Note: Another big "Thank you!" to Ebony10 and 221b Baker Street for all their help, and to everyone who took the time to read and review this story. I really appreciate it!


Teresa Lisbon was not going to be impressed by some stupid paper frog (never mind the fact it was currently tucked into her coat pocket). She knew Cho had made it, just as she had her suspicions from the start that it was him who had told Jane about this case. He probably even booked the flight for Jane. And she hadn't smiled or giggled in delight when the aforementioned frog had hopped (hopped!) at her. No, that had merely been a reflexive, startled grin.

This case was not the first time Jane had gone running off on his own and had failed to let the others in on his plans or his suspicions. Wouldn't be the last either, she surmised as she took a seat by Cho in the waiting area by their departure gate at the Palm Springs International Airport. But such . . . a complete omission was unsual even for Jane as he normally liked an audience; to have someone to 'ooh' and 'ahh' in all the right places.

But then again she mused, as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, this had been a somewhat unusual case. As indirect as it had turned out to be Red John had been involved. Invoked was perhaps more like it . . . but it was a not-welcome reminder of something Lisbon tried not to think about: Patrick Jane would go to whatever lengths he deemed necessary to catch the person who murdered his wife and child.

Lisbon's thoughts were interrupted by the return of Rigsby and Van Pelt with two trays of coffee. (Lisbon could see she would have to keep an eye on those two, or Rigsby at any rate.) She gratefully accepted the tray containing her cup of coffee and Jane's cup of tea. As the others sat back with their own beverages, she scanned the waiting area for Jane. He had been here only a moment ago, working on one of his sudoku puzzles – oh, hello.

In the seating area for the departure gate for a flight going to Princeton, New Jersey, was Jane. He was sitting beside a tall, scruffy-looking man with greying hair who seemed to barely tolerate Jane while also being amused by him. (Lisbon wagered she wore the same expression at least 95% of the time around the consultant.) She watched as Jane pulled a red book out of the inside pocket of his jacket and handed it to the man, who took it somewhat dubiously. Jane said something with a smile and a tilt of his head. The other man turned the book over in his hands a few times, seeming to laugh in agreement before looking back over at Jane. They exchanged a few more words before the boarding call was made for Princeton and the man stood up, resting his right hand on a cane Lisbon hadn't noticed before. He grabbed his bag, stuffing the book from Jane into it before swivelling around and with a curious sort of grace made his way to the boarding station.

Lisbon didn't even try to hide the fact she had been observing Jane as he made his way towards her and the team, choosing to maintain eye contact with him as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Who was your friend?" she asked Jane once he had sat down across from her. She handed him his tea.

Jane took the lid off the cup and sniffed it before taking a sip. He grimaced, swallowing the (apparently) foul liquid.

"Ah," Jane said, dropping the cup into the bin to his left, "just the smartest man in the room." He grinned brightly as Lisbon barely suppresed a disbelieving (and most unladylike) snort, which turned into a full laugh as Jane added, "In New Jersey."