About a Boy and a Girl
Chapter Six
The next day...
"Please?" she pleaded.
"No," he answered defiantly.
"Please?" she tried again.
"Just for the summer. Please?" she said, making her voice sweeter.
"I already told you. No. I'm going to lose my business if I have someone like him working around here. I know I'm being biased though I haven't met him but you know how things are, Hermione." Mr. Fortescue ran into Hermione that morning as he went to his ice cream parlour for business that day. From the street to inside the shop, she kept badgering and reasoning with him about giving Draco a job in his shop. She even went on to explain Draco's current situation to him, hoping to get more sympathy from him.
"Come on, Uncle Florean. Don't be silly. He'll be a great help around here. He'll make everything easier." Mr. Fortescue was trying to ignore her as he took out his wand and set up the tables and chairs. Hermione crossed her arms and watched him go around the shop. "You seemed to be fond of his brother."
Mr. Fortescue stopped what he was doing to absorb what Hermione had just said. Then he shook his head. "Yes. But you never told me about that before."
"So you'd refuse to give him ice cream if I told you he was a Malfoy?" she asked rhetorically. Uncle Florean mumbled something inaudible. "Stop being so prejudiced, Uncle. Some of the purebloods are bad enough. Give him more credit. He's not what you think he is. And besides, I wouldn't be vying for him if his character was so unlikeable." Mr. Fortescue still said nothing. Hermione was beginning to worry about whether she was getting to him. "Blame me if anything goes wrong."
He now turned to her, his face looking defeated. He let out a loud sigh. "It's unusual for me to question your judgment but really, Hermione, how long have you known the lad? I haven't even seen you with him once."
Hermione bit her lower lip. Her argument is getting weaker. What would be her defense now? "I've known him for six years but I've been getting to know him for this past week only." Mr. Fortescue started to turn his back on her. "Wait, wait. I gave him a chance because I knew there's a part of him I'm not seeing well from where I stood before. And I'm glad I took the chance too because he's such a nice guy and he's not as twisted as everyone labels him to be. So if you'd do the same, I know it would mean so much to him and it would make you happy knowing you helped somebody out. And maybe he'll be better if he knows people trust him."
Mr. Fortescue gave out a deep sigh. He considered it very well. He decided at last. "Fine. I'll give him a try. But I'll only have him working in the back. I'm still not comfortable about my customers seeing him around here, much more serving them. And I will blame you if anything should go wrong."
Hermione lips broke out into a huge smile. "Excellent!" she exclaimed. She approached him and gave him a hug. He patted her back. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I knew I could count on you." She let go of him, still continuing to smile. "And let's just keep this to ourselves, please. He wants to be discreet about this." He nodded curtly. "Well, I better go and bring the good news." She walked to the door and before closing it completely, told him, "Thanks again."
He returned it with a smile.
Hermione decided to pop in at the manor. After clearing that the Master and Mistress of the house were out, Misty the house elf led her to Draco's room on the third floor of the house. It was behind one of the numerous doors of the mansion. After the muted "Enter" from the other side, Misty opened the door for her.
The room was almost as large as her family's flat. A king-sized bed with green and silver sheets sat against one wall. Opposite the bed was a crammed bookshelf that reached up to the ceiling. A couch sat in front of it. There was a walk-in closet and his private bathroom. Draco was sitting in front of an antique desk littered with discarded parchment. He appeared to be writing a letter.
"Hey," she greeted, going inside the room and closing the door behind her.
"Hey," he returned, putting down his quill and leaning back on his chair. Hermione went to where he was seated.
"Where's Erin?" she asked.
Draco suddenly jerked forward and looked frantically around the room. "He was just here." He stood to look out in the hallway.
"Wait." Hermione heard a weak sound coming from somewhere inside the room. Draco strained to listen and he heard it too. They followed the sound to the closet. She opened the double doors and was amused at finding Erin laughing among Draco's scattered clothes on the floor. They couldn't suppress their laughter at the sight of Erin. He had on a pair of mismatched shoes – the left foot of Draco's sneakers and also the left foot of Draco's school shoes. He was also wearing one leg of his brother's jeans and a black coat. And to top it off, a baseball cap. Everything was way too big for him and he stumbled as he walked towards them, laughing infectiously.
"I have to get my camera." Draco left her side then returned with a camera. He snapped a pictured of Erin with his huge smile. He looked at Hermione. "You two."
"What?" she asked, previously preoccupied with watching Erin as he posed for the camera.
"I want to get a picture of you with Erin." He pushed Hermione besides Erin. He moved back and looked into the viewfinder. "Smile." His finger stopped just on top of the shutter release button.
