A/N: Well, this is under Romance/Drama, but I'm not quite sure I can pull it off. ^_^;;; This is the first chapter, and I guess it's sort of short. My apologies, I don't like short chapters. Um.. please tell me if there are any awful mistakes, and please, please review. This is sort of a testing chapter, to see if the rest is worth posting, so don't hesitate to share your opinion. ^_^
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Disclaimer: Who wouldn't want to own Inuyasha? In any case, I don't.
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Chapter 1
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Shippo watched, resigned, as the now familiar scene played itself out in the clearing ahead of him. Kagome nimbly
dodged Inuyasha's claws, and headed for the well in grim determination. Seeing this, Inuyasha pulled himself off the dirt and gave chase.

"Get back here, girl!"

"It's just a week this time!" Kagome yelled over her shoulder. "I have to study and take my math midterm and then I can
come back, I promise!"

Shippo waved a little white hankerchief to show his support for Kagome. It seemed appropriate, for Kagome had given him
the hankerchief just yesterday, when he'd scraped his knee and it bled, a little. Although he hated Kagome leaving almost
as much as Inuyasha did, Shippo figured anyone would want to get away from the demanding dog demon once in a
while. Especially when he was in one of his moods. Like now.
Kagome suddenly realized, as she glanced over her shoulder, that her persuer was no longer behind her. Well, she thought, with a sense of relief, maybe he's finally given up and gone into the woods to sulk. Alas, poor Kagome,
nothing is ever that easy. Kagome turned around to find Inuyasha scowling down at her. "Eep!" were her exact words, as
she smiled weakly at him. "Look," she said hastily, "I'll come back, okay? I promise, promise, promise."

"Promises are just words." InuYasha said. "How do I know you'll really come back?"

"Haven't I come back all the other times before?!" Kagome's patience was wearing thin.

"After I _dragged_ you back! What if there's a shard emergency?"

Kagome studied her companion. Despite his rough tone and careless demeanor, there was a hint of worry in his golden
eyes. Impulsively, Kagome stepped forward and gave Inuyasha a gentle hug. "I wouldn't leave you guys all alone." she
assured him. "I want to get the shards too. Besides, you know where I live."
Leaving a rather stunned dog demon behind, Kagome swung her legs into the well, gave Shippo one last wave, and
disappeared from view. Tearing his eyes away from the well, Shippo studied Inuyasha, and laughed. "You like her, you
like her!" the little kitsune sang as he danced around Inuyasha's feet. "Do not!" was the automatic reply to his taunt.
With that, Inuyasha escaped the kitsune's teasing to sulk in the trees, his favorite activity to do when Kagome went back to her time.

* * * * *

Kagome walked throught the public park, holding Sota's hand. It was nice to spend some time with her family once in a
while, especially her little brother. Even if he could get annoying sometimes, she still missed him on her travels. "I'm
glad you came home, sis." Sota spoke up suddenly. Kagome smiled down at him. CRACK. Sota yelled, alarmed, as a
baseball bounced off the back of Kagome's head. "Kagome!" Kagome was slumped on the ground, unconscious. Sota
picked up the baseball and glared around accusingly. "You hit my big sister!" he yelled at a man in a red baseball cap.
The man paled. "Well, I didn't mean to! The batter just hit the ball and.. " he trailed off at the sight of Sota's glare.
"Get her to a hospital!"

* * * * *

"Inuyasha! You have to come down sometime!" Miroku looked up the tree at him. "You can't sulk the whole week away!"

"I'm not sulking!"

"Then what do you call sitting up in a tree all day and scowling, hm?"

"It's better than you! I heard Sango scream. You must have been spying on her in the creek again, eh?"

Miroku was about to answer when he was hit on the head. Sango smacked him again for good measure, then looked up
at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha! Kagome is coming back in two days. Do you really want her to find out that you spent the whole
week doing nothing but sit in that tree of yours?"

Inuyasha considered this grudgingly, then jumped off. "Fine. I'll show that bitch that I can live without her."

* * * * *

Kagome blinked. The lights above her were bright and irritating. And why was she laying down? She pulled herself
carefully up the bed, and spotted a little boy on the chair beside her bed. "Hello," she said, smiling. "Who are you?"

