NOTE:~ Hey guys! Ok so I just wanted to say that since this is the last chapter of The Tail Of The Fox&The Butterfly that it has been wonderful to write this, and I am glad SO many enjoyed this story! When I started this, I didn't think I would get so many wonderful readers! You guys are all awesome! And I know you're sad that this is ending but...Good news. I know how some of you have been wondering if I will be writing another Gin fic and I kept saying No because I had no new ideas for one...

Well guess what guys. I HAVE AN IDEA! So after this one is over, I will be writing a new GinOC romance fic for you! So keep your eyes peeled for that, but I can tell you that it won't be out till around the middle of August since I will be quite busy till then. Now onto the chapter. Enjoy my wonderful readers~!

The Tail Of The Fox&The Butterfly

Chapter 18: Fox Final Battle

"Aria's not as special as Aizen made'er sound", Gin informed Yumi, "She's like a shinigami but somethin' went wrong which made'er weak. So ya main opponent would be Tousen, careful 'round blindy. I'll take care of Aizen".

Yumi nodded, her gaze shifting now on Tousen. So she was to take out Aria and Tousen. But she was worried about Gin. Was he strong enough to beat Aizen? She quickly pushed that thought out of her mind. She had to believe in Gin. Right now, she had to face her own opponent.

"Don't you worry little Yumi-taicho~! I promise to make your death quick!", Aria stated as she was the first to come at Yumi wielding a blade. Yumi raised Kyuuten Tsubasa, blocking Aria.

"I think you have it mixed up...YOU'RE the one who's going to have a quick death!", Yumi growled, pushing Aria back before holding up her hand, causing a swirl of rainbow like reitsu to appear before it transformed into little butterflies, quickly fluttering at Aria.

Gin smirked at Aizen, his eyes still in slits. "I got tired of playin' ya games, sorry", he apologized.

"Gin, you will regret this decision", Aizen stated, a rather unhappy look upon his features. He could see his puzzle beginning to fall apart. His perfect puzzle he had worked at for over 100 years. No. He wouldn't let Gin or Yumi ruin this for him. They were both going to die.

Gin's grin merely grew and he took a step back before unsheathing Shinso once more, "I've seen ya illusions too many times so tha' won't work on me now, Shinso". Shinso's blade extended once more, shooting out at an immense speed and aiming for Aizen's stomach. Aizen was quick to side step the blade before going at Gin head on. He appeared beside him. "I don't need illusions to teach you a lesson...", Aizen stated, narrowing his cold gaze on the fox, about to stab him with his zanpakuto.

"GOD DAMN IT! STUPID BUTTERFLIES!", Aria hissed, swatting at all the annoying butterflies made up of rainbow reitsu. She raised her blade, suddenly blocking Yumi's as she came at her. "Ya can't distract me that easily! I may not have power, but I do have speed and that's all I need to beat a butterfly!", Aria laughed, kicking Yumi away from her. She quickly followed up by going at her once more while she was off balance. Yumi growled as she was slammed down, Aria pushing against her zanpakuto as she hovered over her.

"You may have gotten the guy, but you'll never have that life with him", Aria stated, "You and your depression. You were SO lost when he left. HAH! Dependent on a man, you have no real strength of your own!".

"Shut up!", Yumi hissed, trying to push Aria off of her.

"Oh come now, you know I'm right!", laughed Aria, "You were so alone each and every day, even when Rangiku came to cheer you up, you faked it! You're so weak!". Aria pushed down harder, her blade now only inches from Yumi's neck. "Weak little butterfly. I'll tear those wings off and watch you squirm!".

"I said...", Yumi pushed back harder on Aria, "SHUT UP!". She suddenly sent Aria flying back towards the flames. She managed to catch herself before she landed in them, releasing a soft laugh.

