Hi there! I was recently cleaning out my old computer and found a bunch of old Twister/Reggie fics I wrote at least a year or so ago. I'm posting them because no one else seems to want to post anything these days. The ones I post are just one shots that I probably wrote in like 30mins. If some of the endings suck well… well I really don't care. Have fun and remember, I own nothing but the ideas.


It was a beautiful day, just the lightest amount of clouds and the sun bright enough to chase anyone's blues away. The waves were scenes of perfection that anyone would've killed to ride. Even the idea of just walking bare feet in the warm sand and just enjoying everything you had around you seemed like great idea.

Twister sighed as he stared out the window of his classroom. It was a beautiful day that he was forced to miss. Life sucked he realized going back to his doodle.

Her eyes stared up at him, reassuring him he day would get better. Her full lips smiled, he wished they'd move and she'd say something encouraging, like she always did. He wanted to hear her whisper those three words he'd dreamed of hearing almost every night since he'd turned fourteen.

"I love you," he whispered to the paper in front of him.

God he was such a dork.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He winced and turned to the person sitting next to him at their science table. His best bro for life Otto was giving him a freaked out expression. For a moment Twister wondered if he was gonna whomp him for acting like such a dip.

He tried to play dumber than usual. "Um… what?"

"You lame-o, you gone gay on me?" Otto asked suspiciously.

Now Twister didn't need to act dumb anymore. "What? I wasn't even looking at you."

The doodle was snatched away and examined carefully before a conclusion was made. "You drew a tree?"

"No," Twister grabbed for it back, but Otto pulled away. "Come on, it's just a picture of Reg… a tree, you're right Otto, a tree." He realized how close he was to eating table had he finished her name.

His ongoing crush had started when he was thirteen and slowly progressed into a longing for love from the older girl who happened to be his best bro's sister. Meaning she was off the market to anyone Otto new personally.

That totally blew as the misery in his heart was starting to bother him from not being able to tell her how he felt. He hated how it ached whenever he saw her talking to other guys in the hallway or at the beach. God if he could just to one thing to impress her and make her see that he was the only awesome guy out there he'd do it.

Too bad he couldn't think of anything.

Just then the door to their science room opened and Reggie stepped in with a note in her hand. He was jealous of her class as a note runner for the office. He could do that too if he wanted to, but knowing him he'd probably blow it off and just chill in the hallway.

He tipped his chair back to try and look cool as she handed the paper to the teacher. If only he'd been paying attention to how far back he'd been leaning, then maybe he wouldn't of fell backwards.

"Tree!" he shouted before hitting the ground. The whole class turned and joined Otto in laughing so hard that there appeared to be tears in some of the kids eyes. He preferred to lay there for awhile until he was sure she was gone. How could he of been so damn stupid?

"Mr. Rodriguez, if you're done with your nap would you please collect your things and follow Ms. Rocket to the Principle's office."

Twister groaned in agony over the defeat. He couldn't blend into the floor like he hoped. He slowly stood up, first peeking just over the table at Reggie who gave him the reassuring smile he'd tried to draw only moment ago. He grabbed his things, plus a quick snatch to his doodle, and followed Reggie out of the room, letting the laughter of the other student disappear as he seemed to fade away into a dream.

He tried to walk as close to her as possible, imagining that they were walking down the hall together as a couple. They were her books in his hands. And the smile that told him he was probably going to be suspended really meant that she loved him.

"I love trees," he mumbled to himself sadly.

