Pairing: You'll see. ::grins::
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none
Warnings: yaoi, sexual innuendo
Disclaimer: Weiß kreuz belongs to Takehito Koyasu-san & company. In short, *not mine*

K o n e k o L i f e #07:
Bath Time
by Purple

"Seriously Yoji, how dirty are you?"

Ken crossed his arms impatiently to the closed door, talking to the aforementioned person who was inside the bathroom.

Ken had just come home from coaching the neighborhood kids' soccer team, and was looking forward to a nice quick shower before meeting a friend when Yoji beat him to the tiled room. And knowing the man, it would probably be the longest "five-minute" shower ever.

"Seriously Ken," the blond poked his head out, "how badly do you wanna see me naked?" he smirked then quickly shut the door again.

"Will you please hurry up!" Ken snapped. "I'm gonna be late!"

"Late for what?" Yoji probed, now standing under the showerhead, tilting his head back as he let the cool water wash him down.

"Well," Ken swallowed, "my...date," he answered sheepishly.

"Hah! You -- Hidaka Ken -- have a date?" scoffed the playboy. "Good one, KenKen!"

"I do!"

"And I thought you weren't one to lie," Yoji remarked as he ran his hands through his wet hair.

"Ugh!" Ken rolled his eyes then checked the time on his wristwatch. "Look, I'm just gonna go get my stuff," he told the man on the other side of the door, "but when I come back you better be outta there, clear?"

No answer.

Tilting his head back limply, Ken moaned, "Why me?"

* * * * * *

"Where _is_ it?" Ken gritted as he dug through one of his drawers, looking for his other sock -- because socks, like Yoji, thought they were funny like that, playing silly games like hide 'n' seek when you don't have the time for it. "Stupid sock, I know I-- "

"Ken-kun, telephone," a voice suddenly said, making Ken look up and see Omi standing by his bedroom door.

"'Kay, thanks," the brunette replied, pushing the top drawer back in and pulling another one out. "Nah, I already checked this one..." he muttered.

"What are you looking for?" asked Omi.

Ken turned his back to the drawers to look around the room. "My other sock," he answered, scratching his head.

Omi let out an amused sigh. "Ken-kun, didn't I tell you before to roll them together after washing so they wouldn't be separated?" he reminded the older boy who was now on all fours, checking under the bed.

"But that takes time," Ken cried out.

"And so does this," Omi gestured around.

Pushing himself up, Ken walked over to young blond and slung an arm around his shoulders, leading him out of the room. "Omi, I swear, sometimes you sound just like my mother," he kidded. And Omi nudged him.

On their way to the staircase, Ken caught the bathroom door being closed and locked from the inside. "Oi! Yoji, quit playing!" he warned as they passed in front of it.

* * * * * *

After the quick telephone conversation, Ken was quiet as he made his way back upstairs. His date had called him up to let him know she couldn't make it. And it wasn't like he was "devastated" about the whole thing, but he really was looking forward to being with her, though. Stopping in front of the bathroom, Ken took a hand out of his pocket and knocked on its door.

"Aya. . ." the voice inside uttered.

"No, it's me. Ken," the brunette answered to his shoes, "My date just got cancelled so-- "

"So good..."

Ken's mouth dropped open. "Why, thank you, Mr. 'Sensitive'," he shot back, hurt. "Just when I was about to let you use the shower to your heart's content too."


"_But_," the soccer player cut in, "I change my mind; I need to get out of these clothes" -- he looked down at his tired-looking blue shirt and grass-stained pants -- "so, hurry up, will ya?"

"...Mmm..." Yoji answered.

"O-kay then," Ken shrugged, "I'll just-- "


The sound made the boy stop abruptly as he was just about to walk away. "Are you alright?"


"Are you sure?" Ken asked dubiously. "You sound like you're on medication or something," he remarked. "Yoji?"

"I'm gonna come-- "

The brown-eyed boy gave the door a puzzled look. "You mean, you're coming," he corrected.

"Oh-- !"

"Geez, what's wrong with you, Kudo?" Ken muttered.

"Oh gods-- Aya. . .Aya-! "

"Aya? What the--?"

"Ken-kun, have you seen Aya-kun?" Omi suddenly appeared beside him. "Sakura-chan is downstairs, looking for him."

Ken shook his head confusedly. "I'm...I'm not sure, Omi...I..."

Omi noticed the strange look on the older boy's face. "Are you okay, Ken-kun? What's going on?"

"I-I don't..." Ken trailed off.

"Who's in there?" Omi nodded to the door.

"Okay, I'm done!" Yoji announced as he opened the door, Ken and Omi welcoming him with puzzled expressions.

"Yoji," Ken replied to the man.

"Hm?" Yoji smiled at the two boys, a small towel carelessly riding low around his hips. "Hey, didn't you wanna use the bathroom?" he said to Ken.

Ken quickly snapped himself out of puzzlement. "It's about freakin' time!" he lashed out at Yoji.

The tall blond shook his head condescendingly. "You have to understand, KenKen, there are some things in this world that you just can't rush," Yoji pointed out coolly.

Chocolate-brown eyes glared at the playboy as he stepped out of the bathroom. "You suck!"

"No," Yoji countered with a smirk then jerked his thumb over his shoulder to the redhead who suddenly, quietly appeared from behind him.

"But Aya did."


Thanx for reading! ^_^ So, how was it?