* * * * *

Kagome looked out the rain streaked window glumly. It was hard to be a person without a hint of her memories.
Amnesia, the doctor had said wisely. It was the temporary kind, should go away in a few days, two weeks at the most.
Thus assured,her family had checked Kagome out of the hospital to rest at home. Kagome glanced at her calendar.
Something about the date was digging at her. Sunday the 6th, she mused. What was so special about that? Before she
could ponder further about this curiosity, a timid knock sounded at her door. "Come in," she called, figuring it was Sota.
She was right. The little brother that she couldn't remember no matter hard she tried was standing at the door, looking
terribly unsure of himself. Kagome smiled at the child. It was bitterly amusing to see how Sota seemed almost afraid of
this new Kagome. "Maybe you can help me with something." Kagome invited, trying to put the boy at ease. It seemed to
work, for Sota immediately plopped onto her bed and nodded eagerly. "Of course, Kagome-chan." Despite her lack of
memory, Kagome felt a pang of hurt at the way Sota addressed her as a close family friend instead of a big sister.
Ignoring this, she told Sota about the feeling that was nagging at her. "I keep thinking that today is special, like I was
supposed to be doing something. Do you know any special activity I have planned?"
Sota thought this over, and finally beamed, glad to have a chance to make Kagome happy. "Well, one week ago you came
back through the well." he offered. "And sometimes you go back in a week, so maybe you promised Inuyasha you'd go
back today!"

"Through the well?" Kagome echoed. "Promised Inu..yasha?"

The smile on Sota's face faded. "Oh," he said sorrowfully. "You forgot about the Shikon no Tama too."

"What's the Shikon no Tama?" Kagome asked, throughly confused now.

Sota hesitated. "I'm not sure." he admitted. "You usually aren't home enough to tell me much about it."

"But.. I promised someone I'd go back?" Kagome asked.

"Oh," Sota assured. "You don't have to now. I mean, maybe you oughtta wait until your memory comes back, you know?"

Kagome patted Sota's hand absently. "Is the Shikon no Tama important?"

"Well," Sota said doubtfully. "I think you told me once that if a bad demon gets a hold of it, it could be the end of the

world, or something like that."

"I see." Kagome murmured. "Sota, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a nap now."

"Of course." Sota slid off the bed and headed for the door.

"Oh," Kagome spoke up. "One more thing, Sota. Did your sister Kagome ever break her promises?"

Sota turned, his hand on the knob. "No. Never."

* * * * *

Inuyasha growled, and slashed through the bloodsucker demon. "Miroku!" he yelled over his shoulder. "Get to the well!
If Kagome comes back before this fight is over, she might get attacked!"

Miroku grimaced, as he held his hand out in front of the bloodsucker's hatchlings. "As much as I'd love that, Inuyasha,
I'm somewhat busy here."

Inuyasha growled as he dodged one of the bloodsucker's fangs. "Where's Sango?"

"Protecting Shippo and Kaede-baba. Don't worry, Kagome can take care of herself for a few minutes before
we get there."

"You'd better be right." Inuyasha muttered, dodging another attack.

* * * * *

"Okay," Kagome said, looking at the old well doubtfully. "So I'm supposed to go through the well.." She swung her legs
over the side and looked down uncertainly. "Here goes nothing." As Kagome closed her eyes and jumped down, she
thought over her crazy decision. Even though all her good senses screamed at her to wait until her memory returned,
a pair of heartbreakingly sad golden eyes kept haunting her. "Oof!" Kagome landed, and looked up. "Hey," she said
aloud. "It stopped raining." She climbed through the well, and realized that she was in a completely different place from
where she had started out. "I hope I'm in the right place." Kagome began walking through the woods, keeping an eye out
for a dog demon. "So I'm supposed to look for Inuyasha." she muttered and she sidestepped some weeds. "I sure hope
he's here somewhere close."

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Ending Notes: I have a very microscopic Japanese vocabulary, and that's just the English spelling version. Please tell me if I made any mistakes in the grand total of the two times I used Japanese in this chapter. ^_^