Sooo sorry for the delay. But well, here I am. Enjoy this next chapter!

...Wow, almost two years of absence and all I can say is this. I'm pathetic OTL

** = Cheezburger language, or also known as the LOLCat language. Usually used to mock people or being sarcastic. If you don't know this language... then you're not hanging around the internet long enough

Kanda pressed his feet lightly on the floor, careful not to cause too much unwanted sound. He made his way to the principal's office and manoeuvred his head left and right to avoid the school guard Toma from sighting his presence. Carefully, he closed the thick door.

As he had done this every night, he turned on the principal's personal computer and keyed in the password. It was hilarious; who would've guessed that the password would be 'password'? The principal's daughter Emilia just can't keep her voice low every time she spills some secrets. Some more, Kanda has nice hearing. He couldn't help but to overheard her 'information'.

He found that out two years ago, about the principal's computer password. It was convenient for him to change anything about the school, like celebration date, information about School Sports, student's profile... and of course, the answers for upcoming exams and pop quiz. He would memorize those answers and copied them onto the question paper. As easy as ABC. That is... until he realized what he had just promised to the little white kid out of accident. He was too desperate to shield the utterly embarrassing picture from others that he agreed to do anything the beansprout asked him to do without consideration. And what's his name again? Mellon? Allem? Bratlen?

Besides, it was the kid's fault he walked around in that embarrassing attire in the first place! AND it was the kid again who discovered him in that state. They say if you meet the same person 3 times in a day, it was destiny. Yeah sure, it was a damn hell of a destiny to be caught in that embarrassing situation... not to mention it was recorded.

It all started quite innocently when Kanda attempted to cheat like he always does. That is, by breaking into the principal's office and did what he was doing right now. The progress should have flowed well just like it did every night for 2 years straight, however that night, he heard unexpected footsteps. Toma's patrol should be still far away from the office. Quickly, he turned off the computer and immediately took a peek from the ajar door. It was him, the white haired brat from the restaurant. He waited for a while and leaned on the wall next to the door. He thought the kid would go away sooner or later, but that thought dissipated as soon as he noticed that the kid's shadow was getting closer and bigger. Some more, he was bringing a camera with him! What the fuck was he doing with that camera and wandering around the school at night? Ghost hunting?

As soon as the door he was leaning next to was cracked open, he jumped out of the window without thinking. Luck wasn't by his side that night for he landed on a puddle of mud. The sound he made alerted Toma. He saw the figure of the school guard running towards him and Kanda crawled away as soon as possible though the nearby bushes. When he thought he was safe, the long haired man saw a group of school prefects doing a long ass briefing. God, why must it be done tonight of all night?

Scanning himself, he thought 'who would be a fool to see a student covered with mud and leaf that was walking back from the school ground and not look suspicious'? Aside from that, most of the prefects were made up of some jealous male students who tried so hard to knock him down. He had to take a detour through the girl's place. He also took one or two of the towels that were hanged by the girls at their yard without bothering to look at the colours.

When he arrived at his destination, he washed himself and his clothes in the first floor bathroom, making sure that no one else was present. Because of the chilly night air that he swore was trying to freeze him, he wrapped his whole body with the goddamned pink towel he grabbed before and does the same with his hair. Kanda proceeded to hang his clothes swiftly and quietly and hoped that no one will see him.

When he suddenly felt a person's heat touched his back, he screamed out of character. His pride was in danger damn it! And when he noted that his picture was taken, who would not be freaked out? It was that weird ghost-hunting foreign kid. Again.

"Be my tutor" the kid had said. But Kanda did not pick up any of that. All he knew was that his pride and dignity were about to be thrown out of the window and the only thing he can do to avoid that from happening was to agree on the kid. So he did. That's why when both of them separate ways with the foreigner looked contented, Kanda flashback about what he had agreed on. And he thought "Oh fuck"

How the hell can he teach the junior when his IQ is about the same as the beansprout-looking, ghost-hunting brat?

That is why he broke into the principal's office tonight to check up on the subjects the little white kid's class has been up to, hoping that he might have any idea about it. Kanda iz genius**.

However, when he looked it up, all the subjects they were learning about were the ones Kanda didn't paid attention to. Algebra, differentiation, trigonometry... is there a way for him to pretend to look like a genius without blowing himself off? No, not this time. He needed to understand all these... these...un-understandable damned half number half alphabet math thing. The boy said to meet him in the school library on Saturday, which leaves him 5 days from now to learn all these 3 subjects all by himself.

And so, he resolute to learn everything he was taught since his junior year every night. Kanda Yuu will not appear like an idiot in front of a certain nobody- brat.

