writhe beneath him. Tight corner of his mouth turned upward in a smirk as she finally began to whisper to him. It was barely audible at first so he ignored her as she called out his name. He pretended to pay no attention as she begged for more. When the voice climbed an octave higher he still took no heed.
"Kami, Sesshomaru, please…" her back arched but she collapsed to the bed when the movement didn't give her what she wanted. The glowing golden orbs looked at her from between her legs and she blushed but couldn't draw her locked gaze away, "More… I want more."
Pulling his hands away from her warmth was more tedious than he thought. The smooth skin under his touch was divine. But he allowed himself a few moments to yank away the rest of his attire and climbed up her body. He took his time positioning himself between her legs as he nibbled and licked any skin he could reach.
The teeth digging into her lip broke the skin when the inu pressed the long shaft deeper breaking past her untouched maidenhood. The pain was bearable though and she felt the stretch of her walls more uncomfortable than anything. When she shifted her hips against him the inu pulled away. The scent of blood drew his mouth to her so he could lap at the blood and suckle the wound while he gave a thrust forward a second time.
Kagome moaned and closed her eyes as he teased the lightly bruise flesh. As his organ withdrew again the miko tried to seal her lips against his. He tugged his head back at the sudden action and still, the head of his member just barely pass the folds of her sex.
"What are you doing miko?" he growled in a commanding tone.
"Sorry, I forgot … youkai society don't have human customs," she mumbled, "I won't do it again… please don't stop."
"You will teach this Sesshomaru the affection you seek," he drove his hips forward again and again and noticed her eyes roll back slightly at his actions, "What is this?" his question came before he brushed his lips against hers to mimic her previous touch.
"A… a kiss," she heaved.
The full filling she had felt before was no longer unpleasant. The uneasy feeling had been replaced with the friction of his thick shaft stroking her inner walls. But she concentrated enough to bring show the inu the kiss she had tried to retrieve from him before. Her demanding mouth eagerly pressed against hers and she snaked her arms around his neck to pull him more firmly against him. Hesitating a little she brushed her tongue against his lips and tried to pry his mouth open. He seemed to understand the gesture and allowed her to slip the moist muscle into his cavern. Kagome encountered the sharp incisors and just past the pointed danger laid the soft flesh she sought. Her tongue pressed against his and it sprung to life in the challenge. The inu was a quick learner and immediately fought her tongue back to her mouth so he could take control of the kiss.
Breathless when he withdrew the miko threw her head back and groan. The inhuman pace of his hips pumping into were demanding to dig deeper and deeper as if seeking to emerge with her confusing the bodies were one began and the other ended. Submitting her body to him she tilted her hips, wrapped her legs around his waist and let him continue his torture upon her until they were both roaring their moment of ecstasy.
Sesshomaru collapsed onto her. He remained stilled, his member still penetrating her deeply. The toxins of his seed would flow through her womb interlaced with her own nectar. The heavy scent she gave off told him that she wasn't fertile, meaning no possibility of actually pupping her. He pondered if this was a good or bad thing. Rising up onto his hands above the woman gave him a chance to lock his golden hues onto the tired but satisfied sapphires. Ever so slowly he lowered his head to her breast and never broke the eye contact as he bit deeply into the flesh.
Kagome gasped knotting her brows as the slight pain, the flowing of aura passing through her told her that Sesshomaru was keeping his end of the bargain. His poison passed through her and would begin to eliminate the threat. In his eyes he was pleased he could leave her with a scar that would remind her of the night every time she undressed. The pesky half brother of his would be left in the dark and would have no idea that he marked the woman even against the warning. No, it wasn't a mating mark but it claimed her nonetheless.
A pressure on her arm drew her attention, she watched claws tear through the wrappings and present to her a healing arm. The puncture wounds were no longer the nasty black bluish colour and were slowly sealing before her eyes. The inu however helped the process by licking each of the small circular fang marks. In no time her arm was a healthy fleshy pinkish colour. Quite happy she squeezed her hand into a fist a few times to feel the pain completely gone.
"Thank-you," she tried to sit up but was tugged to lay beside the still very nude muscular mass.
