Dr. Cockroach watched Susan and Link play with Butterflysaurus. He smiled at Susan's laughter and wondered how it would be if he wasn't the monster and she wasn't Genormica. What if they had meet before his accident? He wondered and then heard General Monger just ordering his pilot around.

"You like her, Janet told me," Bob said at the side of Dr. Cockroach as he wiggled his jello in the doctor's face. Dr. Cockroach looked at the now bad jello with disgust. He wanted to tell Bob that the jello wasn't alive but it was necessary to keep the blob comfortable and happy.

"I do not," Dr. Cockroach defended, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Whatever," Bob said. "He isn't that smart, huh Janet?" Dr. Cockroach walked away from Bob, looking over his shoulder at the blob as he left. His lack of attention made him crash into something big.

"Are you okay Dr. Cockroach?" Susan asked. Dr. Cockroach nodded his head and felt the young woman pick him up. He scuttled to her shoulder, sitting close to her face.

"What can I do for you dear?" Dr. Cockroach asked with a gentle smile on his bug face.

"How 'bout a walk away from these guys?" Susan asked.

"Yes, but first I have something for you," Dr. Cockroach said as he scuttled off her. Dr. Cockroach motioned for Susan to follow and he was running to the big plane, going straight for the General first. "General, is it ready?"

"It is ready for a go doctor," the General said out loud. Dr. Cockroach turned to Susan.

"Wait here, dear," Cockroach said. General Monger followed Dr. Cockroach inside and Susan was very curious in what was going on. Out came the jeep pulling a ring that could fit Susan's index finger. The General and doctor unhitched the ring. "Put it on."

Susan grabbed the ring and put it on. She felt weird just standing there but realized she was shrinking a few seconds later and a large smile went on her face. She looked at the ring as she continued to shrink and saw it glowing green. The ring had also shrunk with her. Soon she was to her human height.

"With this ring Genormica you can control your energy," Monger said seriously.

"All you have to do is think about being Genormica," doctor said right afterwards as he walked to Susan. "The ring shrunk you at first because it was recognizing your energy and DNA." Susan ran fully to the doctor and hugged him tightly to her. He felt heat on his cheeks and wondered if his cockroach head could even blush. General Monger had left again to train and order his pilot once more. He believed the pilot was a coward.

"Thank you," Susan said and pulled back to kiss the doctor on the cheek. She did and her cheeks started to blush. The doctor saw and looked down at his feet. It was an awkward moment for the two.

"Well, I hope you like it dear, you seemed to deserve it," the doctor said to her as he looked shyly at her. He dropped his arms and placed them behind his back. "Now, Monger said as long as you check in you can go back to live with your parents." Susan's face dropped.

"Um, yea," Susan said. "Back home to being just Susan, a nobody." Dr. Cockroach rose up her head by lifting her chin with his hand.

"Ah, you put yourself to low. You kicked alien butt as Susan and proved that even you can do something," Dr. Cockroach told her. "Now, stop with this pish posh of being a nobody because to us you are a hero."

"Damn right she is a hero, she is a monster hero!" Monger shouted. They turned to see him on the big plane with some technology in his ear and a satellite looking thing pointed at them.

"Susan! You are small. Who took your powers?!" Link's voice carried out. Behind him Butterflysaurus followed. Bob with his jello was next to Link.

"Is there another alien invasion? Are we going to die?!" Bob quickly questioned with panic in his voice.

"There is no alien invasion Bob," Dr. Cockroach said. "And Link, the ring worked." Susan showed Link the ring. "Also, Bob, no you can't eat it."

Link laughed at Bob's fallen face. Susan joined in the laughter and went to Bob.

"At least you won't have to look up at me," Susan said to the blob. He smiled.

"That's right!" Bob said happily.

"Now, Genormica, are you ready to see your parents?" Monger asked. The group wondered how the man had come down form the plane so fast.

"Yes," Susan answered.

"Alright, everybody in," Monger ordered. "Monsters, were do you want to be dropped off?"

"I don't know," Link said honestly.

"As long as Janet is with me, I don't care," Bob said as he jiggled the jello in front of him.

"They can stay with me at my mansion, all of them," Dr. Cockroach answered. Monger looked at him. "And I will make sure Link doesn't forget that I am not allowed to do any crazy experiments."

"Yea, I won't let him do anything drastic," Link said. "I got it covered."

"Okay, then all is settled," Monger said to them. "You first Genormica." The monsters followed him inside and Butterflysaurus got ready to fly to follow the plane that held its friend.

Once inside Susan sat next to Dr. Cockroach on top of a crate. Link and Bob were at the other side of the large plane, watching out the window and waving to the large bug outside.

"I am going to miss you guys," Susan spoke. The doctor faced her and saw her smiling at the two at the window waving. She faced him saying, "But I think I would miss you more."

"Ah, don't worry about us," Dr. Cockroach said. "I will make sure Bob gets a better looking jello which I will experiment on so it doesn't rotten." Susan noticed his shiver and giggled. "And, don't worry about me, I will be back working on my experiments if Link doesn't stop me."

"I will!" Link shouted making the young woman and the bug man laugh.

"We are here Genormica," Monger's voice rang out.

"Wow, that was fast," Susan replied. The doors opened to show they were in the main road, a cab waiting for her already.

"Well, goodbye my dear," Dr. Cockroach said. Susan kissed him on the cheek and hugged B.O.B. and Link. Dr. Cockroach watched her go, his hand where her kiss burned on his bug face. Link noticed the glazed look on the docs face and chuckled inside. Susan had a blush on her face when she had kissed the doc and still had it now as she entered the cabbie.

"You like her," Link teased as he patted the doc on the back. Dr. Cockroach came out of his glazed look and glared at Link.

"I do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do to!"

"You do not!"

"You are right, I do not like her," Dr. Cockroach finished with a smug grin and leaving Link there confused. Monger was laughing.

"What just happened?" Link questioned.