DISCLAIMER: Stephanie Meyer owns all the characters in this story.

I was thinking about this story for a while now. Edward always is trying to protect Bella and save her from everything he can. But what if it was him who needed the saving from something that haunted him. Let me know what you think!

Bella's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping like always. I groaned and slammed my palm on it. I groggily opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and shuffled my way to the bathroom.

After I took an extremely hot shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I started fixing my hair when I heard my phone go off. I picked it up of my dresser and saw that it was a text from Alice. "Don't wear a pink top cause I was going to. Oh, and do something creative with your hair."

I laughed as I closed my phone. Only Alice would be so worried that we would match that she would text me in the morning just to make sure. It had only been happening recently, but I really didn't care. It was just Alice.

She was my best friend and had been ever since middle school when I met her. We bonded quickly and formed an instant friendship that only grew stronger after the things we went through. The mean girls in middle school, not making the dance team, all those little things that seem so trivial until something big happens. Alice's father died. He died when we were just starting our first year of high school. It was a car accident; he had been hit by a drunk driver. Alice fell apart after that. She didn't have anyone anymore—except me that is. Her mother had died during childbirth, or at least that's what Charlie, Alice's dad, always told her. Alice always secretly thought that her mother had left shortly after she was born and Charlie couldn't bear to tell her that her mother didn't want her.

But that didn't keep Alice down for too long. She lived with me and my Mom for a while. But then the stupid child services people had to come and tell us that she needed to go to her legal guardian. I never knew who that would be, but I figured she was going to have to go and live with one of her dad's relatives. However, we were both shocked to find out that Dr. Cullen was her legal guardian. That's how Alice Randolph became Alice Cullen.

She was happy now—happy as she could ever be. And I think that Dr. and Mrs. Cullen understand that. They understood when she first came to live with them that she didn't need new parents, she just needed people who would love her and care about her. Sometimes I wonder how Alice could be so happy after everything she went through.

I wasn't wearing a pink top, so I didn't have to change. But I glanced at my hair. I suppose I could do something with it, but what? I glanced over at a picture of me and my friends. There was Jasper, Alice, me, Rosalie, and Emmett. I smiled at it. They were my best friends. Rose and Jasper Hale were brother and sister, which made it a little awkward—but it worked on Friends right? Monica and Ross didn't really fight or anything.

Then there's Emmett Cullen. He is now Alice's brother of sorts. He was adopted by Dr. and Mrs. Cullen. So they really aren't related. And Emmett and I were the only people who understood why Alice had opted to take their name. It wasn't like she was trying to forget about her dad—that wasn't it at all. I saw proof of that when she cried at every holiday, his birthday, the day he died, and everything she accomplished that she couldn't tell him about. But she had changed her name so she felt like she belonged. If she stayed with the Cullens, but kept her last name, it would only be more proof that she didn't have a family anymore.

I finally turned back to the mirror and picked up a headband. I shoved it into my hair. Hopefully that was enough for Alice. I just shook my head again at my best friend's irrational need to "beautify" me. I grabbed my bad and headed out the door to get to school.

I passed my mom, Renee, as I headed for the door. "Have a good day Mom!"

"I will! Oh, Bella, Phil and I are going out to dinner tonight so we should be home around ten." My mom had married Phil about five years ago. They are both so happy and Phil is great. I do really like him. But, he's not my father. I don't really know why this bothers me so much. I never met my father—I don't even know if he knows that I exist. My mother never talks about it and every time I tried to bring it up she would just tell me that it didn't matter, or she didn't really remember.

I know she is just trying to protect me, but I still feel like I have a right to know. He is my father after all. I've always felt like a piece of me, or something was missing. I doubt that he would want anything to do with me, but I still wanted to know about him. But I've finally learned to accept the fact that I will never know him or anything about him.

I smiled back at my mother. "Alright, I'll see you then." And I walked out the door.

The whole ride to school I thought about a lot of things: my father, my mother, Alice, her father, the Cullens. Just everything. I wanted to know why I feel like something is missing when I shouldn't. I mean, I have a good life with my mother and Phil. And I have the best friends in the whole world. But I still feel like a part of me is missing. I would never tell anyone that though, least of all Alice. She has been through so much and is still so happy. And I have been through nothing and can't really feel happy. I'm not depressed or anything, and I am happy, but just not in the way that everyone else is.

I walked into the old school building like I do every morning. It was always the same crowd, same people, and the same scene. I walked to my locker to retrieve my books and shoved them into my backpack.

"Hey Bella," a twinkling, high pitch voice called to me.

"Hi Alice. Did you finish that Trig assignment?" I asked her because I knew that was her hardest subject.

She just snorted and said, "That's what I have you for!"

I laughed at her and sighed. "I suppose we should go and work on it then."

She smirked and began walking away. I followed her, acting exasperated, even though we both knew that I wasn't. I didn't want to work on Trig as much as she didn't and that's why I followed her to the courtyard to meet up with our other friends.

