I do not own The Secret Saturdays.

Kate looked around at the lava.

"This guy is crazy!" Nico nodded. Then, Doc walked onto the balcony over looking the room.

"Now you die, traitors." Kate looked at him. Then she looked at Nico.

"He has so got to die." She looked at Nico. Then she picked up some of the lava and made a sword out of it. She handed it to him. "Do you think you can do it for me?" Nico smiled.

"Of course." He sliced open the cage. He climbed up to the top. He looked at Doc. "You are so dead." He leaped off of the cage and landed on the balcony. He pointed the sword at Doc.

"You think that you can beat me? Do you even know who you're dealing with? I'm Solomon Saturday!" He pulled a sword out of the side of the balcony. Then he swung hard at him. The two exchanged blows. They went back and forth on the balcony; both swinging full force. Then suddenly, Doc stabbed Nico in the chest. Kate watched in horror as Doc pulled out his sword and kicked Nico into the lava. She climbed up the cage and flew over to Doc, punching him in the face. She repeatedly punched and kicked him until he was up against the edge of the balcony. Then she took his sword.

"I hate you! I should kill you! I should cut off your head for what you did!" She lowered the sword. "But I don't want to." Doc looked at her.

"Oh, you are such a fool." He grabbed the sword away from her. Then he swung it at her. Suddenly, something hit Doc's sword and broke it in half. Doc looked. There was a sword made out of lava spiked into the wall. Doc turned around. Then he was pinned against the wall by a clawed hand. He looked up. It was Nico. But he was different. He had claws, and his regular blue eyes were grey. His hair was, too. "You can't be alive. I killed you!" Nico tightened his grip on him.

"Just shut up! If you ever touch a single hair on my girlfriend's head, I will kill you! I will throw you into the lava like you did to me!" He released his grip on Doc's neck. "Never mess with me!" Doc looked up at him with a terrified expression. Nico looked down at him. "Leave." Doc crawled as fast as he could off of the balcony. Nico looked over at Kate. Then he walked over to her.

"How are you still alive?" Kate asked in awe. Nico smiled.

"You. That's how. You are the reason I'm still alive." Kate raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Nico put his hand on her shoulder.

"The only reason I'm alive is you. You might not have realized it, but when you saw me fall, you subconsciously super cooled the lava. It's was like water." Kate looked at him.

"But that means that I'm not evil." Nico smiled.

"I told you. You're not evil. That's why you couldn't kill me. That's why you couldn't kill Doc."

"I guess you're right. But why is your hair and eyes grey. And what about the claws?" Nico looked at her.

"It's only temporary. I lost most color form my hair and eyes when I saw him swing that sword at you. The claws were bonus. I used them to cut that soda can back when I first met Zak." Kate watched as Nico's claw retracted. The color started to come back to his hair and eyes. "I can't live without you, Kate."

"I love a happy ending. Don't you, mom?" Nico and Kate turned around to see Zak in dragon form and teenage Drew standing there. Kate smiled.

"Well, it's a weird ending, but it is happy." She kissed Nico.

"Now, that's a happy ending. I couldn't ask for anything happier."

The End.