Title: Surrounded on all sides
Author: Naitan
Summary: After leaving a broken relationship with Rosalie, Alice flees to a small town called Lakeside. There, she meets a girl called Bella Swan. Things get interesting when other gangs of vampires turn up and lay claim to Bella.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. I only own the idea behind my story, and minor characters I have created in it. Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyers.
I stood second in line in the hotel waiting room, behind a pretty brunette who was speaking to the receptionist. She was trying to book a room, but Seth and I had booked the last two.
"Sorry, Ms. Swan," the receptionist said, not sounding sorry at all. In fact, she sounded slightly amused. "I an afraid that the last two free rooms were recently booked by a Ms. Cullen and a Mr. Clearwater."
"Are you sure?" the brunette asked desperately, looking at the receptionist with pleading eyes. "This is the last hotel in town! If I can't stay here, then I'll have to sleep on the streets!"
"Not my problem," shrugged the receptionist. "There's nothing I can do. Make sure you find a good box to sleep in."
The brunette stood there for a moment. Looking forwards, I saw that she was seriously considering punching the receptionist. Then, as most humans do, she abandoned the idea and walked away sadly.
I moved forwards. "Reservation for Cullen," I said quietly, hoping that the girl wouldn't hear.
I picked up the key she placed in front of me and turned to explore the town of Lakeside. Seth would need a lot of food to keep him healthy, and that meant money. Luckily, I had a lot of money in a bank account. Now to find a bank.
For twenty minutes, I wandered the streets at an annoyingly slow, human pace, in case anyone was looking. It was lucky I did, too. Just before I was about to give up and ask directions, I saw two men dragging the brunette from the hotel into an alley.
Not considering what the consequences could be, I followed them at a slightly faster, but still human, pace. I was glad I did when I looked ahead and saw them tearing her clothes off. If I could, I would have gone pale when I saw the knife and what they planned to do with it.
"Hey!" I yelled down the entrance of the alleyway. They stiffened and stopped dragging her, turning to look at me.
"Oh, no," I heard one of them say. He was short, fat and annoyingly bald. The other was one of the tall, ugly, muscular guys you see in bad movies. "Looks like we're going to have twice as much fun."
"Yeah," the tall one chuckled. "God help us!"
I had stopped believing in God decades ago- surely if there was a God, he wouldn't have created vampires- but I was sure that even if he did exist, he wouldn't help these two. "Go on," I taunted them. "Try it."
The fat one, no doubt thinking that I would be easy to overpower because I was short, ran at me with a knife. I stood there waiting for it to hit me.
He drove it onto my stomach. I laughed at the overly astonished expression on his face, before remembering that he had just tried to kill me. The knife, hitting at a bad angle and onto my diamond-hard body, hat shattered into various large pieces.
"Nobody tries to hurt me and gets away with it," I hissed, allowing menace to creep into my voice. As I remembered what he and his partner had planned to do with the girl, I grew steadily angrier. He drew back, and I saw my now coal-black eyes reflected in his greedy brown eyes.
I placed my outspread hand on his chest, shuddering at the feel of fat on my hand- heightened by my vampire senses- and pushed. He flew backwards and hit one of those metal staircases they use as fire escapes head-first. His eyes rolled into his head, and he crumpled down and landed in a puddle of filthy water. Served him right.
The tall, ugly man looked at me in astonishment, no doubt wondering how I could have even moved such a heavy object. "Come on, ugly," I purred. "Try me."
His face hardening at the insult, he ran at me, raising a steel bat over his head. I twisted aside as he swung down. The bat clanged on the ground, and I drew back my fist, hitting him hard in the shoulder. He howled as the bones in his arm broke.
I ignored the men now, they were no longer a threat. I walked over to the brunette. "Come on, girl," I said. They're not a threat any longer,"
"Don't touch me vampire!" she screeched. "I won't let you kill me!
I recoiled. How did she know about vampires? How did she know I was one? "Kill you? I said sharply. "If I wanted you dead, I could have just left you there to die!"
She ;looked at me, obviously not sure of me. "You're not going to kill me?"
"No," I answered, not bothering to wonder why I would do that. It was obvious and didn't need any though. I was a vampire. "What were you doing here?" I asked curiously.
"I was looking for a place to stay," she said. "I was going to crash back here when they grabbed me." She gestured to the two pigs. The tall one was attempting to walk away.
"No," I said. "Not after I went to all the trouble of saving you. You are not just going away to die again. You are coming back with me."
"Why?" she snarled. "So you can feed me to your coven?"
"No," I said, annoyed. "My family's nowhere near here."
"Oh," She looked around. "Even staying with a vampire has to be better than this."
"Yes. Now, do you know where the bank is?"
"Yes," she snapped. "It's across the street." She pointed to a building across the street.
"Thanks." I offered her my hand again, trying to help her stand up. This time, she took it.
We walked over the street to the bank. "What's your name?" she asked.
"Alice Cullen," I replied. "What's yours?"
"Isabella Swan. Call me Bella," Our conversation was interrupted as we walked into the bank, and saw that there were no customers there. She followed me to one of the windows.
I gave my name and account details to the human sitting there. "How much do you wish to withdraw?" she asked in a professional manner.
"Twenty thousand." Next to me, Bella tensed up.
We walked out of the bank. We had hardly walked two steps before she turned on me. "What do you need that much money for?"
"Seth eats a lot," I replied truthfully.
"Oh," Was that her favourite word? "A boy."
I chuckled at her expression as we walked back into the hotel and up to my room.
Seth was waiting there. "Alice," he said. "Random brunette."
"Guy who eats a lot," she replied.
He laughed. "Jacob says that Rosalie convinced your family not to worry about you. In fact, they're not even going to call you."
My face slumped.
"Jacob damn near tore her face off when he heard that."
"Good." I sounded vindictive.
"So who's the girl?" he asked innocently. There was a subtle undertone that hinted that he was implying something. "Can she cook?"
"The girl is Bella," the girl in question said as she walked in. "Hope you like spaghetti, because that's what us two will be eating tonight."
"Awesome." He turned and left.
"Alice." Bella didn't turn as she poured spaghetti into a pot and filled it with water. There was a lot of spaghetti; that was good. "How come you didn't drink those guys in the alley?"
"Well," I said, wondering how I could phrase this. "When I was turned, the person who did it had no idea what they were doing. They made the usual cuts on my neck, but also on my cheeks and nose. The venom completely ruined my sense of smell. Now, I drink animal blood, and it is no challenge for me to abstain from human blood."
She considered that. "I'm glad." She piled one plate high with spaghetti, and forked some onto her plate. Obviously, she wanted to see how much Seth could eat.
He ate everything that was put in front of him, and asked for more. When informed there was no more, he said his goodnights and left.
"Where do I sleep?" Bella asked.
"In my bed." I answered matter-of-factly.
"You want me to sleep with you?" she asked. I couldn't tell whether she was pleased or upset with the idea.
"Silly Bella," I replied. Vampires don't sleep."
"Oh," she said again. "I forgot. Well. Goodnight."