"That was close...", Aria murmured, looking back at the flames and then forward, her smile quickly fading as Yumi appeared in front of her. "Burn in hell!", Yumi exclaimed, punching her in the face and causing her to fall back into the flames. Her screams suddenly echoed through the air as she began to burn away. Yumi watched as her flesh began to wither away from her body before it slowly began to disappear. "Stupid arrancar...", Yumi murmured to herself.

She relaxed for a moment, taking a deep breath. But she didn't have much time to relax as Tousen suddenly came at her. She quickly jumped away from him, his blade just barely missing her. 'Crap...I have to face Tousen...I'll have to watch out for his bankai if he uses it...', she thought to herself.

"Ya seem so slow Aizen-sama~!", Gin teased, blocking another attack from Aizen, "Have ya gotten rusty?".

"You're under-estimating me Gin", Aizen stated, narrowing his gaze on the man before suddenly appearing behind him. He swung his zanpakuto downwards at his head, but Gin quickly lowered his stance, swinging Shinso up and above his head just in time to block Aizen's attack.

"And ya under-estimatin' me as well...", chuckled Gin. He pushed off of Aizen and the two began to attack each other, although with the way they were attacking and blocking each others attacks it looked more like a spare than an actual battle. Maybe they were equally matched? Not a chance.

This reminded Gin of the old times, when he used to train with Aizen, since the man had practically raised him after all. Except this time was different. This time Gin stood a chance. All the other times he would have gotten injured by now. But he didn't even have a scratch on him. As the two clashed blades once more, Gin leaned in, his smirk quite sinister now. "This is what happens when ya mess with my things", Gin stated, "I'm a very greedy man".

"Damn...", Yumi grunted. She had once again just barely dodged another attack from Tousen, receiving a small cut on her cheek. She brushed the blood away with the back of her hand, smudging it on her face. 'How am I going to beat Tousen? I'm only a temporary Captain. He was an actual Captain before, not to mention he has been around longer than I have. He's stronger than me...But I have to try. Gin is doing his part in fighting Aizen, I have to do mine! I can't let him fight it alone!', Yumi thought to herself, raising her zanpakuto and just barely blocking Tousen yet again.

He suddenly jumped back, holding his zanpakuto in front of him, "I've had enough of this jumping around. Bankai: Enma Korogi". A blast of reitsu suddenly came from Tousen.

"Shit...", Yumi cursed. The very thing she had told herself not to get caught in was exactly what she was being trapped in now.

Gin was suddenly distracted as he felt the sudden burst of Tousen's reitsu. His eyes opened wide, revealing his red orbs as he saw the blackness surround Yumi.

"Yumi!", he called to her, suddenly jumping back as Aizen took the moment to attack, managing to cut his shoulder open. Gin winced, his white outfit now turning crimson around his wound and down his arm.

"You should pay more attention, Gin. In a battle like this, there is no time to get distracted", Aizen stated, a smirk slowly appearing on his lips. He had full confidence that Tousen would take Yumi out. That he would kill her. Gin looked at Aizen, taking a step back to regain himself for a moment before Aizen came at him once again. He was worried about Yumi, but there was nothing he could do to help her right now.

Yumi looked around at the darkness. She couldn't see, hear, smell, and she couldn't feel Tousen's spirit energy either. 'Damn it...Damn it...I can't see...I can't hear! DAMN IT! Where is he?! Where do I go?! What the hell do I do?! If I can't see him or hear him, I'm dead. But if I just stand here I'm an open target...But if I move I have no idea where I'm going!', her thoughts quickly came to an end as she felt a blade enter her shoulder and then quickly be removed. She felt it again, this time on her leg.

She winced, looking around at the darkness. Damn it! She couldn't see. She couldn't hear. What was she supposed to do?! She felt so helpless. So weak. She actually found herself wishing Gin would help her, even though she knew he was busy with Aizen.

"You were doomed to this fate when you entered Las Noches. In the end you're fate is death. Justice will prevail", Tousen stated, even though he knew she couldn't hear him. He raised his blade, ready to strike her heart. 'At this rate...I'm going to die!', she moved slightly to look around the darkness, moving just in time so that the blade skimmed her side, cutting her clothing, 'Holy shit!'. That was awfully close for comfort.

