

Darkness. That was all that could be seen. Then a giant door of light was made and they came. Bluestar: former leader of ThunderClan, Raggedstar: former leader of ShadowClan, Crockedstar: former leader of RiverClan, Tallstar: former leader of WindClan, Martin the Warrior: first Redwall champion, and El-ahrairah: prince of rabbits and Gandalf the White. They gathered around a huge table of white ivory. Each one took their respective seats. Gandalf began " Good to see you all." "Wizard why have you summoned us beyond our sky limits"? Bluestar asked. "I have had some problems within the bounds of my universe" Gandalf responded, "Great problems have arisen in the east as well as the west".

"What problems Mithrandir?" Asked Martin the Warrior

"It appears that creatures have invaded the land and have caused great turmoil. Thankfully the peoples of Middle-Earth have been sent away thanks to the Great Magic."

"What creatures Greybeard?"

"Finally the Prince With A Thousand Enemies speaks", commented Raggedstar.

"Silence Raggedstar! Speak El-ahrairah", Tallstar said.

"As I said before, what creatures Greybeard"?

"Many creatures, some of which are your enemies. They have entered my world in search of the Dark Artifacts." Gandalf replied. "What do you mean Stormcrow?" meowed Raggedstar. "The Dark Artifacts are the weapons of the enemies of my world. There are also the Light Artifacts that were used by the heroes of my world. But never mind that. The Dark Artifacts are weapons of great power, the power of evil. There are, let me think, twelve of them: the eight blades of the Nazgul, the crown of the Witch King of Angmar, the helm of the Mouth of Sauron and the staff of Sauruman. All of these evil devices put in the wrong hands can lead to certain destruction. "White Rider, what dose this have to do with any of us?" Asked Crockedstar. "This is a matter of twolegs not warriors or rabbits or mice. I think we should return to our boundaries."

"No you don't understand Crockedstar the creatures can only be defeated by your people as well as the people of El-ahrairah and Martin", Gandalf tried to explain

"Another thing Greyhame", Tallstar put in, "You ask me and Bluestar, Raggedstar and Crockedstar to work along side our prey"!

"The pfeffa-rah's are right Greybeard", El-ahrairah

"What did you call us, rabbit?" Raggedstar yelled and him.

"It means 'king cat' Raggedstar. Now calm yourselves, all of you," Gandalf warned. "But Mithrandir," Martin asked, "You say these things are weapons. Yet I think these animals are not like my people or I, for we can use weapons and I think that none of the people of these leaders can."

"Wisely put Martin," Gandalf said, "In fact, when you chose your people they will be able to wield weapons."

"When we chose Gandalf?" Bluestar inquired.

"Yes Bluestar when you chose. For there are twelve good artifacts to combat against the twelve artifacts of evil. And each one of you being leaders gets to choose them. Martin you get to pick four Redwall champions, El-ahrairah you pick four rabbits from Watership Down, and Raggedstar, Bluestar, Tallstar, and Crockedstar since there are four clans you each picks one warrior to choose for this quest. Clear?"

"Yes sir", they all responded. Then they all rose from their seats and began towards the door that they came from.

"Good now go off and chose them, leaders." Gandalf called out after them

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Springtime was beautiful on the down. Hazel hopped out from the opening of his burrow and began silflaying when he heard a voice calling him. "Hazel-rah". It came from the spot where Keehar pulled the shotgun pellets out of his leg. He fallowed the sound until it stopped. "Hello?" He called out to the air. "Hazel who are talking to?" Asked Bigwig as he came down the hill to meet with him. Fiver and Pipkin fallowed Bigwig.

"Oh, I don't know Bigwig. Hi Pipkin and Fiver. I thought I heard someone calling me but it turns out it was nothing," Hazel responded. "Wait Hazel! I feel something," Fiver spoke. "What do you feel Fiver?" Asked Pipkin. "A presence. A presence of something far greater than our feeble minds can comprehend," Fiver whispered quietly.

After he had finished speaking a gust of wind blew over the four companions. Bigwig screeched and tried to run out of the tornado but he couldn't escape it. Then the whirlwind started to flash many different colors, red, blue, yellow, orange and green the colors started to flash quicker until it was a blur of colored wind.

A voice then appeared over the wind saying "The leader, the muscle, the mystic and the innocent. I, the Prince of a Thousand enemies, have chosen you four to go on the quest of Greybeard. You must be cunning and full of tricks so that none of you will ever be destroyed." The voice left and the wind became faster, stronger and the colors became brighter and brighter until. They passed out and darkness took them

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The sunlight passed through the windows of the gatehouse of Redwall abbey. There old Malbun Grimp lay asleep on top of a huge books. In strode Martin the Warrior, he came through the gatehouse door. Literally through the door, for it was the spirit of Martin that visited Redwall. The first warrior looked at the book and saw a list of names, descriptions and pictures of all the previous warriors. He looked at them there they were: Arven the Squirrel, Denya the Taggerung, Samkin, Matthias, Martin the II ect.

The list went on and on, one of the eyebrows of the first warrior moved up and a smiled. He put the book down, turned around, and went out the same way he came in. I have the perfect four to fight for you Mithrandir, he thought. The he disappeared into the dream world to find his champions.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The moon castes an eerie glow over the ThunderClan camp, Firestar poked his head out of his den. He saw Spiderleg and Cinderheart keeping watch at the entrance of the camp. He padded out of his den towards the entrance. He nodded to both of the warriors as he left the camp. "It's a bit late to be walking isn't it Firestar?" Spiderleg meowed. "Just for a walk Spiderleg, nothing more", Firestar mewed back.

The ThunderClan leader found himself at the top of the ridge that led to the moonpool. He strolled down until he came right to the edge of the pool. He glanced up and saw three other cats there.

On the far right side he saw Mistyfoot, the deputy of RiverClan. Next to her was Crowfeather, warrior of WindClan. On the opposite side of the pool across from Crowfeather was Flamepaw, apprentice medicine cat of ShadowClan. He strode around the pool until he was directly across from Mistyfoot. And then, as if his will was no longer his own, he bent down, tasted the water and fell into dreams.

He looked up and saw he was in the strange place of StarClan. He looked around until he could see the others. He walked over and sat down. The order from left to right was Firestar, Mistyfoot, Crowfeather and Flamepaw. He didn't know why the others were in his dream, let alone the hunting grounds of StarClan.

Flamepaw could be here due to the fact that he is a medicine cat, Firestar thought, but he is just an apprentice why would Littlecloud send him here alone. And why are Mistyfoot and Crowfeather here? They're not leaders or medicine cats.

"We have sent for them, Firestar" a voice called from nowhere and everywhere.

He looked straight ahead and saw the former leaders of the Clans, Bluestar, Crockedstar, Tallstar and Raggedstar. "Why have you summoned us?" Flamepaw asked them. "For a task that determines the fate of another world", Raggedstar mewed. " 'Another world'?" Mistyfoot asked. "Yes young one," Crockedstar said, "There are many worlds other than ours. And you four, along with others are chosen to save that world." "What others?" Inquired Crowfeather, "Other warriors?"

"No other creatures," Tallstar replied. "But why us?" Firestar asked.

Then all four leaders meowed "Leader, Deputy, Warrior, Apprentice. Four ranks, four clans, four heroes. You are chosen to embark on the journey for…"

"Gandalf," Bluestar said.

"White Rider," spoke Crockedstar.

"Greyhame," Tallstar chimed in.

"Storm Crow," Raggedstar finally put in.

And with that, all the warriors vanished from the realm of StarClan.

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