Contact Harvest: The Cylon War

Summery: When the Cylons fled the Twelve Colonies of Kobol what if they came across the UNSC in the year 2525 Halo/HaloWars/BSG2003

Disclaimer: Don't own Halo or BSG


"Captain we are nearing the Harvest system. ETA seven minutes."

Captain James Cutter nodded knowing that Serina the ships resident AI would pick up the subtle monition easily enough. Continuing to look out the forward view port into the endless black abyss of slipspace Captain Cutter mentally reviewed his orders from Command.

Harvest, one of the UNSC most remote colonies had broken all contact with Earth and while losing contact with the outer colonies for short periods was nothing new. The recent rebel activity had the higher ups in the UNSC on edge and fearing that Harvest had suffered some form of attack HIGHCOM felt that swift action was necessary.

Dispatching Captain Cutter and his ship the Sprit of Fire the UNSC was confident that any rebel activity would be put down easily and in the event that the communication blackout was caused by an actual error and not an attack than at least UNSC show of force would reassure the outer colonies that the UNSC were watching over them.

At two and a half kilometers, the Sprit of Fire is one of the largest UNSC warships however, despite its size it was by UNSC standards underpowered. Originally constructed to serve as a civilian colony ship the Sprit of Fire was repurposed to serve the UNSC as a warship.

Despite being underpowered Cutter was confident that his girl could handle whatever the rebels threw at it. After all, intelligence reports indicated that at most, the rebels had a few hidden frigates. While frigates could pose a threat to the defenseless Harvest colony to the Spirit they were flies to be swatted.

"Crew status Serina."

"All crew have exited cryo and are at their duty stations. However, I regret to inform you that nearly a third of the crew including yourself broke cryo protocol by refusing to swallow your prescribed cryo nutrients. I feel I need to remind you about the effects of long term cryo sle…"

"Serina," Cutter interrupted a smile tugging at his lips at the AI's mothering. "It tastes like regurgitated lime-flavored mucus."

"Still Captain your body needs the nutrients."

"Which I can get from a ham sandwich." Cutter looked over his shoulder to glare at the AI's translucent avatar. "Serina drop it."

"Fine but don't blame me when you get scurvy." The female avatar muttered. "Captain we've arrived."

"Set condition one throughout the ship and transition us to normal space."

"Expecting troubled?"

"It's good to be prepared."

"Aye sir."

Cutter steeled himself for whatever was to come as the bridge darkened and a high-pitched siren erupted from the ships audio system singling the crew to report to action stations.

"Transitioning to normal space in three two one."

His chair shook as the massive engines of the Sprit rent the space around the ship and with a sudden stretching sensation the nothingness of slipspace outside the bridge's viewport was replaced with the distance but bright yellow star of the Epsilon Indi System.

"Transition complete. No contacts detected. Engine status normal. We should reach Harvest orbit in thirteen minutes."

"Serina signal Harvest; let's find out what this is all about." Captain Cutter ordered his firm voice demanding absolute obedience.

Serina's reply came moments later a note of worry in her normally carefree voice. "Captain we have a problem."

Eyes narrowing Cutter starred out the viewports at a barely discernable round object that was Harvest. "What sort of problem."

"I have been attempting to signal Harvest but they aren't responding and I am not picking up any local chatter or cargo ships in orbit the entire planet appears to have gone dark."

"Malfunctioning transmitter?"

"Possible but unlikely and even if they can't transmit it doesn't explain the lack of cargo ships. The Epsilon Indi system should be swarming with cargo ships ferrying the planets produce to the rest of the UNS…" Serina stopped mid sentence her hand coming up to her forehead, "wait that's not right. Where is it?"


"Captain I have conducted a visual scan of the planet and I can't find the Tiara."

Captain Cutter felt his stomach drop. The Tiara was a massive space station connected to Harvest by seven space elevators. Large enough to fill the entire transportation needs of the planet it was Harvests crowing achievements. If it was gone than this was far worse than the admiralty feared.

"Are you sure it's not on the other side of the planet?" Cutter asked hopefully.

"Based on our position and that of the planet it should be right in front of us, only its not."

"Show me the planet." Cutter ordered.

Produced by one of the bridges many holographic emitters a representation of the near side of Harvest appeared in front of the captain.

"According to my data the Tiara should be right here," a red dot appeared above the planet, "now that we're closer I'm seeing a disturbing amount of cloud coverage on the planet. To thick for my cameras to penetrate."

"Serina," Cutter said his mouth dry, "what are the chances that the Tiara has fallen from orbit?" Captain Cutter asked causing one of the deck hands to gasp and the rest of the crew to turn and stare at the AI.

"The Tiara was an incredibly stable structure run by a dedicated 'smart' AI. It would take a monumental force to shift it from orbit. But if it did come down it would bring the seven elevators down with it. I don't think you won't to see my damage estimates."

"Apparently the rebels are more organized than we ever feared." Cutter answered grimly.

"You suspect rebels?"

"You don't?" Cutter replied.

The bridge fell silent but for the subtle beeping of various consoles, as Harvest grew ever larger, the crew's heads filled with dark thoughts. They all knew that the rebels hit civilian targets but there were over three million people on Harvest; people the rebels claimed to fight for. The idea that anyone rebel or otherwise would do such a thing was unthinkable to the crew.

The officer staffing the tactical station suddenly spoke breaking the silence of the bridge. "Sir I'm picking up UNSC IFF on the planet. Interference is heavy but according to this, their alive but that's all I can tell."

"Launch pelicans the moment we reach orbit." Cutter ordered a small glimmer of hope appearing in his eyes. "Make sure there is a medical team onboard. We know there is at least someone alive down their, hopefully they will be able to tell us what the hell happened here."