"You made a big mistake Gin", Aizen commented, "By now, Yumi is probably half dead. You shouldn't have been blinded by her".

"I'm not blind", Gin remarked, "I can see quite well now. Ya see". Gin opened his eyes to Aizen, smirking slightly. "And Yumi-chan is fine. I believe in'er and she'll beat Tousen".

Yumi gripped Kyuuten Tsubasa, continuing to look around the darkness even though she knew she wouldn't see anything. She was in a panic now. What the hell was she supposed to do? "Tate Uyoku!", a voice screamed out, Yumi heard it and so did Tousen. Suddenly rainbow wings of reitsu surrounded her, wrapping around her and protecting her. Those wings belonged to Kyuuten Tsubasa. Her spirit was standing before Yumi in a protective manner.

"Yumi. I know you can hear me. Listen to me. We can beat him, but we will have to work together. Stay calm. If you panic in his bankai you will lose, you WILL die. I know you haven't mastered our bankai yet...but we have to try it. We have to use it against him. It will be hard, it will weaken you a lot. But if we do this we will beat him and then the rest will be up to Gin. But I have to know if you're willing to do this...", Kyuuten Tsubasa stared at Yumi. She knew the female could not see her, but she could hear her because she was her zanpakuto. Yumi stood there, now considering the situation. If she did it, there was a chance it might not work and then it would have been for nothing and she would be vulnerable. But if she didn't try it she was a sitting duck. What to do.

Tousen could sense the sudden barrier around Yumi. He knew it wasn't her who activated it. Her zanpakuto? Something was off. Something was happening. He had to act quickly. He quickly went in, attacking relentlessly at the barrier, trying to break through it.

"Decide quickly! We don't have much time before he breaks through...!", Kyuuten Tsubasa exclaimed, growling slightly at how persistent Tousen was being.

Gin swung down at Aizen, his movements now slow due to his injured arm. Aizen once again blocked him and raised his hand, shooting a kido blast at him. He jumped back, flipping a few times before landing swiftly. 'This is harder than I thought...Cause I took that injury, that's why...', Gin thought to himself.

"You seem to be tiring Gin, what is the matter?", Aizen questioned, his smirk only growing further, "Where has your smile gone?".

"Right'ere", Gin replied, smiling towards Aizen before coming back at him. This was going to be a long battle. They both had their injuries which slowed down their movements a bit, but Aizen was the faster of the two which put Gin at a disadvantage, and since he had never been one for kido and Aizen was quite masterful in the art he was at even more of a disadvantage.

"I remember when we first met", Gin began randomly, surprising Aizen. What was he going on about now? "I had just killed the Fifth Division Third Seat....Ya asked my name...then ya asked what I thought of that third seat...and ya know what. I think of ya the same way now. No good. No good at all...!". With this, Gin suddenly ran at Aizen with amazing speed, swiping Shinso down and managing to catch Aizen's leg as he tried to dodge. "Pierce his flesh, Shinso!", the blade suddenly extended, now cutting through Aizen's leg, causing the man to actually grunt in pain. He had, had no time to react, no time to move away quickly. Damn it.

Shinso quickly retracted as Aizen swung down with his zanpakuto to slice the blade apart. Gin took a step back, his grin now wider than ever. "Ya know taicho, ya gotten really rusty. Maybe ya should call it quits before ya get yarself killed~?", Gin prepared himself as Aizen came at him now, not as quick as he would have prior to gaining the injury in his leg, but still coming quite fast now.

"Yumi!", Kyuuten Tsubasa exclaimed. "Ok!", Yumi replied, "I trust you. I trust you Kyuuten Tsubasa, and even if there isn't a 100% chance it will work...I trust you. It's the only thing we've got. I have to risk it! BANKAI!". She gripped her zanpakuto in both hands, the protective wings around her suddenly shattering and sending Tousen stumbling backwards. A burst of reitsu began to swirl around Yumi, the rainbow color engulfing her and lighting up the darkness around them.

