Chapter One

At the commen room:

Severus paced back and forth. Would she come out? Would she hit him? There was no doubt he would deserve it.

The portrait of the Fat Lady opened, and Severus raised his eyes, trying not to hope too much that it would be Lily- but it was. Lily came out wearing a soft blue dress, which looked like it was fit for no one but royalty. Severus lost what courage he had left, in awe of Lily's beauty. All words prepared for her were lost, since Severus was unable to stop staring.

"I heard you threatening to sleep out here if I didn't come down; I presume you would have something to say to me?" Lily spoke coldly. However, beneath the coldness Severus could see hurt. Lots of hurt.

"Lily, I am so Sorry- I never in a million years thought I would ever hurt you like that, I didn't mean to call yo-"

"To call me Mudblood" anger flashed through Lily's eyes, "Just like you never called anyone else by that Name."

For a moment, Severus just stared at her. She was still amazingly beautiful, even when she yelled. He looked at her eyes. The green overtook him. "Lily" he murmured.

"Lily, LILY! Is that all you can say to me! Seven years of friendship and all you can say is my name!"

Severus blinked. "You are my best friend Lily, but not once in these seven years have you truly known how I've felt about you" Severus paused, unsure how to continue without telling her. "You are special Lily; you are different than everyone else-"

Lily looked at Severus blankly, for there was no doubt in her mind that he was telling her the truth, for Severus could not lie to save his life, or at least not to her.

"How am I different Sev? Show me that, and I will forgive you of everything. But be warned, if the reason is that you think I am worthless-"

"NEVER" interrupted Severus

"Then convince me otherwise"

For a moment, Severus just looked at Lily-Her hair, her eyes. Then, unable to stop himself, Severus put his hands on Lily's waist and he kissed her. And Severus was sure that no one had every kissed anyone as passionately as he was Kissing Lily. After Lily had gotten over the shock, she started to kiss him back. Severus realised then what he was doing, and abruptly pushed her away.

"Lily, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry for what?"

"Kissing you, I don't deserve you, your better off without me-" Severus's voice trailed off.

"But Sev, don't be silly- I love you! Moreover, based on that amazing kiss you just gave me- you love me too. That's what matters Severus,"

"Then," asked Severus uncertainly, "Are you, would you be, does that make you-"

"Yes Severus, I am yours."

"You're exceptionally beautiful tonight, that dress complements your eyes" Severus murmured as he pulled Lily back towards him. "Never forget that."

"Will you let me?" but instead of answering, Severus, understanding that it was a rhetorical question, just pulled Lily even closer and he kissed her, more passionately then their first.