Chapter 11- Winner

So holy crap, I suck. Its a filler chapter, and its short. Next we get going. Here we go, no rambling.

We arrive at the arcade and Tawni gets a good parking spot. I hop out of the car first, glad to put space in between my and Andrew. It was getting stuffy in there, and I needed time to think. I walked ahead of everyone and into the doors of the arcade. Once inside it felt like home, the loud buzzing and whirring of the games, the clinks of the coins coming out of the dispenser after you put in more money to try just 'one more time'. The flashing light all around, this is what I did at home in Wisconsin. It made me fell slightly nostalgic.

I walked over and grabbed the booth we sat in the few times we had come, and waited for the rest of them to join me. We sat down and all started talking.

"Order a pizza now, and play games while we wait?" Nico asked, patting his non-exsistant stomach.

"Oh you know it. It what we always do." I say, rubbing my own flat tummy, "Half extra cheese and half bacon, like always?"

"Would we get anything else?" Grady puts in.

We have a system in our group and it works out perfectly for everyone. I smile at Tawni is blazing away on her phone, texting who I assume to be Eric with rapid fire.

"He coming?" I ask, nodding my head at the phone.

She blushes a little, and shrugs. "I think so, he's hinting he wants to but I haven't actually invited him yet." She says a little sheepishly.

"Tawni Hart. Stop being coy and ask the boy who you like, and who adores you back, out. Right this second." I say and tilt my head to the screen, to make sure actually does invite him.

The waitress comes over and we all order our drinks, and I place the order for the large pizza. She gives us the estimate of 25 minutes, since its so crowded today. We all decided to go play a game or two of something and then to meet back here when its about time to be up. Tawni volunteers to stay at the table, so she can watch the door and see when Eric comes in.

Andrew and me walk off towards the air-hockey table. I crack my knuckles jokingly. "Ready to now win?" I ask.

He does a few arm circles, trying to look serious, "In your dreams Sonny. I have been practicing and am now undefeated back in Wisconsin. I hope you are prepared to lose the title of "Best bestest winner of all time. Ever."

I laugh, "That's funny, cause I think you say that everytime we play."

"Its on." He says and puts in the dollar. The first one to get to the score of eleven is the winner.

It starts out easy, me scoring the first three points, but Andy is playing a solid game, and has definitely improved since the last time we played.

"Hmmm, you weren't kidding when you said you were practicing." I say as he makes his first goal.

"Not a chance Sunshine. I told you I would win, and I plan to keep this promise."

As we play, and the games intensity increases, the score matched up at 9-9.

Andrews mouth is set in a hard line, looking determined at ever, when he glances up and his eyes go livid.

I score the point, and hear him say. "Did you invite him?"

As I turn to face the door I see the familiar flip of golden hair and know immediately that Chad just walked in. I sigh, but cant help but feel the clench of my stomach at just the sight of him, wishing that I could just be close with him.

I scoff and turn back to the extremely angry looking boy. Just as I am about to say no, that it really is just a coincidence that Chad is here, Andy smiles.

"Finally! He has moved on and realizes that you are with me. Took him long enough."

I whip my head back around, just in time to see a leggy red head put her hand in Chad's, and walk to their own booth secluded in the corner, giggling all the while.

I shut my eyes for a nano-second and with all my being will the image to go away. But when I open my eyes again, Chad has his arm around her shoulder, and she's leaning into him, and she fits perfectly. I know her from another show, where she is just there to look pretty. And she is, she is pretty and Chad picked her for that reason, so they can look good together.

I put on a fake smile and turn back to Andy. "See, I was just about to tell you no. Now can we stop being jealous for a minute and let me beat you?" I ask, trying to get back to something normal.

He laughs softly, "Of course, but not about the you winning part."

Just as he hits the puck towards me, I hit it back and it goes straight into the goal. I jump up and down, and start slightly shouting. "I win! Still the Champion! Say it! C'Mon, say it."

He sighs and crosses his arms. "I don't want to."

I walk to the side of the table. "Nope, unfair. You know the rules. Say it."

"You are the Bestest Best Air-Hockey Champion in the world. No one will ever beat you; I bow down to the queen. Oh you win." He says unenthusiastically and laughs when I smile and curtsy.

We walk back to the table, and I try to avoid even glancing at Chad and Red, knowing full well that it will make me sick.

I grab the biggest slice; half bacon/cheese and dig in, our table silent cause everyone is stuffing their faces. I steal a glance over at Chad and red, because I need to know what is going on, to see what he is doing.

At the tiniest glance, I see red staring at me and smiling, not in a particular way, just staring, giving me her own version of the "I win" speech. Chad seems oblivious to our stare down and I know she has won, so I bow my head and vow to not look back.

A little while later we are all done and I foot the bill because it's my turn this time. We are all walking out the door when I realized I forgot to leave the tip. I apologize to the group and run back to my table and smile to know I got there before the server noticed. I throw down more then enough money, cause I get the teenagers are hard to deal with and start to walk to the door when Chad steps in front of me, a smirk on his features.

"Leaving so soon?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.

"We came and had fun, its time to go." I say stepping to the side, trying to get around him. He is too quick and moves with me.

"And what are you doing now?" He asks, his baby blues staring in my eyes.

"I know what I am not doing. I'm not snuggling up to a red head who I can almost guarantee isn't the right person for you." I say and brush past him, my shoulder lightly graving against his, as I plow out the door and into the fresh air, where I take a deep breathe and calm my self down. I take more calming breaths as I walk to the car, and realize that was uncalled for, but cant bring myself to take it back.

I hop in the car. "Thanks for waiting." I say and buckle up, and ignore the look from Andy. But as soon as I become content with everything, something changes, and that reminds me, when I hear vibrating and see Andy look at his phone and ignore it.

"Not going to answer?" I ask, questioningly.

"Not Important." He says with a shrug.

My phone vibrates and I stare down at the picture that pops up. It's one of Chad, I took on our non-date date, of him smiling at me, trying to look cheesy, but actually looking almost the best I have ever seen him.

"Not going to answer?" He asks.

I softly laugh, "Not important." I say and quickly ignore the call.

I realize that is must be Victoria again, and cant help but feel upset at the betrayal. Once we are parked and out of the car, I start walking toward my building with everyone, and stop when I realize the perfect plan. I quickly say goodnight to everyone and run inside, ignoring the shouts from everyone, wondering where I am going.

I get to the third floor and sit down outside the room, knowing that soon enough, the person I need will be here to make everything happen.