AN: I believe one of the books tells us that Numair is from Tyra. Please correct me if I'm delusional, but my woman still has my books so I can't check. :(
Oh and Numair is 33 here, so it's like three years after ROTG.
Review Thanks are at the bottom!
Diplomats from Tyra listened half heartedly as Jonathan and the lead diplomat drew up a friendly trade agreement. They almost looked Carthaki, except lack of flamboyant gold jewelry and dark eye makeup dictated otherwise. Their garbs, although made of expensive silks, were in muted greens, creams and burgundies with an occasional gold thread accent along the hems.
A breeze disturbed long lace drapes as the group became anxious for formalities to be over. Numair sighed in boredom while he absently twirled an errant piece of ebony hair between his fingers. Having the misfortune of being Tyran he was volunteered to greet delegates. Doomed to talk politics for several hours with strangers the mage absently messaged the ache between his eyes.
Carts began to be wheeled in, signaling the buffet was about to start. At least it would be a short reprieve from economic jargon. A unanimous relieved sigh swept the room. However, manors kept everyone in their seats until the King transitioned the group formally.
"Let us give these talks a rest and enjoy dinner." Jonathan said standing up. "The cooks have worked diligently to give you a nice sampling of Tortallian delicacies and your own." Smiling Jonathan waived his hand signaling it was fine to mingle and eat.
"Master Salmalin, I've been looking forward to meeting you." A smooth male voice said from Numair's side. Turning his head, Numair found a younger man. Although tall, he still didn't compare to Numair's six foot five inches. "My name is Saiid Aborra." He said while extending his hand.
"Pleased to meet you Mr. Aborra." Numair smiled while shaking Saiid's hand. "May I ask why?" The younger man's eyes sparkled in a disconcerting way. The man's short black hair was purposely mused with product while sapphire drops hung from each lobe.
"I've heard a lot about you. I grew up not far from you." The man's pleasant banter only made Numair's head throb worse. Old memories from Tyra were not pleasant. "You should visit the area. People who remember you are proud of what you've become."
"Good to know their tolerance for me has improved." Numair's distasteful tone took Saiid off guard. Then Numair could have sworn the young man batted his eyes at him before changing the subject.
"Thirty three and not married?" The man started while Numair began wondering if he had a stalker. "I can think of only two reasons a man as eligible as you hasn't wed." Numair was getting more than aggravated.
"Please enlighten me Mr. Aborra." Numair's tone was without emotion, his face taught in annoyance. However, Saiid either ignored these signals or missed them. Putting a hand on Numair's shoulder the prattle began.
"Option One: you're too involved with loose noble women." Numair stiffened at the accusation, he wasn't proud of his playboy past. "However, I've heard you haven't so much as winked at a woman in years."
"Perhaps I've been busy with my work." Numair replied coldly. His dark brown eyes narrowed fractionally as the young man stepped closer.
"Option Two: your taste for women has dried up." The man whispered seductively in Numair's ear. Too shocked at the accusation to react, Numair was momentarily frozen. Thinking he struck a cord with the older man, Saiid leaned in, planting his lips over Numair's. However, what happened next would forever be a lesson regarding presumptuous advances.
Finding his wits Numair roughly put his palms against Saiid's chest. Instantly the young man was sent flying across the room. Chairs split into pieces with the force of Numair's blast. The room had fallen silent, starring at the havoc. Deeply embarrassed, Numair lowered his head, hiding his blush while making quick strides to leave.
Hushed whispers in his foreign tongue let Numair know he wasn't the first victim. From the disapproval Numair doubted the young man had a career left. Without a word the mage absconded to his rooms.
Slamming the door shut behind him, Numair stormed into his palace rooms. His black robe billowed menacingly around him.
"What on earth has gotten into you?" Daine's unexpected reprimand nearly made him jump out of his skin. Kit chirped in agreement, her scales took on a red tint. "I thought it'd be hours yet before you finally escaped that quagmire." His lover said with disdain. Numair sighed heavily before slumping on his sofa.
"I walked out." Glancing up at Daine, her disapproval was obvious.