"Impossible!", Tousen exclaimed, stepping away from Yumi, shaking his head.

Wing's of reitsu appeared on her back, her clothing changing into a simple green tube top around her chest, and then a nice shade of bluish green hakama pants. Her zanpakuto changed, curving a little more with a charm hanging from the end of a butterfly along with green ribbon that swirled around Yumi. Her hair was also different. It was put up and decorated with different color beads. "We can't hold it for long! So go now!", Kyuuten Tsubasa instructed quickly. Yumi lowered her stance slightly before swinging her zanpakuto, a shimmer of a rainbow came from it, extending through the darkness and bursting through it, deactivating Tousen's bankai.

"Impossible! The only escape from my bankai is to be holding my zanpakuto...!", he hissed at her.

"No matter how dark or blinding, or deafening your bankai may be, there is always a way through it. Always a way to see when blind, always a way to hear when deaf. If you had learned these things then maybe your justice wouldn't have ever been corrupted!", Yumi was now floating up in the air for a moment before shooting down at Tousen, "This is goodbye, Tousen. May you find your justice in another place!". Tousen tried to raise his blade but he was too late as Yumi's went straight through his chest, skimming his heart but not hitting it. But he would surely still die.

"Why...why...?", Tousen murmured, choking on some of his blood that began to fill his mouth, "Justice...This was the right path...Path with the least blood...".

"That is where you're wrong Tousen. The path with Aizen was the path with the most blood. If he hadn't corrupted you, you may have found your justice...", Yumi stated, watching with sympathy as Tousen began to die, slowly falling to his knees. He gripped Yumi's blade, looking up at her. Although he couldn't see her, he knew she was there. " was the wrong path...", he coughed out, "Please...tell...Sajin...I'm sorry...".

Tousen fell back, sliding off of her blade. "I will...I'll–", Yumi's eyes grew wide as she felt a sudden pain enter her and she dropped her zanpakuto, placing a hand over her mouth as she suddenly began to cough up blood. She slipped down to her knees, her clothing reverting back to normal as the wings shattered and her zanpakuto returned to its normal form. "We beat him...but it's taking its toll on you...I'm sorry Yumi...", Kyuuten Tsubasa apologized reluctantly. 'It's...ok...Gin..Your up..', Yumi thought as she looked towards Gin. She was weakened now. She could not fight. She found it hard just to even stay awake.

Gin's grin grew wider now as he felt Tousen's reitsu fade then disappear. "Now what was tha' bout Yumi-chan bein' killed...?", Gin asked Aizen in a mocking tone. Aizen simply glared at Gin. This was going to end right now. He was going to end it once and for all.

"Gin, you were a fool to ever challenge me", Aizen released his reitsu, letting it stream freely through the air which put quite the weight on Gin's body, causing him to have trouble even to stay standing. Yumi was also feeling the effects of the reitsu. It was quite painful due to her already injured body and she felt darkness beginning to take her. Beginning to over come her.

Suddenly the flames around them were dispersed by Aizen's amazing amount of reitsu, and the sight beyond the flames wasn't a very pretty one, for Aizen anyway. His Espada's fraccion appeared to be defeated, but his Espada were still fighting and appeared to be awaiting further orders from him. They even had to go into their released states.

"Everyone, attack and kill without mercy", Aizen instructed, his cold gaze burning into Gin. The man kept smirking at him. That smirk he had grown to hate over the recent times. He had no reason to smirk at him. He had no reason to turn his blade against him. It was all because of Yumi. That little witch.