"Are you acting idiotic, Kanda?" Allen asked. It was the nth time the senior said something illogical, and everyone knows Math is nothing but logic. "In the book, it states that a quadratic equation is an equation with an unknown has the highest power of 2, not 22."

Kanda grunted, looked uninterested. It might be the boy's imagination but he sensed that Kanda really doesn't have any idea what the question wanted. But it didn't matter to him that the older boy is reluctant to teach. Kanda's very presence in the same table with Allen prevents other students from flaming the boy when he enters the library, unlike any other time when he was alone. This allowed him to study easier and faster. Allen was a gifted fast-learner; he just needs an appropriate time and situation –such as this- to master almost anything he learns (Allen suspected this must be some habit innate while living with Cross).

Except for the fact that now he has to get used to the envious stares he received from other students, boys and girls both.

Allen studied the book intensely, taking this golden opportunity to study back what he missed. He almost forgot the presence of the dark haired man in front of him. When Allen puts down the book, he looked up and saw Kanda's gaze pierced though him. The man had his elbows landed on the table and his fingers laced together, his nose bridge covered by the joined fingers. The way he stared at Allen made him uneasy. "W-what?" he asked.

"I was thinking..." Kanda replied. Allen snorted "Oh finally you're doing some thinking for me."

"Watch it, brat." He said back to Allen. The boy did the same, a grin replacing his once uncomfortable expression "My lips are sealed, BaKanda."

Kanda glowered. Allen smiled.

"Anyway" the raven haired man started again "If you're so good at this, why need my help?"

"Excuse me?" Allen asked. "Good at what?"

"You didn't ask me anything. Not even once." The older one said. "You read some sentences on the book for a second, and then know exactly what to do."

Allen blinked. "And?"

"Why are you so desperate for my help in the first place, if you can do it by yourself?"

The albino was silent for a while, wasn't sure how to reply. Sure, it sounded easy, but if you're asked this by a super popular, godlike, sharp-tongued senior who appears to be never been bullied or face mental pain before -more likely to cause it- and always look down on others, no it's not as easy as it seemed.

"Because I like it when I study with others" It's not a lie, anyway.

Kanda huffed "Don't you have friends for this?"

Allen tensed. His face sobered. Kanda noticed this and raised his eyebrow. "What?"

Before the boy could say anything, the librarian disturbed their conversation "I'm sorry, it's already 6, the library's about to close." Allen sighed of relief at this. "I see you again next week, Kanda. Possible, we might meet again at school."

The man grunted "Yeah well, I hope that ain't happen."

Allen watched as the senior hurriedly left the place. He scanned the table that they used to make sure everything was packed, and then he realized that Kanda had forgotten his stationary case.

The next day, Allen discovered a drastic change of his dorm mates' behaviours. Once Allen was out of his room, they greeted him; some even placed their hand on his shoulders acting like old friends. Allen was taken aback by it but he won't show. What freaked him out the most was the way his classmates shook his hands as soon as he stepped into his classroom. The girls smiled and winked at him. If the bullying before made him queasy, this was worse.

He won't have to guess the reason behind it.

"So how was it?" One of the girls asked him out of a blue. "Umm... what was what?" he asked, voice laced with nervousness. He's always nervous talking to them.

"Sitting near my Kanda Yu? Is it true he radiates warmth and happiness?" The girl with high ponytail and overdid hair dye asked again in a more sky-high manner.

What kind of bull is that? He radiates coldness more than warmth Allen wanted to say, but refrain to. He knew so well what would happen to him if he slipped something wrong. "Err... I guess...?"

She smiled. The whole group smiled. If you've seen a person possessed and they're screaming and scratching everyone, this scene is freakier than that. "A-anyway, I've got to go for a while." He puts down his bag pack and rushed out. The girls were smirking at his jitteriness. "He won't last."

The teacher came in sooner; her hands were full of papers "I have a surprise for all of you. Pop Quiz"

They looked back at Allen's empty table and their leader, tall and slim, with a long overly-ironed brown hair hanging around her hips raised her hand to grab the educator's attention ", may I have a word before we begin?"

raised her eyebrows "Yes ?"

"It appears that one of us here vamoosed" She said with a convoluted smile while tapping Allen's table, her friends were giggling behind her "I'd say, in the school rule, students who come late at class should not be allowed to get lesson for the said period"

The teacher fixed her glasses to take a better look "Hmm... it is true. I shall take action. Thanks for informing me Ms. Tanaka"

Rin Tanaka giggled in a devious manner "Anytime, teacher dearest." And before they all departed to their own seat, a tanned short haired girl grabbed Allen's bag pack and threw it out of the window before the teacher notice.

A sound of something just dropped from the window alerted Kanda while he was searching for his stationery case.