"Jonathan will light a fire under your scrawny rear." Her lips pursed together while her arms folded scathingly across her chest. Following her adoptive mom, kit gave a scolding chirp. Holding his head in his hands, Numair moaned in frustration.
"I have never been so humiliated in all my life…" His soft words diminished Daine's harsh perceptions. Kit gave a questioning trill before slinking over to him.
"What happened?" Daine's voice had turned soothing with concern. Sitting down beside her mage she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Another man hit on me." His words came out in an undignified whimper. Felling Daine stiffen he glanced towards her. "You're trying not to laugh! Aren't you?" Her faced was scrunched up as if her tongue was being chewed on.
"Look…" She began in a careful voice. "You're very attractive, it's not that surprising." No longer able to hold all of her giggles back she tried biting her tongue again. Numair's face looked as if she'd mortally betrayed him. "Besides! How many unwanted advances have you made on women?"
"But…" Numair stumbled, knowing her point was valid. "He kissed me! In front of everyone!" Suddenly Daine's giggles burst forth in mirthful laughter. She could only imagine what kind of spell Numair reproved the man with.
"And you think I don't get upset when diplomats hit on me?" Daine asked while messing his hair. Numair looked around realizing no one would give him sympathy.
"It's not just that." Numair confided after a few moments of silence. Picking Daine's hand out of his hair he laid it in his lap. "I'm old and unmarried." Daine rolled her eyes.
"We've been over this. I don't care about those things." Her voice had the candor of a drill sergeant. However, she wondered how this incident brought these skeletons out.
"It's why he assumed I was gay." Numair stated quietly. Kit rubbed her head affectionately on his knee.
"So that's the real reason you're so perturbed." Her accusation hit the spot. Numair rubbed his face.
"It only bothers me when I realize my cohorts are settled down with children." His honest confession struck a cord in her heart. "But don't take it the wrong way, Magelet. I'm not asking for those things from you." He tried to reassure, knowing how sour she got in these conversations.
"You should go back. Jonathan needs a translator." Daine whispered into his hair.
"They all speak our language perfectly." He grumbled.
"But they chat privately in their own tongue. You're there to eves drop on that." Grumbling in agreement the mage got up.
"When I get back I will reaffirm my sexuality." His thick voice held desire as he glanced backwards. Kit gave an indignant trill they both ignored.
"I'll be waiting." Daine nearly purred. With a seductive smile her lover left her alone. Relaxing backwards into the sofa she huffed with annoyance.
"Maybe I'm not being fair." Diane mumbled to Kit in privacy. Looking up at her mother quizzically caused Daine to chuckle. "I never thought about how my stubbornness would eventually eat at him." Kit nodded with uncanny perception. Closing her eyes the image of Numair bouncing a baby around materialized.
"Am I terrible for keeping those things from him?" Daine asked, but for once Kit didn't have an answer.
I didn't mean to make Numair look like a homophobe, but it was for shits and giggles.
Besides Numair getting kissed by another tall dark and sexy is hot!
Lol, sorry Numair…
So this turned out a little bit heavier than I intended. I was only going for Yaoi humor…
I've always imagined Daine eventually observing that her wish to remain unmarried will cost Numair a family… at least the legitimate kind.
Anyway, read and review.
Alyssa: Woot for Smut! I promise more in the future!
Myene: Thanks for the support! Woot for slash :p
Sylvanius: I know there isn't enough! One of the reasons I decided I had to do smut for D/N.
Ravenhaired: Thanks!
Booga16933: Hey woman, done with my books? Lol
Estrella Nuvola: Thanks for the encouragement!
Catherine: Lol, you're probably right. But I have an odd thing for writing a deflowering… Oh and thanks for the spelling correction. I really thought I was missing a letter, but I checked a furniture web site and that's how they spelled it too. Thanks for being smart!
Buggie21: Thanks. I try not to over use those words. I think it makes it sexier if you expand the vocabulary. I really don't like pussy, but I'll toss in cock here and there.
Loten: Thanks! Since the consensus is I'm not going to get banned for being nasty I'll eventually write something steamier. :P