Darkness over took Yumi and she began to fall from the sky, along with Tousen's body. She no longer had the strength to stay awake due to Aizen's reitsu. It seemed to have drained her of every last bit she had left. Aizen clashed blades with Gin, causing him to be unable to save Yumi from her plummet to the earth below, which would surely kill her. Gin growled lowly, glaring at Aizen who simply smirked at him. "This is the end, for both you and that girl", Aizen stated, pushing hard against Shinso causing the blade to crack slightly under the pressure. 'Yumi...!', Gin thought, looking over as he saw her continue to plummet.

But someone he didn't expect to see. Someone Gin didn't expect to catch Yumi appeared. It was Izuru. Izuru caught the female with ease, his gaze shifting up to Gin. He understood that Gin was now helping them, but he could never forgive Gin for what he had done in the past. He gave a quick nod to Gin, "Focus on your fight! I have her!". With this, Izuru turned and took Yumi over to where he had placed a barrier and was now healing the injured Vice-Captain's.

Gin turned his focus back on Aizen now that he knew Yumi was safe. He pushed hard against Kyoka Suigetsu, trying to over power the blade some how but he couldn't manage it. Aizen had way more reitsu than Gin could ever hope for. This man was powerful, and in that sense he respected him. But he couldn't back down now. Even though Shinso was screaming in pain, he knew his blade knew what was happening. That this was needed.

"Ya should really watch how close ya get to Shinso....", Gin stated, his blade suddenly extending. Aizen's eyes grew wide with shock before Shinso suddenly pierced his head.

"And it appears my illusions still effect you...", Aizen's voice called from behind. Gin's eyes grew wide at this, barely getting the chance to look back as blade met flesh. Blood splattered across his back, staining his white attire. No. This wasn't right. This didn't make sense. Why?! WHY?!

" my job...", Izuru coughed out. Indeed it had been Izuru that was stabbed. Indeed it had been Izuru that had saved him. The blade was right through the boys right side. " life for him...", Izuru managed, narrowing his gaze on Aizen, "and...assist when I can...!". It was then that the two noticed Wabisuke in its shikai state. Izuru managed to tap both Aizen's arms with it when he had saved Gin, causing both of Aizen's arms to fall heavy after removing Kyoka Suigetsu from the boy's body. Gin turned, grabbing hold of Izuru before he fell. He looked at the boy. Here he thought that Izuru still had a grudge on him. But he saved him. He wondered why.

"Don't...get me wrong..", Izuru choked out, "I'm still you...But you're on our side again...Please...kill Aizen...". Izuru closed his eyes, swallowing hard. Gin moved, setting the boy down on top of one of the buildings. Izuru was indeed his Vice-Captain until the very end. Gin's gaze quickly shot back up at Aizen, who's arms were hanging heavily and he was struggling to try and raise his blade. Gin's eyes opened wide, revealing his red orbs, which were now more red than they ever had been.

"Ya gotta stop doin' tha'", Gin began, heading back up towards Aizen's level in the sky, "Hurtin' my things...". Gin's reitsu suddenly shot up, bursting through out the area. It was amazing how high it was. "But too late now. Bye, bye Aizen-taicho...See ya in hell~!", Gin grinned and held up Shinso. One last attack to finish this fight. "Shoot to kill, SHINSO!", Shinso shot out at a high speed, faster than Aizen had predicted and in turn caused him to be unable to dodge. The blade struck right through his chest. Right through his heart. Aizen froze, blood beginning to trickle down his mouth. Shinso slowly retracted, taking its sweet time coming out of Aizen's body before returning to its normal state. Gin's breathing was quite heavy now. He had put everything he had left into his zanpakuto just for that. He had used his reitsu to increase Shinso's speed.

Gin stood there, watching as Kyoka Suigetsu dropped from Aizen's grasp and he suddenly plummeted to the earth. "Bye, bye~!", he said, waving as he grinned at Aizen's falling body before lowering himself back onto the roof top where he had set Izuru down. His gaze shifted up to the remaining three Espada, grinning at them rather threateningly. Their leader was gone. He was dead. What were they to do now? Retreat. He watched as they opened up a few gargantua's and retreated back to Las Noches. The fight wasn't over yet. There was still a battle occurring in Las Noches with the ryoka and the four Captain's that had been sent there, as well as Rukia and Renji.

