A/N: Not boring you with words again! =D

Disclaimer: I don't own Monsters vs. Aliens

The mornings rays fell upon an exhausted city, it's usually bustling inhabitants barely dragging themselves out of bed, suffering from exhaustion and a few nasty hang-overs. Dr. Cockroach's antennae twitched as he woke up, yawning widely as he sat up and looked around, "... there's never any coffee when you need it" he muttered. He finally noticed that he was lying in a make shift bed, with no idea as to where it came from until he recognized it as Susan's handkerchief. She had rolled and folded it to give him someplace warm to sleep in and must have placed him in it after he had fallen asleep. The doctor's heart warmed considerably at the wonderful gesture, he had a feeling he didn't need that coffee anymore. He looked around once more, trying to locate the kind-hearted giantess and finally spotted her sitting at the edge of the field, staring down one of the main streets. Dr. C frowned, her curled up stance telling him that something was wrong and he quickly scurried over to her, for once forgetting his lab coat. As he moved closer he stood, walking up next to her huddled body, "Susan, my dear?" he whispered, causing her to jump in surprise. His heart nearly broke as she tried to hide her tears, "Oh, Doctor Cockroach! You're up early..." she whispered, giving him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"My dear, what is the matter?" he asked, scurrying up to her knee and looking into her sad eyes. Susan turned away, "It's nothing...really" she whispered, completely embarrassed at being caught sobbing like a child. Dr. C shook his head, "Susan, you can tell me can't you? We could always talk before..." he urged, patting her knee gently. Susan peeked at him through her hair, "...It's...It's stupid really...I was just looking down the street at all the shops and cafes and I realized...all the things I wanted to do in Paris like shopping for clothes, eating french cuisine, seeing the Mona Lisa...I can't anymore...don't get me wrong, I love being Ginormica but...there are some things I'll always miss I guess..." she whispered, wiping away some fresh tears. Dr. C's heart weighed heavily in his chest, he couldn't stand seeing her like this, "Well...perhaps I could help you, my dear, now that we know the cause of your size, it shouldn't be too difficult to temporarily undo it's effects..." Susan's eyes immediately lit up, "Really?! Oh thank you Dr. Cockroach, thank you!" she picked him up and hugged him close to her face. Dr. Cockroach blushed lightly as he hugged her back, "you're very welcome, my dear" he smiled at her as she set him back down.

"You wouldn't mind too much if we wait until we return? I cannot see us remaining here for too much longer and it would be a bit more strain on Insectosaurus to have to carry more then it already has to" Dr. C asked, moving to straighten his lab coat before remembering he'd left it behind. Susan nodded, "Yes I can wait, I mean we can always come back here right?" Dr. C smiled at her, "Of course we can, my dear...until then perhaps we could go for a bit of a walk together, I'm sure you'd like to see the Eiffel Tower before we leave" Susan smiled happily, "I'd love to! You don't think the others would like to come along, do you?" Dr. C shook his head, "I don't believe so, Link doesn't find anything man built too interesting, Bob wouldn't even remember anything and I'm not even sure where Insectosaurus is at the moment..."

"Oh, Insecto went to find some food a half hour ago, it'll be back in a while I suppose...I'm not really sure how much or even what it eats..." she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Dr. C nodded, "I see...Well just give me a moment to grab my coat and we can go" he slide down her leg and hurried back to the makeshift bed, restraining from skipping. He was going to spend time with Susan, alone! Their talk the night before had given him so much to hope for and the moment that stone settled in his pocket he had vowed to do everything he could to win his fair Susan's heart. Part one of his plan was in motion and with a little charm he was confident that he could gain her love in the end, Mwahahaha...ok that was not the best time for that. He searched through the bed until he finally found his coat, gently touching the stone in his pocket with a smile as he pulled it on.

