This is the story that has me away from all my other fanfic's its been roughly a year in the making, and the majority of it is already written up. Hope you like it. Ohh and a huge thanks to justrememberhe prefersbrunets for the Beta :D The first part was written in my English class, when I was meant to be watching a movie, instead I was listening to an iPod, so it was written to What is this feeling from Wicked. Bella's POV

I followed Alice down to the cafeteria as she chattered happily.

'Oh and you've got to sit with me! You can meet my brothers and sister!'

The butterflies in my stomach got worse and I hesitated for a moment.

'Relax.' she laughed, 'They don't bite!' She grabbed my hand and pulled me along, which was a little strange seeing as she was so tiny. We entered the line and grabbed some food.

'So, where's your family?' I asked, searching the room for anyone who looked like her.

'Over here.' she called over she shoulder, already walking towards the back of the cafeteria.

I followed her, but hesitated again as we approached the table. Her families laughter stopped as we came closer. Looking back at me she sighed, and after setting her food down she came to pull me over to the table. Smiling timidly, I glanced around at all of them. None of them looked like Alice, with her small stature, her short, spiky black hair and light blue eyes, yet they all looked like they were models or actors more than anything else, the faces you would expect to see on the cover of a magazine, rather than at a high school.

'OK everyone, this is Bella. Bella this is Jasper, my foster brother,' she pointed to the handsome boy with honey-blond hair and grey/blue eyes, he looked tall and lean but it was hard to tell with him sitting down, he smiled politely at me, 'Emmett my brother,' I was a little scared of Emmett, as the first thing I noticed was his sheer size, once I got over the shock I saw that he too was very good looking, with dark blue eyes, dimples and dark curly hair, he had a huge, friendly grin spread across his face, 'Rosalie, Jasper's twin,' Alice's sister was impossibly beautiful, she had long blond hair and silvery grey eyes, there was a strong resemblance between her and Jasper, right down to the smile, '...and this is Edward.' Edward was absolutely breathtaking, he had untidy bronze hair, emerald green eyes and perfectly chiseled features, but unlike everyone else, he grimaced.

Alice frowned at him, but then launched into a cheerful conversation. 'Rosalie, do you want to go to Port Angeles this weekend? I want to go shopping before we go to Alaska.'

Rosalie laughed, 'Sure Alice.' her eyes flashed to me.

'Bella you should come too.' Alice invited.

I looked at Rosalie, who smiled warmly at me and nodded.

'I guess I could ask Charlie.' I agreed.

'Awesome!' Alice exclaimed.

'Yeah, sounds great. So are you going on a holiday or something?' I asked, trying to sound indifferent.

'We're having a long weekend with our cousins up in Denali.' Emmett beamed.

'There's a long weekend coming up?' I questioned, why hadn't Charlie mentioned this?

They all laughed, well all of them but Edward.

'No our parents just want a holiday.' Alice explained.

I was a little worried, I only really knew Alice, her family and Angela here, aw well maybe I could get to know Angela a little better while they were gone...

When the bell rang Alice asked, 'What have you got now Bella?'

'Um, biology.' I answered.

'Oh. So does Edward! He'll show you the way if you'd like?'

I think she kicked him under the table, because he jumped a little and looked up at her.

'Won't you Edward?' she asked, her tone a little sharp.

'Sure.' Wow, even his voice was amazing.

I smiled at him as he looked at me, he didn't smile back.

'I'll see you later.' Alice called out, already walking off to her next class.

I walked beside Edward silently. He lead me to the biology room and held the door open for me.

'Thanks.' I said.

He nodded, still not smiling, and then made his way to his seat. The room was still pretty empty, so I went to the teacher to show him my slip.

'Ah, Isabella.' he said.

'Bella.' I corrected.

'Oh, sorry. Bella, I'm Mr. Banner.' he introduced himself as he signed my slip. Then smiling, as if it were a good thing, he explained, 'the only spare seat is next to Edward.'

Of course, I thought sourly...I wonder if he will ever talk to me. I forced a smile, then turned to make my way over to my seat. But I tripped over my own two feet, dropping my books, thankfully someones arms caught me before I hit the ground. I heard them laugh as they stood me up. He had short blond hair and blue eyes, a generic sort of cuteness to him.

'Hi your Isabella right?' he asked.

'Uhm, just Bella.'

'Oh, hi. I'm Mike.' he laughed again, holding out his hand, which I shook.

'Nice to meet you Mike.'

I sighed as I bent down to pick up my books, he helped me and handed them over as we stood up.

'You going to be alright walking over to your seat?' he teased.

I glared at him, 'Very funny.'

We smiled at each other, this time not forced, then walked to my seat.

I didn't try to talk to Edward again, and the hour dragged on, impossibly slow.

Gym was next, with Mike. It was a horrid experience that I don't even want to remember. But finally after embarrassing myself time and time again, we were free to go. I went to the office, managing to avoid any other students, and handed my slip to Ms. Cope.

Then I got to my truck, I was the last person to get out of school, turned on the heat, and drove home.

Alice's POV

'HE SHOOTS!' Jasper yelled.

'He doesn't score!' Emmett laughed, catching the rebound.

Jasper closed in on Emmett just as Edward was walking over to us.

'Hey Cullen! Catch!' Em called out, throwing the ball at Edward, who caught it just inches from his face.

Chuckling Edward got in on the game.

'Hey it was one on one.' Jasper complained.

'Still is.' Edward said, dashing around the both of the and slam dunking the ball.

Em pouted, 'You're meant to be on my team.'

'Sorry bro, that wouldn't be fair on Jasper.'

'Bite me.' Emmett muttered.

Edward chuckled again, throwing the ball from hand to hand. Then he took off, running back to half court and shooting again. Emmett jumped up and caught it mid air, but Jasper grabbed it before Emmett made it to half court. Rose came to sit next to me, she watched the boys with me for a bit, before sighing.

'He still isn't over it huh?' She asked.

'Guess not, I don't think he ever will be.' I agreed.

My eyes followed Edward, laughing and joking around with Emmett and Jasper, the complete opposite to how he acted around strangers, this time I sighed. I don't know why I had this feeling, that somehow she would be good for Edward, but I hoped somehow I was right and that Bella would be able to help him in someway.