Yours, but in what way?

Summary: Because of his homosexuality, Sasuke gets a slave, meant for pleasure, and only between the four walls of his room. But perhaps, with a little chance.. there might be place for something else then lust as well.

Chapter 1

"Sasuke, I got a present for you." Uchiha Fugaku said, with his calm voice. The whole Uchiha family was dining now. Uchiha Fugaku looked at his youngest now, who sat facing him. Everyone looked formal, as they should be. The Uchiha family was the most important family of the country, since they owned one of the most successful banking companies in the world.

Sasuke, the youngest of the Uchiha family, looked at his father.

"What is it father?" He asked curious, but didn't show it. He wondered why his father had suddenly decided he earned a present. The rest of the Uchiha's looked at Fugaku as well.

"I decided to buy you this present since I am ashamed of the fact that you're lusting after men." Fugaku said, glaring at his youngest. "I want this lust to stay inside of this building, you're not allowed to date boys or men and absolutely can't have sex with them. I don't want you to become the shame of the Uchiha family. I listened to what you like in a boy and that's how I started to think. And I ended up buying you a boy around your age, who you can use for sex. I don't want you to protest against me, I want you to use him when you feel like it. You'll probably like him." He took a sip of his wine while he received a few surprised stares of the rest of his family.

Sasuke stared at his father. What the hell was he saying? Not dating any men or whatever, he expected that. But his father buying him some kind of sex slave to have, that was unthinkable. He didn't know what to say as he felt embarrassed for his family. His father just said he was the shame of the Uchiha family and talked about him having sex with a boy so easily.

"...I don't want a sex slave." Sasuke replied.

"You'll have to accept it, since I don't want more articles about you having sex with boys in the newspapers anymore." Fugaku said. "So. This stays between these four walls. Use that boy and do what I told you to do. I don't have more to say. Some servants brought him to your room, so he's there now."

Sasuke glared at his father for a little while longer and then got up from his seat. "Please excuse me." He said and started walking away. He didn't feel like staying in the room any longer. He knew everyone was staring at him, but he didn't wanna hear more about how he was the shame of the family or how Fugaku was disgusted with his ideas of men. And he wanted to just send that sex slave boy home.

Sasuke took a deep breath as he stood in front of his own room. He wondered what kind of boy it was he got from his father. Sasuke slowly opened his door and put on the lights. He looked around in the room, but failed to see anyone. Maybe the servants hadn't brought the boy to his room yet.

But when he walked further in the room, a slight piece of white clothing was to be seen, from next to the wardrobe. There was a little space between the wall and the wardrobe there, so you could put a chair or something in that place. It was obvious that the boy was sitting there.

Sasuke walked to the space and stopped in front of it.

"Why don't you come out of there?" Sasuke asked, confused that some guy his age would hide in a place like that. What was with this guy? All he could see right now was a white dress and soft, brown hair. It was long, reached all the way over the guy's back.

The boy was silent for like a minute now, and then he stood, slightly turning his head to look at Sasuke. You could see that he didn't feel comfortable in here.

Sasuke stared at the boy, his mouth half open. This guy was beautiful. He had big, bright, white eyes, plump lips, over-all a great face which was shaped perfectly by the strands of hair that were falling around it. His father actually did listen to what he wanted. A guy that had feminine aspects, but could not ever be mistaken for one. Sasuke swallowed before talking.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"..It's Neji." The boy named Neji said, as he still looked at Sasuke. He moved one of his legs over the other, he was obviously cold. But he wouldn't ask for anything.

"Are you cold? Why are you wearing something like that anyway?" Sasuke asked as he walked to his cabin. Damn this guy was just perfect. His father made it hard for him not to want such a person.

Sasuke now pulled out some clothes for the boy called Neji to wear.

"These are the clothes that were given to me." Neji said, as he followed Sasuke's movements with his eyes. "And yes, I am cold."

Sasuke pulled out a sweater now too and then handed it all to Neji. "You can change into these. They're warmer." Sasuke said.

Neji nodded.

"Thank you." He said as he accepted the clothes and then pulled the white dress over his head and stepped into the jeans Sasuke had given to him. He didn't look at Sasuke now.

Sasuke looked at Neji and swallowed once more. Neji even had the perfect body. Well shaped, muscular, but not too much. Sasuke quickly looked away before he wanted to do more to that body then he should. "I'm sorry my father bought you." Sasuke said.

"That doesn't matter, that's what I'm for." Neji answered, as he put on the shirt that Sasuke had given to him, and after it his sweater.

"Well I'm still sorry. I never asked for it." Sasuke said. "Doesn't your family miss you?" He then asked.

"No, they were the ones who sold me to a man three years ago." Neji said, as he looked at Sasuke. "And there probably is a reason why your father bought me right?"

"Well yeah, but I didn't ask for you. And that sucks. So you're a slave for three years then?" Sasuke asked as he looked back, but didn't meet those big white eyes. He knew he would just jump on Neji if he did.

Neji nodded.

"Yes, I've been." Neji asked. "You don't want me? Why am I here then?"

"Because my father said I am the shame of the family because I'm gay. So I should use you for all my gayness or something. So that I won't be dating any other guy." Sasuke answered.

Neji nodded.

"That's understandable." Neji said. "You belong to one of the most important families of the country right?"

