Hello, victims! Welcome to Code Gym Class, an on look into the school lives of the cast of Code Geass! I've rated this story with a T, but I do warn you that there is some mild language and references in this story, but nothing explicit. Nothing you haven't heard before. I do not own Code Geass, but this storyline below does! Please, please, oh PLEASE review, as I often have taken to reviewing in return also. So, with that being said, please enjoy!

Additional notes : When I use these hyphens in a long line - - - - - it means time has passed by, but only within a few minutes. -Muahahahahaha- Also, the chapter name indicates which period the story is taking place in. This fanfiction takes place among random days of the year; it is not one giant day combined into many chapters. [Did that make any sense, I hope? xD] Anyways! I hope you will enjoy Code Gym Class!

By One Sided Pancake

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Code Gym Class /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

-Period One: Gym Class: Part one –

- Activity: Volleyball-

"Hey, Lelouch! Catch!" some random male student wearing short shorts cried.

And with that, Lelouch Lamperouge took some balls to the face. Volleyballs. Not the type you're thinking, you pervert. This is not yaoi fic.

"Shut the fuck up! Can't you see I'm trying to read!?" cried Lelouch without even looking up.

"Uhhh… Oh. Sorry…I thought you were gay. ERR! Did I say gay? I mean open…Err! Not like that! But like you were open as in you could catch my balls... WAIT NO!! NOT LIKE THAT!! NOT LIKE THAT!!! What I mean is-- "

"Yeah, I'm open. But not in the gym sense."


"So... You're gay..."




*fake coughing*

*throat clearing*

*awkward silence*

"So, uh… Whatcha' readin'?" the student dared to ask.

"Pr0n." Lelouch replied, as if it were just perfectly natural to be reading it in the middle of the school's gymnasium.

"Oh." The student felt a tinge of jealousy. Whenever he had porn, his Dad usually 'borrowed' it from him and 'forgot' to return it. Sad story; his life.

"Yeah…" The student was searching for anything to say.


"So, Uhhh…" he began again.

The atmosphere was getting awkward. Even the oxygen wanted nothing to do with this.

Lelouch needed something to say to this unfamiliar student, and unlike past experiences, he had to refrain from humping this stranger's leg. He would never want to make the same mistake again.

"Wait a minute… Lelouch!? Is that you!?!" the stranger exclaimed, incredulously.

Lelouch dropped his Christmas themed porn and gasped when he looked up to see his father.

"DAD!?? Like, OH-EM-GEE!1!!!11! Wtf lol hax!!!"



"Damn, son... You look fine."

"...No comment?"


"So, uh… What time does this class let out?" Charles casually asked his son.

"Ten thirty five."

"Ah, gotcha."


Lelouch then looked down to see that his father was wearing short shorts. Very short shorts. Lelouch needed to puke. Now.

"Excuse me while I wash my eyes out with Clorox bleach and dry them with sandpaper."

Suzaku, wearing a pink robe, pink slippers, curlers, and attempting the cucumber over the eyes trick, overheard this and acted immediately.

"HEY! Be sure to save some sandpaper for me to wipe! And put down the toilet seat for once, will ya?!? GOD, I ALWAYS have to do all the work around here while you sit on your lazy a—"

Lelouch proceeded to pimp slap Suzaku out of the way.


- - - - - - - - - -

Lelouch came back from the wonderful experience of sandpaper to the eyes to find his father still standing in his original spot, waiting.



"You came here to rape me again, didn't you?"

"NO! DID NOT!! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Charles ran out the gym door, arms flailing above his head.

- - - - - - - - -

Moments later, two men in white uniforms walked in the room.

"Excuse me, we're with the Britannian Mental Facility (BMF… :D I hope people get the tiny little joke of the acronym, there…). Have you seen…. THIS MAN!?!?"

The man pulled out a picture of a little boy sitting on Michael Jackson's lap, smiling.

"Uhh… How the fork did you get this picture of me?!?!" Lelouch snapped the picture out of the man's hand.

"Oh, excuse me; wrong picture. I meant…. THIS MAN!?!?"

The picture was of Lelouch as a nine year old, sitting in the bathtub with a bucket on Nunnally's head.

"GOD DAMMIT!!!!" The man in the white coat shouted. "THAT'S SEXY!!!"

Once again, Lelouch rolled his eyes and seized the picture.

"I bet you guys don't even work for the Mental Facility."

The man in the white coat widened his eyes.

The man looked at Lelouch like he was crazy. "This is gym class!!!!!"

Lelouch slowly turned his head to the man, slightly nodding.

"Gym class…? THIS... IS... SPARTTTTAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" and with that, Lelouch kicked the white coat man into a conveniently placed hole in the middle of the gym floor.

Nunnally came up to Lelouch, wearing leather outfit, a mask, and a whip for no apparent reason.

"Wow Lelouch! That was amazing!" Nunnally spoke, nevermind the fact that she is blind and that there is no possibly way that she could have seen the act.

"Even more amazing than the time you took the peanut butter into your bedroom and—"


A/N: Can you imagine Charles in some gym uniform like that?! I sure don't want to... Someone, PLEASE help me get the imagery out of my mind... Oh, hey, a waffle...

Anywaaaaays~ The next chapter will also be about Gym class. I know for certain that there are two more chapters and one mini chapter ahead. Please do review! Remember... I review back! - One Sided Pancake

Also, please tell me if there is something more that I should do to make this story a little better xD
I know that I'm far from being a good writer!