Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Narnia characters, except for Serafina, the character I created.

A/N: This is my first multi-chapter fanfic so if you have any tidbits of advice, I am open to suggestions to make it better.

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was peaking over the land, covering it with a golden glow. It seemed like the perfect day. That was the thought of High King Peter and King Edmund. They were looking for the perfect excuse to escape palace life for a day. The meetings they were required to attend seem to drone on forever on some days, and the councils were something that they could live without. Both brothers knew that it was part of their duty as kings, but sometimes it just seemed to overwhelm their day-to-day activities.

On this flawless, picture perfect day, Peter and Edmund told their sisters Susan and Lucy that they were going out to scout the area for any creatures from the White Witch's army that might have gotten away and that they would be gone for the rest of the day. But they were really just going out for a ride on their horses, and they didn't bother telling their sisters that. Susan would scold them for neglecting their duties just to have some fun, and Lucy would want to tag along. But they just wanted to go alone, to have some time to themselves.

"Do you think that Susan and Lucy bought our story?" Peter asked Edmund as they set off on their horses towards the forest. "I don't think we would have made it out of the castle if they suspected anything," the younger replied, riding alongside of Peter.

"Remember the last time we all went out on an outing together?" Edmund inquired. "Ah yes," Peter responded, reminiscing that day, "The daisy crown Lucy made you suited you so well." "Hey!" Edmund exclaimed, "You seem to forget the time before that when Susan pushed you into the mud."

"I didn't appreciate that," Peter said uncomfortably, the image of landing face first in that sludge flashing before his eyes. "Really? I sure did," Edmund said smirking, trying to hold back his laughter. Peter glared at him for a moment, then smiled and gave him a shove that almost knocked Edmund off his horse.

They rode along, enjoying the scenery when they noticed that they were coming up to a clearing in the forest. "Race you!" Edmund shouted, as he suddenly rode ahead of Peter, slowly drawing away from him. "No fair!" Peter yelled, urging his horse to go faster. Soon enough they were neck and neck. Then Peter sped past Edmund without warning, heading farther up the path. He looked over his shoulder, only to see Edmund yell, "Pete, look out!"

But it was too late. Peter turned his head back; only to have it hit a thick, low hanging branch. The impact sent the High King flying off his horse, which immediately stopped as soon as its rider fell.

"Peter!" Edmund screamed, riding to his brother's aid, thankfully ducking under the branch that had caused the incident. Once Edmund reached Peter, he at once saw the damage that had been done. Peter had been knocked unconscious, a big gash across his forehead, which had already started to bleed.

In a rush to get off his horse, Edmund's foot got caught in of the stirrups, causing him to fall to the ground as well. His head unfortunately hit a large rock, which caused his vision to go black, going into an unconscious state.

Juts behind some nearby bushes, an unknown figure had witnessed the whole scene. "So these are the Kings of Narnia," the figure thought out loud, "Very graceful." The figure walked over to where both kings lay and muttered, "Let's get you guys cleaned up a bit." The figure lifted the two kings bodily up and slung them back onto their horses. The person grabbed both reigns of the horses and started leading them deeper into the woods, saying, "These next few days are going to be interesting.

Well? What do you think? I know it kinda seems dorky for both of them to be injured, but there is a reason behind that, I promise. And I know that this is a short chapter, but I will try to make the chapters a little longer in the future. Please review! =)