Hey guys. It's dt2009 here. So while I was at work, I came up with an idea. What if the flock retold stories of when they lived with Jeb? Have you ever wondered what he would do if they misbehaved? Well wonder no more! Here it comes!

Chapter 1: Hose incident

Hey guys. Max here. So it's been awhile since me and the flock moved in with my mom and little sister, Ella. It was our usual Friday night agenda: Pizza, a movie, and a couple good stories. Unfortunately, mom invited Jeb, or should I say "dad", over too, so now I have to deal with that too.

So as we started on our second pizza, my mom was showing us a photo album of Ella as a baby. Man oh man, there were some seriously funny ones in here. One was of Ella as a baby, and she was sitting on a little potty training toilet! I had to embarrass her. It was my job as a big sister.

"Aww. Ella, you look so cute on your little potty!" I said, holding my sides. Her face was bright red from anger, and embarrassment. Nudge and Angel were rolling around on the floor as they laughed. As Iggy was taking a sip of his soda, Gazzy whispered the description of the picture into his ear. A soon as he was finished, Iggy laughed so hard, he spit soda across the room, and it hit Fang!

"What the heck Iggy!" Fang shouted. Iggy was still laughing as Fang started to walk over to probably kick his ass.

"Fang, claim down." Jeb said, grabbing Fang's arm. "I was an accident. Don't make me have to separate you guys like when you were kids."

Man did that bring back some memories. "Did they cause a lot of trouble before?" Asked my mom as she put Ella's photo album away.

"Actually yes. There were a couple of times where I wondered why exactly did I put up with them. But then when I would check on them while they were sleeping, I would remember." He said, smiling at all of us.

"Can you tell us a story?" Ella asked. "One about Max!" she looked at me with an evil grin. I could tell that she was out for revenge.

Jeb chuckled a little bit. "Sure. This happened about four years ago, when Max was about ten….

Flashback….(Max's POV)

It was a bright day outside. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Iggy was dropping water balloons on everything in sight. We were playing outside the house, and Jeb had the window to his office open, just encase something happened. He was working on something he said was really important.

Iggy was using the hose to make water balloons, and was throwing them at everyone. Well everyone except me. He knew I wasn't in the mood to get wet. I sat under a tree, and watched how everyone, even Fang, ran around in their swimming suits, and tossed balloon after balloon.

Then I saw Iggy run into the house. Nobody else noticed, so I guessed it wasn't important. I closed my eyes for a second, when I heard Nudge scream. I looked in her direction, ready to see an eraser charging at us. Instead, I saw that Gazzy had given her a wedgie.

"Gazzy!" Nudge shouted at the top of her lungs. "I'm gonna kill you!" she started to chase him around the yard. I chuckled a little bit. As I started to fall asleep under the tree, I suddenly felt something cold go over me. I opened my eyes to Iggy standing over me with a bucket. I wasn't really sure what had happened, that is tell the front of my jeans started to drip water. That little bastard dumped water on me. And not just regular water, but ICE WATER!

"IGGY!" I shouted. By now, he was running at full speed around the tree. He snapped open his wings, and tried to take off. I grabbed the hose and turned the water on full blast. I started to aim at him in the sky, hoping to get his wing, and weigh him down.

'HAHA! You'll never hit me Max!" he taunted me. I was really angry now. In fact, I was so angry, I didn't even think about what I did. He flew right by Jeb's office window. I shot the water at him, but instead of hitting him, it went into through the open window.

"Ah! Hey! What the-!" Jeb shouted. I didn't wanna put in the last word he said, cause he said we shouldn't curse. But let's just say he was mad! When we all heard him yelling, we ran into the house, and ran for our rooms. We all changed into dry clothes, and met in the living room. We had planned for emergencies like this, cause we're smart (and cause stuff like this happened to us before).

We turned on the TV, and sat in our normal spots. We all stiffed when we heard Jeb walking down the hall. When he came into the room, he walked over to the TV, turned it off, and glared at all of us.

"Jeb? What was that for? We were watching that." I complained, the rest of the flock agreeing.

"Silence!" he shouted. We all stiffed up. We knew we were in trouble now. Well, I was in trouble now. "Ok. I want to know who it was that spread water into my office. I want a name, and I want it now." He said, his face growing increasingly redder.

We all stayed silent. He eyes shifted to each of us, one at a time, looking for the slightest twitch, the slightest movement that would lead him to his criminal. I swear, if we make it out of here alive, Iggy is so dead.