"Right. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to be gay. Ah well whatever. So do you need anything?" Sasuke asked.

"No thank you." Neji said. "I'm fine." He looked at Sasuke now, as if he was waiting for him to do something.

Sasuke looked back and frowned. "What?" He asked. Why was Neji looking at him like that?

"Aren't you going to do something?" Neji asked, slightly frowning as well.

"...Like what?" Sasuke asked confused. Did Neji honestly think he could just throw him on the bed right now and screw him or something? That he was that shallow?

"..Well.. I'm here to let you have sex with me right?" Neji asked. He still looked at Sasuke as he sat down onto Sasuke's bed.

"Well yeah. But I'm not gonna do anything to you. I don't like the idea of having someone just for the sex." Sasuke answered.

"Oh." Neji said, as he looked at Sasuke. He sure was different then his previous owners.

"Why don't you just tell me something about yourself." Sasuke said as he sat down next to Neji and then let himself fall onto the bed so he was laying on his back.

"Like?" Neji asked, as he followed Sasuke's movements again. "..Like where I come from?"

"Like where you come from, how old you are and what you actually like to do." Sasuke answered.
"I'm from the Hyuuga family, I'm 21 years old and I like to dance a little and to think." Neji said. "What about you?"

"Uchiha Sasuke. Twenty years old and I like to.. work I guess. And I like to be alone. And I like men but that was already clear to you." Sasuke said. "So you like to dance? Do you do that a lot?" He asked.

"Sometimes." Neji said. "When I'm alone."

"Are you alone a lot?" Sasuke asked as he looked up at Neji.

"Yes." Neji said, nodding. "Mostly until the evening. So I mostly have the whole day to do things for myself. I like to read as well."

"I got books. You can read them whenever you like." Sasuke said. "I'll be at work for most of the day."

"Alright." Neji said, nodding again. "Thank you."

"Why don't you lay down on the bed?" Sasuke asked as he looked at Neji.

Neji looked at Sasuke and then laid down next to him.

"..Why aren't you touching me?" He asked, as he saw that Sasuke still wasn't making any attempts to touch him.

"I already told you that I don't like having someone just for the sex." Sasuke answered as he looked at Neji, who was now laying next to him. Maybe that was not the best plan he ever had, because it made Neji look even more perfect.

"Shouldn't you tell your father that he has to sell me again?" Neji asked, as he looked at the ceiling now.

"And then? You'll be sold to another guy who does take you. Wouldn't you rather be here?" Sasuke asked back.

"I'm used to it, so it doesn't really matter." Neji said. "Like I said, it's why I'm here, to have sex with. I don't care."

"Well, get used to not having sex for a while then." Sasuke said.

"Why do you want to keep me then?" Neji asked, frowning.

"Because it's better here for you then anywhere else and because you're pretty." Sasuke said and looked at the ceiling too now.

"..So.. you want to look at me?" Neji asked, slightly frowning again.

"Is that wrong?" Sasuke asked as he turned his head to Neji again and looked at him, slightly grinning.

"Not that I'm aware of." Neji said as he looked at Sasuke with a blank face.

Sasuke looked at Neji for a while before he unconsciously let his fingers stroke some of Neji's hair away. He then let his fingers trail down Neji's jaw-line and neck. OK, so maybe he couldn't keep his hands off Neji. But he wouldn't have sex with Neji.

"..If you want, you should do more." Neji said, looking Sasuke in the eyes.

Sasuke pulled his hand away now and looked at the ceiling again. Damn.

"..No.. I'm fine." He said. Neji was just unemotional it was scary.

"Alright." Neji said, as he sat up. "What do you want me to do?"

"Excuse me?" Sasuke asked as he looked at Neji a little overwhelmed. Did Neji just assume he wanted Neji to do something? Sexual?

"I mean what you want me to do, do you want me to go read something, or pleasure you, or just sit here?" Neji asked. "You haven't told me what to do, so.."

"Am I supposed to do that then?" Sasuke asked confused. He had to boss Neji around?

"Well yes, I'm yours now, so." Neji said. "Just tell me what to do, and I will. I don't need to get hit or something because I did something you didn't want. That's why I'm asking."

"I'm not gonna hit you. Just do whatever you like." Sasuke said. How could Neji be so calm about this all? It wasn't normal.

"Alright." Neji said, nodding. "Can I read one of your books then?"

"Sure, go ahead." Sasuke said.

Neji nodded as he stood and walked to the bookcase and searched for a book. He somewhere expected Sasuke to be standing behind him all of a sudden and grab him, but he knew that Sasuke wouldn't. Sasuke was different.

"So what do you like to read then?" Sasuke asked as he sat up again and looked at Neji.

"All kind of things." Neji said as he sat down with a book about all kind of herbs. "It doesn't really matter."

"Apparently it doesn't, since you just pulled out the most boring thing ever out of the bookcase." Sasuke said.

"Indeed." Neji said, nodding. "Everything's interesting." He crossed his legs as he opened the book.

"Herbs aren't." Sasuke said as he got up and walked to his desk. Good thing Neji wanted to read. He himself had lots or work that he had to do.

Neji was silent now, as he continued reading. He'd just be silent now.

A/N: Just for the record, Neji is supposed to be a pansy in here because he is traumatised. Please review!