Alright, for the people who don't know what LM is (Wait, then why would you be here? Whatever.), it's a forums where I hang out with a lot of my friends. Inspired by them, I decided to write some random moments that may or may not have happened between me and the people that go there. (Damn, I hope I didn't cause a bunch of new people to suddenly flood least they might not know where it is!)
For the people that need it, I will put a short (or bare) synopsis of who is in or mentioned this chapter (according to the world of ME):
DL: The most awesomest, awesomest person in the whole wide - *shot* Okay, okay, kidding! It's just me, folks. *sweatdrops* Seriously. I'm represented by a shiny Darkrai.
Dusk: I call him Dominic, but whatever. He has to be probably THE BEST poet in the WORLD. He's represented by a Absol (awesomeness!).
EC: She's one of the younger people on the crew, but she's sure got some spunk! She just sometimes feels insignificant or something ridiculous like that (although I think a rather harsh peptalk of mine kinda kicked that out of her, heheh) because of her low self-esteem. She's represented by an adorable, huggable Eevee (who will probably maul your face off).
The shiny Darkrai, DL, took another sip of her Coke as she stared over the rim of her glasses at the master poet before her.
"You're serious?"
The Absol, Dusk, rolled his eyes and replied, "I wouldn't be saying so if I wasn't."
He nodded.
He sighed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she chuckled nervously before setting the cup aside and putting her chin on her claw. "I still can't help but find it…well, "incredible" would be an understatement."
"I don't just hand out compliments like free samples at a supermarket."
"True, very true." But I can't help the feeling that I really don't deserve it. She bit her lip anxiously. "It's just, well, I may be one of the most egotistical people here, with all of my boasting and "Dragon Lord-ness", but I'm also one of the low-self-esteem-ers. EC could probably be the only one to beat me in that department, and yet look at how much she's grown."
"You can be humble all you want," he gave an indifferent yawn, passing back the papers she had given him for examination, "but I will still think it's my favorite poem of all time."
Yeah, I know, she mulled over the incredible and unbelievable fact as she glanced over her poem once more, but I don't really think this deserves that much praise. I don't see the feeling he does, and I have almost no emotional connection to this right now like I do to my right shoe – if I wore one.
"Are you sure you haven't had any coffee today?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Yeah, I guess so, because then you'd be a whole lot more fun, eheheh – oww!" She clutched her shoulder and shouted, "Damn, that hurt!"
He grinned. "It was supposed to. Just think of it as…well, a sorta-friendly punch."
~DL ('Dragon Lover')