A few weeks later Lily was out of the hospital wing. She had done her homework while she was there, so she didn't have much catch up to do.

Severus had spent most of his free time with Lily in the wing, and with Frank and Evan. He also had spent a lot of time in the library, studding wedding and jewellery spells. He had been trying to find one that would make Lily an engagement ring, because he didn't have the money to buy one. He still had several transfiguration books to go through.

Being Head boy was taking time up too, but especially when Lily was in the hospital wing and he had to do all the work himself. He had to take all her night shifts, and re-arrange double-booked nights with the fifth and sixth year prefects.

The one thing Severus was happy for was that most of his seventh year class time was taken up by potions and defence against the dark arts, as those classes had the longest newts -five hours with a fifteen minute lunch break in which you cannot talk!

"Severus," Lily called, "guess what!"

"Hmm," replied Severus.

"Mum and Dad said we could come home for Christmas, and you could stay at my place! No James Potter around my house! And Petunia won't even be there so you can't really fight with her either!" said Lily, without taking a breath.

"Wow Lily, that's great, come here though…"

Severus held his arms out, and when Lily was near enough, he pulled her onto his lap. "Much better."


"Hmm" said Severus again.

"I've been thinking, and maybe we can start planning our potions store now, that way, come summer, we can start it right away."

"That makes sense, but I am not really sure what we have to do?"

"Well, I started looking into shop prices at Diagon Ally, and we can buy one at about 13849 galleons, 17 sickles."

"That's expensive!" exclaimed Severus, looking at Lily, who had turned around in his arms to face him.

"Actually, it is equivalent to about $100 000. So I am sure my parents would be willing to give us the money to buy it. We still need money for marketing, buying start up product, registering with the ministry, renovations, and interior design stuff- that kind of thing," replied Lily.

"Wow, starting a store takes a lot of work," murmured Severus, "and money."

"Yes, that's why we should start now. I'll write to my parents about our plan, and send another to the ministry about a permit registration. We'll need to know the store address before we can send it, but I'm sure we can fill a lot of it out now. You should start making lists of potions you've invented, and then ones you think people will buy…"

"You know what Lily? I think this is going to be fun doing all this with you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way Sev."

"I Love you so much."

"I Love you too."

Severus spent the next day in the library. He was checking out books such as '101 most commonly needed potions.' After getting several of these books Severus went to Slughorn to ask for permission to use his room, and the storeroom full of ingredients.

After obtaining permission, Severus got straight to work. He took out his parchment, and as his potions turned out, wrote down the changes. Lily could read his handwriting well, so he didn't bother doing the slower handwriting he used for handing things in to teachers.

While he was doing all this, he was also making a potion for Lily. Lily's parents weren't going to like it, but they wouldn't know what it was.

Lily had been talking non-stop about it - or at least brought it up once every few hours to be sure he didn't forget. He found it hard to keep reminding her that they were at school, and there was nowhere they could go-.

But Lily did keep telling him that she understood, but the more she said that, the more she talked about it.

Christmas will be perfect. We will have time alone together, and she can take this Potion. And, seeing as I made it, there will a one-hundred percent chance that she will get pregnant.