Alright guys! Sorry It took so long to update, but my life has been super hectic, with school and finals about I have little time to write. So I dedicate this chapter to you guys who have read and commented on this story. Thanks for taking your time and reading.
Kagome's hand trailed along the walls as she walked down the narrow hallway. Her attitude had not changed over these past few days. She still sulked and cried every day, sometimes from loneliness and sometimes out of hatred for her friend's betrayal. Kagome was broken and it seemed like no one could fix her.
Her face was paler and her once life-filled chocolate brown orbs were now a lifeless tone. She hadn't eaten in days thus resulting in her body becoming thinner. She wasn't the same Kagome that everyone once knew. She had no kindness for anyone anymore. This time Inuyasha had really done it.
The hallway ended at a door. It was made of dark mahogany wood. Her fingers traced the intricate designs of dragons, forest, and all sorts of different creatures that were designed into the wood. It had seemed to tell a story. A very familiar story as she seemed to recall. The dragon looked a lot like Ryokoutsei, the dragon Inuyasha had slain almost a year ago. She looked at the figurines very closely and it had the hanyou Inuyasha and his comrades there. But what caught her eye the most was a figure that looked like Naraku.
"This must be Naraku's room," She whispered to herself. Curiously Kagome slid the door open; this room was so well designed. It was a western styled room, one that wasn't very often found in the feudal era of Japan. There was a king sized bed covered in blood red, black, and gold covers. The floors were wooden like the rest of the castle and there were numerous designs of fights that Naraku had fought. On the southern wall there was a window with a chair by it. It must have been where he sat to think of something. Kagome was amazed at this. She thought Naraku would have like the creepy grungy look, with all sorts of weird things like chains, and cobwebs, and other things of torture. But no this room was nice and kempt.
"I should get out of here before Naraku find-,"She said turning around, but being cut off by bumping into someone's chest. She slowly looked up to find crimson eyes. Kagome almost let out a scream but she stopped herself.
"What are you doing in my private quarters? Wait a minute let me answer that for you, you were just leaving," He said in his deep voice.
"Wait a minute you can't just keep me locked up in that room and YOU are not the boss of me. I can go wherever I want whenever I want," Kagome's sassy attitude came out. Naraku hadn't seen that part of her for days. He smirked. He was going to keep provoking her to get angry. It was better than that shell of a personality she had been carrying around for the past few days.
"Seeing as I saved your life I think I do have the right to tell you what to do. You will be my new servant,"
"You're behaving just like Inuyasha! I am a servant to no one! Especially YOU," Kagome was extremely fired up now. How dare anyone tell her what to do, they didn't have the right at all. Naraku saw that her life was returning to her eyes. Good, now he would have to do something else to make her angry.
Naraku picked her up by her waist and locked eyes with her, Kagome struggled at first but then she stopped when eye contact was made. Her eyes searched his, but could not find what Naraku was going to do. No harm of course she could tell that, but there was something else there. It was an emotion she had never seen. While she wasn't paying attention his face inched closer and closer to hers until they were almost touching.
"Oh you'll be my servant in no time little one," and with that his lips crashed on hers. He wasn't a rough kisser like Inuyasha had been, but rather one of tenderness and compassion. An emotion rarely coming from Naraku, Kagome was shocked. Why had he done this? Her mouth had opened from shock and it allowed Naraku to explore her mouth. She had a sweet vanilla like taste, and Kami did she taste delicious. His to explored ever crevice of her mouth as if he would die if he didn't continue.
Kagome desperately tried to get away, but for Kami's sake this man was a good kisser. Her own tongue began to betray her as she kissed him back with the same force, tenderness and compassion. He had a cinnamon taste, unlike Inuyasha who only tasted like dog to her. Her eyes slowly closed as she embraced him.
Naraku opened the door to his bedroom. He still continued to kiss Kagome as he walked over to the bed. Breaking the kiss he dropped her to the bed, which wasn't that far. His crimson orbs stared into her chocolate ones for the longest, until he could resist her no longer. He leaned down to her and began to kiss her like she was his only reason for survival. His hands began to explore her body, but something was blocking him. He quickly took off all of the pieces of her kimono, but Kagome quickly covered her chest and crossed her legs.
"There's no reason to hide yourself from me Kagome," His voice was husky, filled with lust. Slowly her arms moved from her chest and her legs uncrossed. A light rose tint covered her face. She had never let another man see her body before, and here she was naked in front of her worst enemy…well her friend's worst enemy.
A grin curled up on Naraku's face. Kagome had the perfect body. Her breast weren't too large nor to small. Her body was very curvaceous; she was a good example of what a physical specimen should be. His eyes wandered down to the V between her legs. It was trimmed, not like most girls from around here. They were usually bush as hell, but not this Kagome. In his eyes she was so perfect.
Naraku began to caress her one of her breast while suckling on the other. He could taste her vanilla scent even more here than her mouth. If her breast tasted this good he wondered what her woman hood could taste like. He began kissing every spot on her body as he went lower and lower. Kagome let out a moan. God this was like heaven to her. She never imagined in a thousand years that she would be experiencing this sensation. Her body began to heat up and she felt herself get more aroused. Naraku sensed that and that was his queue for him to go lower.
He reached her sensitive nub and began to flicker his tongue across it, creating more of her sweet juices. Her body was writhing below him and he went faster. Naraku brought his hands below and he stuck a single finger in her slowly. She let out a gasp, soon which was followed by a moan. His finger was joined by a second as they began to pump faster into her. Damn she was tight, but oh that would be all the better. He made eye contact with her and her eyes were almost glazed over. She was almost at her peak, but he would let that happen just yet….
And this friends is where I leave you. That was my first semi-lemon and I hope you enjoyed it. Rate and Review!