It was now evening by the time everything had settled down. Gin had managed to assist in bringing the four Captain's, the ryoka, and Rukia and Renji out of Las Noches by opening up a gargantua for them. But he was awfully tired, and injured as well. But his main focus and worry was on three certain people that were injured. Izuru and Matsumoto, of course, and he was worried about Yumi the most. They were still in fake Karakura town at the moment, seeing as this was the best place to heal everyone that way they weren't strained in being transferred to Seireitei.

Gin sat near where the three he cared about were healing up. He watched them intently. "Gin Ichimaru", a familiar voice called and his gaze shifted to the Captain-Commander. Gin was quick to rise from his sitting position. Now normally Gin was not one for formality's or even bowing or paying anyone respect. But at a time like this, after all he had done, he felt that it was necessary. He bowed to Yamamoto, quite deeply too.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused and I am prepared to take any punishment ya give me. I don't expect to be forgiven, not entirely anyway....", Gin surprised everyone around them by his apology, and even managed to surprise himself.

"Gin Ichimaru. You assisted Sousuke Aizen, a traitor to Soul Society. You became a traitor yourself and worked along side that man. You have done horrible crimes that deserve a fate worse than death....", Yamamoto fell silent, noticing the oddly upset look upon Gin's features. It wasn't fake either. It was real. He was truly sorry. "But...", Yamamoto continued, "You helped to defeat Seireitei's greatest enemy and assisted in the safe return of four of our Captain's, along with the Ryoka, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Yumi Mamori. This over powers all crimes you have committed. Therefore you are welcomed back. You are welcomed back as the Third Division Captain, Gin Ichimaru".

Gin smiled. He actually smiled. It wasn't creepy looking at all either. "Thank you very much, Captain-Commander Yamamoto", he bowed once more as Yamamoto walked away. Everything was turning out to be ok. Like Yumi said, in the end everything was alright.

"Gin...", at hearing his name, he quickly turned and walked over to Yumi's weak and healing form. "Ah, how ya feelin', Yumi-chan?", he asked.

"Ok...", she replied with a faint smile, "Izuru-kun appears to be fine to...". She turned her head slightly to look over at Izuru who was next to her before looking back at Gin. "I're Captain again...", she stated with a soft smile.

"Ah ya...", he chuckled, "Ya know, I'll be expectin' ya first thing in the mornin' Yumi-chan~!", he teased. Yumi's smile grew at this and she let out a soft laugh. "Thank you...Ichimaru-taicho...", she murmured, closing her eyes. She needed her rest. "Ok, ya can skip tomorrow...but ya gotta come to bed with ya Captain", Gin stated in a rather serious tone.

Yumi merely smiled and drifted back off into a sleeping state. Gin sat there smiling at her. Everything was ok. In the end, he had made a good decision. He didn't lose anything too important. No. Hell, he gained a lot more than he lost and he would take this over what he was going to do with Aizen any day. He lifted his gaze towards the setting sun, holding onto Yumi's hand. He wondered what the future would hold for them. But he was looking forward to it. Especially since he could create more mischief as a Captain again....

END:~ Once again it has been wonderful to write this and get so many wonderful reviews for it. I am quite happy. Thank you guys so much for reading and I love you all. I do hope you will read the new GinOC fic I will be posting! Since some asked for it! =D I may post a preview for that the beginning of August or so. Around there anyway. But I do hoped you enjoyed this story.

Do you know how hard it was to write a GinVSAizen fight since NEITHER have shown their Bankai yet?! It was hard. But in the end I guess it worked out. Yumi never perfected her Bankai and that was why she was injured after using it. It took its tole on her body.

So ya. I hope you guys liked the final chapter. I love you all. You are all wonderful people and I will see you next Gin fic! Also, check out my other fics and even my website which is linked in my profile! Thanks =D.