'That was weird.' He thought regarding the sound. But he ignored it and got back to his searching. 'Shit, where's that case? There's an answer sheet of the pop quiz I copied last night for today. If I can't find it, I'm fucked.' He stopped to think for a moment and then it hit him like a jet plane. "Beansprout"

Hurriedly he ran to the staircase to find the boy. If he's not mistaken, the beansprout's class was directly on top of his. Coincidently, he bumped onto the exact person he was searching for. "Brat, you-"

"Kanda, you forgot your case yesterday, I want to send it back." He answered without waiting for the senior to finish. Kanda snatched it quickly and "Haveyouseewhat'sinside?" he asked, maybe too shaky than he knew it. Allen probably didn't notice this for he answered immediately "Sorry, I have to go now before the bell-"

Allen cursed softly. Speaking of the devil, the bell rang as soon as he talked about it. "I need to go!"

Kanda looked at the kid, confused. What was there to rush about? He was tardy alot of times and never gets punished for it. Instead, his teacher –especially female teachers- will greet him with a smile without acknowledging his lateness.

Allen ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. The teacher had already given out the papers. "Mr. Walker." She started "You know I do not appreciate my students being late on me"

"B-but , I only left to give something to my friend. I was here early. Look, there's my bag..." he pointed, but it was a little too late to realize that his bag was missing. "What?"

"Hm? What is it Walker? You do not bother to bring your bag too? Well if you don't want to study for my lesson, you might as well do not enter my classroom at all. Stay outside there until my lesson finish!"

Allen tried to speak, but his teacher took hold of the door knob and slammed the hard wooden door to his face. He smelled the smell copper, it must be his nose bleeding by the impact. He knocked, trying to reason with her but it was no use. She wouldn't listen. He tried not to let his tears flow. It must be the girls who fooled around with him again, he knew. However, when he heard the whole class laughed, he couldn't hold it back. His eyes hot with pearly liquid and he stood there alone in the hallway, sobbing.

That afternoon, Allen was in no mood to work. His face was pale and dull by the depression. He had studied hard that weekend just to prepare for the pop quiz and what did he get? How can he face Kanda with a zero-marked paper after his first teaching lesson? Slumping his head on the cash register, he groaned out loud since there was no costumer present at the moment.

Kanda walked into the restaurant through the back door. It's been decades since he walked though this entrance but he had to apologize to his grandpa for making a ruckus in his restaurant the other day. Sure he might looks like a spoiled bastard with a stick up in his ass but he respected his ex-soldier grandfather, enough respect to give him his sincere apology.

'Come to think of it, the bean works here.' He thought while searching for his grandfather in the restaurant's kitchen. 'Wouldn't hurt if I check on how his quiz went. If it went well maybe then he can get the hell out of my life.'

Kanda walked towards the door that leads him to the cashier. He saw the boy sitting and placing his head on the counter. He was asleep.

'Goddamn kid, don't sleep while working with my old man.' Kanda muttered, approaching him. As he stretched his hand to shake the boy's shoulder, he was taken aback by Allen's sudden sobbing sound. He looked at him closely. His face was pale and a bit of red painted his soft cheek. His eyes were surrounded by dark circles. The way his lips opened and closed while he was breathing softly made him looked so angelic. His white hair looked like his halo surrounding his round face.

Kanda grabbed a chair and sat next to the boy, watching him. The beansprout may be the first person in Nariwa High School to ever look at him as a normal human instead of a semi-god. He hated how everyone thinks of him like that. It was awkward for him to get so many unwanted attentions. But spending his time with this kid... he doesn't want to admit it but, is quite pleasurable. At least he can be at ease without having this person stare at him lustily or enviously. But that doesn't mean he craved more of the boy's company, no. He hated the boy... well, supposed to.

He stared down until his sight stopped upon a piece of paper the kid was holding. He took it and it appeared to be today's quiz. It was a '0'.

'What the hell? After his hard work that day? He can't even answer a single one?' The long haired senior thought. 'There must be something behind this. My precious time did not go to waste or I'll have to beat someone-'

"Yuu, you can't disturb someone's privacy like this" all of a sudden, Tiedoll appeared behind him, making him jump a bit. "Poor Allen-chan, being ill-treated in school. No wonder his marks were like this."

Kanda looked at his grandfather for a while "What? The boy's bullied or some crap?"

He expected the old man to reply softly like he always did but he didn't. Instead, Tiedoll's face was tensed and strict "You don't know about him? Well I figured. Since my grandchild was quite well-known, I don't think you would spend your time to be informed about the social problems in your school."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He said, trying not to let his past memories come back by the word 'bullied' and 'social problems'. But Tiedoll wasn't helping "Do you remember Yuu? Why do we move you to Nariwa High School 2 years ago?"