"...Nice moves, Doc"

Dr. C jumped, whirling around to see Link grinning at him from against a nearby tree, "I beg your pardon?!" he whispered, his antennae twitching nervously. Link pushed off the tree and moved closer, "You heard me, Doc, I know you're sweet on her" Dr. Cockroach looked away, buttoning up his coat, "I...have no idea what you're talking about, Link" he muttered, blushing. Link patted his shoulder, "Come on, you've been so obvious I'm surprised Susan hasn't noticed anything yet!" Dr. C sighed, "I'm afraid I have no time to talk right now, Link, Susan is waiting for me..." he knew Link wouldn't let this go so easily but this was taking too long, he did not want to worry her. Link waved his hand lazily, "Fine, Doc, go have fun with your girlfriend" he grinned, heading back towards the water.

"She's not my girlfriend..." Dr. Cockroach muttered, waiting until Link had dived head first into the water before adding, "yet". Confident that his appearance was satisfactory he hurried back to Susan, taking care not to get dirty by scurrying. Susan smiled at him as he approached, "What did Link want?" she asked, lowering a hand for him to climb onto. Dr. C hopped onto her hand, steadying himself as he was lifted, "Oh...he just said to have a good time" he lied, hopping onto her shoulder. Susan smiled as she headed off towards to tower, "That was nice of him" she watched where she was walking, making sure not to step on anyone. Dr. C glanced at the silver hair flowing gracefully next to him, fighting the urge to run his fingers through the soft locks, it was too soon he reminded himself. Susan sighed as she stepped into the field in front of the tower, having to watch your feet all the time was a bit annoying. She looked up at the tower with wide eyes, "Wow! It's amazing!" she whispered, "I wonder if you could see the whole city from the top of that?"

"...would you like to find out?" Dr. C asked, looking at her with a sly smile. Susan blinked, "Oh...I don't think I could fit in there..." she muttered, blushing. Dr. C looked up at the tower, "Well, you don't really need to fit inside, I believe it is strong enough to allow us to climb it" Susan looked up at the tower, unsure, "I don't know...the people wouldn't be too happy if we climbed on their landmark...maybe we can save that for when I can be small again?" Dr. C nodded, "as you wish, my dear" he whispered and for the first time in his life he prayed, prayed he'd be able to fullfill her wish just to see her smiling at him once more. Susan looked at him, "You know...I don't think it's just been the two of us for a while now" she whispered. Dr. Cockroach met her eyes, "I do believe you're right...not since you first met us if I remember correctly" Susan nodded, "Yeah...to be honest...I kind of missed that..." she looked away, a light blush spreading along her cheeks. Dr. C's heart soared, "As did I, my dear...perhaps we could take some time every once in a while to do something together" he suggested, his heart pounding in his chest. Susan smiled at him, "I'd like that" she whispered, her heart fluttering wildly as the doctor smiled back.

"...Susan, I was wondering if, perhaps-" he was interrupted by a loud growling noise that seemed to be coming from the giantess. Susan clutched her stomach, blushing deeply, "Heh Heh, sorry...I didn't get to have much to eat last night and I missed breakfast..." Dr. C frowned, "My dear, you cannot allow yourself to miss something as important as meals! You'll make yourself ill!" Susan averted her eyes to the ground, "I'm sorry...it's just that...I need so much food and I don't want to eat anyone out of house and home..." Dr. C sighed, "As thoughtful as that is, Susan, I cannot allow you to starve yourself, I will go see what I can get for you" he announced, sliding down her arm to the ground. Susan tucks some hair behind her ear, "I don't want to be any trouble..." she whispered, blushing again. Dr. C smiled up at her, "It's no trouble at all, my dear, it would be my pleasure" he bowed before running off into the nearby streets. Susan watched him go, finding herself wondering why the doctor made her feel so...cherished. Every time the doctor smiled, her heart would accelerate in a way she had never experienced before. Well...to be honest she had felt something similar to that before with Derek but...this was stronger...could it be...that she liked him?

A/N: Finally! Worst writers block ever! Well anyway, I need to get to work on the next chapter now, please send in reviews to wake my mind up! Until next time! =D