Bella has joined the Volturi against her will and her memory is wiped of all memories of what the Volturi did to her. She hasn't seen Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward in 3 years. She is finally going to be crowned as a princess. She has many gifts and is a very special part of the Volturi. But when her coronation ball approaches she sees Edward again. And he tries to convince her that they are using her for there on personal game. Will she figure things out before they spiral out of control?
Or will the Volturi take over her completely?
*Find out in Too Much to Handle: The Series*
Edward's POV
"Where are we going?" I whispered "To a Coronation Ball for a new princess of the Volturi." Alice smiled widely "I hope she isn't as snotty as the last one. She was pure evil." I whispered as we walked down the boardwalk "No she isn't I know because you've met her. They say the Volturi kidnapped her then changed her and wiped her memory." she whispered back "Oh well I guess I'll wait to see." I whispered. She whispered something to Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper. There eyes widened. We boarded the plane and the intercom switched on "Hello passengers of flight 889 to Italy. I am glad you could join us on this beautiful day. Please get seated and get as comfortable as you can." Then it switched off "Wow real fancy flight." I laughed. Alice plugged her ears and turned on her favorite movie before I could open up my mouth to ask "Who is it?" I rolled my eyes. Emmett and Rosalie were whispering and laughing the whole way. Alice was IM'ing Jasper I caught a glimpse of one of the messages it said "I can't wait to see his face he'll be so happy." Then the plane landed I barely noticed Alice getting up and climbing over me "Come on wakey wakey from your day dream Edward." Alice cooed. We got off the plane and there were Volturi guards waiting for us. They dropped us off at our hotel and let us get settled. Alice stayed in the bathroom for hours.
"Alice get out of there!!!" I yelled "Just let me put some eyeliner on!!!" she yelled back. Then she walked out of the bathroom. She had a blue and black dress on with a black necklace and a small silver clip in her hair. Her hair was straight and long. Then Rosalie walked in with a sparkly red dress on and a rose in her hair. Her hair was in a ponytail with a lot of curls. I rushed into the bathroom and I rushed out with a black suit on with a golden tie and beige shoes. Alice gasped "Edward those shoes so don't go with that tie." I smirked at her remark and walked out of the room. They walked closely behind me whispering to each other. Then we got into the limo and drove to the castle. It was humongous I stared at it for a long time before realizing that I had seen it before.
Bella's POV
I stared at myself in the mirror. Anna placed the tiara on my head. Alice would be proud of my new found fashion sense. And Rosalie would be happy that we could finally be friends. I don't know about Edward. I pinned three curls to the side. I sighed deeply.
I got up and turned towards Anna she gasped "You look so beautiful." She looked as though she was going to cry but of course she couldn't. Then she took out a necklace with three rows of diamonds and passed it to me "It was the last princess's now it's yours Bella." She put it around my neck. I hugged her tightly "Thank you." I walked to the curtain and I heard Felix speak my name the guards pulled the curtain back. And I walked towards the banister and started descend the stairs. Then I saw them all of them.
Edward's POV
They pulled the curtains back and a girl walked down the stairs. She had long brown hair and golden brown eyes. She was wearing a deep green dress with a green hair clip shaped as a butterfly. Her face was pale and flawless. She stared at Alice and Alice's grinned at her. "Alice!!!" she squealed "Bella!!!" Alice screamed back running up to her. "Presenting Ms. Isabella Marie Swan?" Felix looked confused "I've missed you so much I think about you everyday. Oh my god look at your hair you let it grow. You look amazing." Bella said. Then Aro cleared his throat then she immediately bowed her head and so did Alice and everybody else in the room. So it was Bella all along how could they bring me here. How could they do this to me. I stared at Bella. Then Alice turned and pointed to me and Bella eyes found mine. She smiled and walked towards me. I was prepared for her to yell and glare and hit but she didn't do anything. She stared and smiled then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close "I've missed you-" She whispered in my ear. I pulled her tighter "Me too." she pulled away "Then why did you" she was cut off by Aro "Bella dear come we must go on with the dancing. You will dance with Demetri first" he tugged on her hand and she nodded. I watched as Demetri wrapped his arms around her and they twirled in circles and swayed from side across the floor. Then another guy got 1 dance then another then another. But one dance bothered it was a little kid about 14 or 15 he held her a little too close. He stumbled and she fell. I got to her side and helped her up. And told the kid that I was next "You know you weren't next." She laughed "I know." I whispered back. I twirled her and brought her back to my chest she laid her head there. Then Cauis came over and tried to cut in but Bella clung to me. But after a while she let go and danced with him.
Bella's POV
Cauis held me and kind of pulled me around the floor I stumbled because he was so fast. "I think I've had enough." I pulled away and bowed my head. I walked away towards the garden. I leaned over the banister and someone put there hands over my eyes "Guess who?" the velvety voice whispered in my ear "Uncover my eyes Edward." I said "Aww man I thought I had you for a second." He smirked. I laughed but his expression hardened and he stared "I think Aro is using you I mean who forces a girl to join the Volturi." I gasped "How dare you speak his name in such a vain sentence. He did not force me to do anything he told me I joined on my own. I just don't remember clearly."
"They lied! They kidnapped you then changed you then wiped your memory." I said
"How dare you Edward Cullen! They did no such thing!" she yelled "Bella you have to believe me there using you." I said quietly "I think you should leave now and go to your room or something." she turned away "Bella." "Save it just leave." She shouted her eyes were a cold black now. She picked up the side of her dress and walked back into the ballroom.
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