A/N: Okay, this is the last chapter, I hope y'all enjoyed it!!
Chapter 8
In all her life, Cristina Yang never thought she'd be here of all places.
Jaearah was 3 years old and Burke had managed to get her pregnant again on a trip to Washington DC for a surgical conference when Jane and Donald had agreed to take Jaearah for a few days.
Halfway through the intern exam almost 9 months later, Cristina went into labor. She let out a groan just as she was about to check B for a question in the ortho section.
Meredith and Izzie whipped their heads around. Cristina forced a smile and just waved it off, keeping quiet until about 10 minutes later. Funnily enough, the question she was reading as she had reached the OB section asked at what point in labor does a patient's water break. Which hers did. She dropped her pencil and excused herself,
"Is there a chance I can take this test at a later time as I need to go have a baby," She informed the supervisor. The shocked young woman simply nodded and collected Cristina's test.
Cristina burst into the OBGYN floor and yelled for Addison, ordering a nurse to page Burke.
About an hour later, Charlotte Julie Burke was born, almost identical to her sister when she was born, only this time she had Burke's dark curls and her eyes identical to her mother's.
Now Cristina sat upright in her hospital bed feeding her 5 hour old daughter while Burke nursed a sleeping Jaearah, not far from drifting off himself.
Nope, never in a million years did Cristina think she would be where she is now.
If somebody had told her 4 years ago that she would be married with two daughters, she'd laugh and rush off to the ER. But right now, nothing could compare to this moment.