The following drabbles are all genderbend themed. I will always list what characters are in the story, but if you've read my other ficlets you know that I have a tendency to write Spain/Romano and Germany/Italy amongst others. So expect that here to. This page here though is to give you all an idea what human names (and their meanings) I will use for most characters. I haven't done them all, so expect this page to change when I start using other names.

Country – Human Name (Meaning):

Prussia - Gilberta (Hostage)
Spain - Ana (Gracious, Merciful)/Anarosa (Favored Grace)
Romano - Romana (From Rome)/Lovina (Name of the Legendary Mother of the Roman People)
Italia - Felice (Fortunate, happy)
Germany - Lucrezia (Succeed)
Austria - Rodreika (Famous Ruler)
France - Francesca (Frome France)
Hungary - Elias (The Lord is My God)
Canada - Matilda (Might in Battle)
America - Alice (Noble Exhalted)

Please enjoy the drabbles! 3.