Within his arms the woman felt safe and relaxed. It was strange to be cuddled against the taiyoukai. The same being that detested humans and tried to kill her once. His nude form sealed tightly against hers, his arms wrapped around her waist. A rumbling in his chest vibrated through her back as he held her trying to sooth her into sleep. It shocked her that everything seemed so natural.
"Sesshomaru how long will I stay here?"
The inu didn't answer right away so she turned to face him. The golden eyes automatically locked onto her sapphire hues. The silence bothered her because something was troubling him. In spite of that she didn't say a thing and waited.
"I will return you in the morning," he whispered as he caught the sun sinking below the horizon through the balcony opening behind the woman.
Kagome tilted her face up and kiss the soft, lush lips of her bed partner for a brief second. The inu responded but pulled away.
"Is the hanyou custom to this kissing?" he tried to keep the anger from his voice and he was certain he succeed.
Noting the irritation in his voice she shook her head, "I wouldn't know… you're my first. I've never kissed anyone before," she admitted shyly.
"But you know how," he inquired in a statement.
"In my clan you could say we are educated in the art verbally through books and other such methods."
"Then this Sesshomaru would like to teach you through more hands on means," the shiver that ran through the miko's back told him enough that she anticipated his touches but he knew her body was tired. "Rest for a while first."
The inu woke first and found the woman tangled around his form in a way that he couldn't move unless he wanted to wake the woman first. Her presence was calming so he didn't mind resting there to spend as much time as possible with her. His claws traced the Kenji of his name over the small of his back. Over and over again he claimed her. All too soon she was stirring and pulling her head away from his shoulder the miko had used as a pillow. With wide worried eyes she jumped up into a sit to tug her form away from his. He hid his frown of disappointment and listened to her cute ramblings under her breath.
"Sorry… you should have woken me… I mean I didn't realize…"
He didn't assist her worry and instead sat up and turned away from her for a moment: "This Sesshomaru retrieved these in his last encounter with Naraku's recent unworthy incarnations," the inu replied with disinterest as he picked up a box laying on the wooden surface of a small night table.
Kagome took the box offered to her inquisitively slid open the box. Inside were two tainted jewel shards. Her hands reached within the wooden container to grasp the identical pieces and watched them become their original bright, glowing, light pink colour. It was strange that she had been able to sense them but she felt the aura around the wooden frame and realized a masking aura had been placed around it.
"Thanks," she mumbled, "I promise I will return the favour."
The taiyoukai said nothing as he began to dress. Kagome tried not to stare at his form and was thankful when he handed her a casual tradition kimono, to replace her torn attire, for her to busy herself with. When she was decent he led the way to the balcony and snaked his arms around her. It was obvious that he intended to fly so she said nothing at all as he pulled her to his chest and jumped to the sky.
The view of the forests whizzing beneath them as they floated through the sky was something she would never forget. She almost groaned with disappointment when the inu descended to touch down in a small field laden with wildflowers.
"Sesshomaru… how do we act around each other now?" she murmured while walking behind the inu.
"Nothing has changed. You are you and I am still Sesshomaru," he pointed out, "Perhaps one day you will become such a formidable force that this Sesshomaru will have to take desperate measures. But that day is too far in the future to worry about."
"What? You mean you would kill me just because my power grows to great lengths?" she stopped in her tracks.
"Or force you to become my mate," he answered offhandedly just as he drew his sword.
It clashed immediately with Tessaiga. But Kagome was able to guess that Inuyasha didn't hear the words that Sesshomaru had uttered to her. The friendly battle was over quickly. The inu boredly darted around the loose swings of the overgrown fang. Moments later Inuyasha was rubbing his head all the while tangled in the roots of a tree. Sesshomaru passed by the miko close enough to whisper to her without the hanyou hearing her.
"If the hanyou hasn't claimed you by then," he added to his previous comment, "I will come for you."
The entire admission cleared up the cloud of confusion around the inu. It explained why he had aided her so willingly. But it left her to wonder her own feelings about everything. If she was ever sure of anything in her life then it was definitely the fact that Sesshomaru wouldn't allow Inuyasha to mate with her.
I had a friend looking over my shoulder to correct any mistakes she saw. Together this story didn't take long at all. Not to mention that I copied a random scene from a story line I decided to abandon. If you notice any major errors in this story my deepest apologies, I didn't send it to a beta since I was so excited about replying to the challenge.
Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009