Kanda flinched "Yeah" he remembered everything. He remembered how his only friend Alma was killed by the bullies in his former school, making his family pushed Kanda to move out of the dangerous black-listed school. Although he was equipped with Kendo arts, they didn't convinced that it would shield him from the violence. "Allen... suffered the same treatment like Alma." His grandfather continued. "They pushed him from the flight of stairs, dropped him into the mud, crash his belongings... all because he is different."

The long haired man crossed his legs and stared at the sleeping boy in front of him.

"Don't you have friends for this?"

Now he knew why the boy's face dulled when he asked that.

"Sometimes I see him arrived with bruises and bleeding lips." TIedoll walked closer towards Allen, ruffled the boy's hair "But you know what's different between him and Alma? He still smile despites everything that happened."

"I...see..." was all Kanda could reply. He was speechless. Who knew this annoying all-smiles brat had suffered the same thing his best friend did few years ago? Was Kanda so heartless to see another similar case presented in front of him without trying to help?

"I'll stop by another time old man." He picked up his bag and exited towards the back door. Tiedoll shook Allen to wake him up and replied "Anytime, Yuu."

That Friday, after going through one of the most painful week he ever had, Allen stood in front of his class. His fingers twitched as he opened the door of his classroom.

He had his P.E shirt ripped apart; his textbooks burned and suffered some bruises here and there by the objects his classmates had thrown to him. It was a warning. A warning that stated 'Get lost punk, don't disturb our Kanda'. Now he was reluctant than ever to enter his classroom. Who knows what kind of torture he had to face today?

As he pushed the door open, a hand grabbed him from behind and dumped him on the cold hard floor. "Brat, I thought you would be locking yourself in your room by now." One of the boys shouted. "My girlfriend said if I'm able to get you to say you're not going to disturb Kanda Yu again, she'll give me a good time. A very good time." He smirked. Another one threw a bucket of cold ice on him and a group of girls stepped into the scene and gave him a hard kick.

"Stay away, freak. You don't belong here. I am disgusted by how you tainted my poor Kanda by your freaky appearance." She slapped him, hard. "Until this image of you standing next to him is out of my mind, you won't be having an easy high school life, geddit?"

Allen couldn't take it; he felt another attack coming, and another, and another. It was torture. Maybe involving himself with the long haired senior was a horrible mistake. Instead of helping, he made Allen's life worse. The physical pain he was facing was going numb on him. But the pain he felt in his heart was incurable. These humiliation, hatred... he didn't know why he deserved all these just because he was different.

And then it was over. Everything fell silent. He didn't detect anyone made a single move. Upon this, he opened his eyes. Everyone weren't looking at him, but at the door instead.

There he was, Kanda Yu, the source of all his torture, standing there confidently with his one hand in his pocket. Allen always had this thought; all week he had been thinking... that Kanda was the one who ordered his little minions to 'take care' of Allen. Which was why when he walked with all his grace and self-assurance towards Allen, the boy tried to scoot away. But the pain on his legs prevented him from doing so.

"I'm...sorry." The cold, heartless senior whispered to him tenderly, as if he wanted Allen to be the only one in the world to hear his soft apology. "So sorry." He rustled again, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the blood that flowed out of Allen's nose. The place was as mute as forest. Everyone stared in shock by what they had just witnessed... and what they might face.

Kanda looked back, glowering at everyone in the room. If looks could kill, Kanda's piercing glare could've killed them. But sadly it didn't, instead, sending chills down their spine. He then proceeded to take off his jacket and wrapped Allen –who was soaked by the cold water and ice- with it. "Listen, you goddamned motherfuckers" he started. "I am not, I repeat, not anyone's property and it's fucking pissing me off to see each of you son of a skanky bitches did this for the sake of me. Fuckin hell, let me do all I want and talk to who I want without you pieces of shits do anything about it."

He got up and pulled the bean sprout's hand along, helping the weak boy to get up "And this little brattling here" Kanda made sure everyone looked, really looked at Allen so he carried the boy bridal style in his arms "Can only have his life be miserable by me alone. Anyone is not allowed to touch him. At all. Or I'll make sure your parents regret the day they agreed to send you to this hell hole you call school"

Allen wanted to say something but he was too feeble to do so. He can only grab a fistful of Kanda's shirt and relished the surprising comfort he found in the man's arms.

He didn't know why the older one was acting nice to him, but it doesn't matter right now. In his half-conscious state, he embraced the man's torso without knowing, while Kanda made his way to the infirmary.

"I only met him for a few days and this is what he made me do?"

After all the drama, these words are the first to pop out of Kanda's head.

Reviews kill minions of authors block! So if you want me to get my motivation and inspiration faster, please drop a review. Thanks )