As we walked outside I saw Rosalie snuggling up to Emmett. Even though I pretended that it bothered me, I was secretly jealous. I wished that I had an Emmett—well not exactly Emmett, but a boyfriend of my own. I've had a few guys here and there, but I wanted the feeling that Rose and Emmett so obviously shared: love. As I watched them, I thought that maybe that was what I felt was missing.

I sat down on the bench and looked over where Jasper and Alice were talking about something or other. I smiled and shook my head. They both liked each other but we too afraid of risking their friendship to say or do anything about it. Although, I had a feeling Jasper was going to crack soon because Alice had recently been getting some attention from Mike Newton. However, that really didn't say anything because Mike had been doing the same thing to me since freshman year. Boys and their hormones.

The bell rang signaling first period. We all groaned and got up. I said goodbye to them as I began making my way across the courtyard to the Math building. While Alice and I both had Trig on our schedules, we had it different hours. I, of course, got stuck with first hour.

I walked in and took my usual seat in the back of the classroom. I dug out my book and notebook and began searching frantically for a pencil. After two minutes of searching, I gave up, realizing that I didn't have one.

I glanced at the boy sitting next to me staring down at his notebook. Edward Masen, the popular jock. I had no reason to believe that he was mean or anything. He definitely wasn't like the other boys he hung around with.

"Hey…do you have a pencil?" I whispered hesitantly.

He turned to me and nodded. He reached into his bad to grab one and handed it to me.

I smiled in thanks and he smiled back. He was so gorgeous, but that wasn't news to anyone. He was the object of almost every girl's affection at this school. But he never seemed to notice it. Which was weird, but whatever. It's his life.

I turned back to the board and began copying down the problems on the board. I heard Edward clear his throat and tap my shoulder, so I turned to him.

"Is that a pen on your desk?" He asked me with a weird expression on his face.

I immediately blushed and tried to stammer out an answer. "Yeah…but…I…um…I need to take math notes in pencil." I sighed and looked down. "I don't know…" Damn my stupid anal personality.

To my surprise, he didn't laugh at me like I thought he would. He just smirked and said, "I'm the same way."

I looked up at him, hoping my face wasn't still red and that I wasn't showing him the shock I so clearly felt. I gave him a small smile and whispered my thanks again before turning back to the board.

That was the only real interaction I've ever had with Edward. I mean, I've seen him at parties and he's said hi to me, but that's only because he's friends with Emmett. But I actually learned something about him, so that counts as an interaction.

I spent the entire hour going over that interaction in my head, thinking over everything. The way his lips moved when he spoke and how he tried to hide the amusement on his face when he found the pen on my desk. But his eyes, they were piercing green and I felt like he could see right through me when he looked into my eyes. But I felt like I saw something else there. Maybe he was just tired or something. I tried to shrug it off, but I kept thinking about them. I was so lost in thought that I jumped when the bell rang at the end of the hour. I heard a snicker beside me and realized Edward was laughing at me. I glared at him, but couldn't bring myself to be angry with him. I gave up and tried a smile.

"Please tell me you weren't thinking about Trig that deeply," he told me with a smirk.

I rolled me eyes at his response. "No, I was not thinking about Trig." I shook my head and began to walk away.

Edward fell into step beside me as we exited the classroom. "So…what were you thinking about then?"

I felt my face begin to heat up and I looked down. The one time I actually really thought about Edward Masen and I got caught. By Edward himself none-the-less. "Nothing," I whispered.

But, of course, Edward didn't buy that. He just laughed and said, "Come on, Bella. I saw you jump when you heard the bell ring. Your eyes weren't closed so you obviously were sleeping, which only proves the fact that you were thinking." He just smiled at me now.

I just stared at him as I stood by my locker. I couldn't understand why he was talking to me, let alone walking with me to my locker. But I couldn't overlook the fact that he had called me by my first name. I turned away from him and began opening my locker.

He sighed. "Okay, I'll let it go. Maybe you'll tell me some other time?"

I looked back at him and saw a hopeful look on his face. Why was he hopeful to talk to me again? I was just plain and ordinary. He was Edward, pretty much the prince of this school. I finally gave into his look. "Maybe."

He face broke into a big smile, which I couldn't help but return. "Okay, that's fair. I'll see you later Bella." He was still smiling as he turned away.

I just watched him go as I whispered, "Bye Edward."

What the hell just happened? Why did he want to know what I was thinking about? Why did he follow me to my locker? Why did he look so happy when I told him that I might tell him later? But most importantly, why can't I get his eyes out of my head. I groaned and slammed my locker shut. It was going to be a long day.

A/N: So this is just the intro chapter. The next chapter is going to be all about Edward. This chapter and the next are probably the only two that are going to be this long cause I need to get in all the background info!

The next update should be up soon because I'm pretty sure I know what I want to happen...

Please review and let me know what you think...I'd really appreciate it! :)