"Ok. So that's how you all want to play it? Fine. You're all GROUNDED!" let me tell you, when we heard the word grounded, we all nearly had heart attacks. It was rare that any of us ever got grounded. It was usually only when we did something really bad. Other than that, we usually got a "stern" talking to, which would either leave you thinking, or leave you crying because he was so forgiving.

I turned to look at my flock. They were all in shock. Especially Angel. This would be her first real punishment!

"That means no TV." Jeb said, listing off the things we couldn't do. "No dessert after dinner, no bombs" I looked at Iggy, who looked like he was gonna cry. "No fashion magazines," I turned to Nudge, who was curled up in the fetile position. "No playing outside." Angel was crying her eyes out. "No video games," Gazzy was sitting there, unable to move from the shock. "You will all have to go to bed an hour early," I looked at Fang who still didn't seem too upset. Well, that's Fang for you. "Your choirs will be doubled," I was ready to scream my head off. Especially about this next part. "And you will all receive spankings until I find out who it was."

"H…ho…how long a..are w..we on punishment?" I stammered.

"Until father notice, or until I find out who did it."

As he started to walk away, I knew I couldn't let the flock fall cause of me. "Jeb!" I shouted.

He turned around to look at me. "Yes Max?"

"It was me. I was the one using the hose. I shot water into the office." I was ready for whatever punishment was coming my way. He walked over to me, and stood over me, like a skyscraper.

"I'm very disappointed in you Maximum." I knew I was in serious trouble because he called me by my full first name. "But I am proud that you admitted to what you did. But you still have to be punished. Your grounded, in your room, one week. No tv, no dessert. Are we clear?" I shook my head up and down in response. "Good. Now go to your room." He said softly.

As I was walking down the hall, I remembered something. I stopped and turned around. "Before I go to my room, I have one lasting to say. Iggy, you are so dead!" I ran back into the living room, and started chasing him around again.

"Max!" Jeb yelled. He grabbed both of my wrists, and pulled me back away from Iggy. He let go of my wrist, and picked me up by my waist. He took me into my room, and shut the door behind us. He turned the light on, and sat down on the bed, with me bent over his knee. "Max, I'm very disappointed in you. I thought you were more mature than that. But if you're going to like a brat, then I'm going to treat you like one."

I'm gonna skip the whole spanking part. It's a little embarrassing cause I was swearing at him, which got me spanked even more. When he left the room, I was sobbing into my pillow, my butt was sore, and I was angry. Angry cause I got in trouble, and cause Iggy didn't. But I was mostly angry because I disappointed Jeb.

That night, I decided to skip dinner. I was too upset to eat, and seeing Iggy would probably set me off again. When everyone was watching TV, Jeb came in to check on me. "Hey sweetheart. How are you?" He asked in his fatherly, loving tone.

I didn't respond. Jeb sighed a heavy sigh. "Listen. I know you're upset about earlier, but don't be."

I sat up to glare at him. My eyes were red from crying, and I was still angry. "Why shouldn't I be? Iggy started it, and he didn't get punished."

"I know. And don't worry. I'll deal with him. I'm sorry about the spanking before, but I had to teach you a lesson."

My eyes started to tear up again. I shoved my face into his shirt, and cried. He held me tight, and rubbed my back between my wings. "I'm so sorry Jeb. I don't wanna be a brat anymore."

"Max," he used his free hand to lift up my chin. "You may be a brat, but you're my brat." He smiled, and I smiled back at him. He kissed my forehead, and tucked me in. "Good night Max."

"Good night Jeb." I said as he walked out of the room, and drifted off to sleep.

Flashback ends….

"Haha! You're a brat Max!" Ella laughed at me.

"Well it takes one to know one,' I shot back at her. She glared at me, and we started arguing.

"Stop this foolishness both you, or you'll both be grounded!" my mom yelled at us. We both shut up instantly. The rest of the flock were cracking up laughing in their seats. Especially Iggy. I glared at him, and then got an idea.

"Hey Ig, want some more soda?" I asked as normally as I could.

"Yea. Sure." He said handing me his cup I went into the kitchen, and filled up his cup.

"Here you go Ig." I said, handing him his cup. He took a quick sip, and spit it back out.

"What the hell is this!?" she shouted at me.

"Dog food." I said laughing my ass off.

"DOG FOOD!?" he shouted. He ran for the bathroom, and started washing his mouth out with soap.

I was laughing so hard, tears were in my eyes, and my ribs hurt. "Payback is so sweet!" I said, high-fiving Gazzy.

"Maximum!" My mom shouted.

"Oh come on mom. This is nothing. You should hear what happened the time Angel and Nudge slept with me in my bed….."

And that's it for this chapter. This was something I had to write, so tell me what you think.

Remember: Keep reading, writing, and reviewing!