Draco was transfixed by Hermione's face, especially her perfectly sweet and innocent smile. That left him wondering how he learned to hate her then. He could see now that she made a good and reliable friend unlike Crabbe and Goyle who he did not even treat as acquaintances but only mere pests. Maybe that was part of the reason he hated Potter and the Weasel so much – he did not have someone like Hermione as their best friend. He realized how much he must've missed throughout the years, not even bothering to get to know her. He was busy forcing himself to hate her every being. And who knew? Perhaps, if things had turned out different, they would even make a good couple.
What the...? Where'd that come from? he thought. Is it that he's beginning to fall for this simple Muggle-born from London? The answer: Yes.
"Hello?" came Hermione. "Could you hurry up please? My cheeks are starting to hurt."
Draco was pulled out of his trance. He'd have to think about that later. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." He took the picture then gave them the thumbs up.
Hermione went over to him and held out her hand for the camera. "Your turn." Draco, being unresponsive for some reason unknown to her, just looked down at the camera he was holding. Hermione grabbed the camera from him, dragged him beside Erin and pushed him down so he knelt beside his brother. Hermione was puzzled by Draco. What happened?
In an effort to remove the glazed look from his face, she clapped her hands once in front of his face. That seemed to do the trick. He blinked then shook his head. He mumbled, "I'm sorry." He looked up and Hermione was staring at him quizzically. All of a sudden, he lunged forward to take another baseball cap off the floor. He slung his arm around Erin's little shoulders and said, "Ready."
Hermione dismissed the moment of weirdness and stood in front of the pair to take the picture. Erin was reaching up for Draco's cap so Draco took it and placed it on top of the one he was already wearing. He posed along with Erin, doing an upside-down peace sign as he sneered into the camera. "Nice," she commented.
Hermione returned the camera to Draco and began tidying up. Erin did his part by carrying as much clothes as his short arms could carry. He brought them to Hermione who then cast spells to fold them neatly then levitated them to the shelves. Draco took care of those Erin left on the floor. His closet was all organized and tidy in no time.
They left the closet and went back to Draco's room. Draco sat on the edge of his bed. He took Erin and raised him as high as his arms allowed him to. The little boy squealed as he was repeatedly thrown up into the air. Hermione smiled as she walked past this to the desk Draco once occupied. She had her eyes on the framed pictures which sat on top of it. She looked at each one of them and instantly recognized something. They were either pictures of Draco – his first time on a broom, school photo; Erin – as a newborn, a portrait recently taken perhaps; or both of them. None featured their mother and father. Not surprising. He didn't like seeing them so why'd he put even a representation of them somewhere he probably treated as his refuge.
Then the papers on top of his desk entered her view. She read some parts of it. Each of them begun with "Dear Professor Dumbledore" but the preliminary contents was all different. She picked up one of the unfinished letters then showed it to Draco. "For the scholarship?" Draco was still playing with Erin but looked at her and nodded. "Have you finished anything yet?"
"No. I haven't got around to getting the words right." At that, Draco stopped Erin's makeshift ride and carried him along to Hermione. He took the letter. "But I'm hoping to finish it today so it could be considered early." He transferred Erin to Hermione's arms then sat down again in front of his desk.
Erin touched Hermione's face and said, "Mum-my" She laughed. Who did he mean?
"I think he means your mother. He's been saying that since after we left your house. They've made such a connection I guess."
"You want to see Mummy?" she cooed to Erin. Erin clapped delightedly. "Later, okay?" Erin clapped again.
"So what brought you here today?" Draco asked, still facing his letter.
"I got you a job this morning." She took out a chocolate bar from her bag and broke it into pieces to be fed to Erin.
"Really? That was fast. Where is it?"
"At Fortescue's," she replied, getting shy all of a sudden.
"The ice cream parlour?" Hermione slapped herself mentally. Draco was surely going to snap at her for that, getting him such a lowly job at an ice cream shop. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea at all. She'd just go back to Mr. Fortescue and withdraw what she said. Just when she was ready to hear his complaints, he said, "That's just fine. Thank you. When do I start?"
"Monday. Same day I start at the bookshop." She paused. "You'll be working fulltime so Erin will be staying with me about until the late afternoon. So there's some conflict there. But I've though about it and since my mother only works until one in the afternoon, she can take over watching over him."
Draco swiveled around so he was facing her. "That's asking too much from you."
She smiled at him and his heart fluttered. "I knew you were going to say that. But you're not actually asking too much because you never asked for it. I gave it to you. So do me a favor and accept."
"Your logic is really something, huh?" he said. "But okay. I'll accept. Thanks. I'll make it up to you."
"Do you think the money's going to be enough? I mean, it's just a basic salary. Do you think you two will sustain?"
"I'll just have to spend wisely. And if the scholarship gets approved, all I have to do is earn money for books and school supplies and some of Erin's things."
Hermione was thinking. "How about Erin? Where will he go when you go back to Hogwarts?"
There was a long pause before Draco answered her. "I-I'm sending him to... to Germany to stay with Mother and Father. They won't be coming back home anytime soon."
"Oh." She was sad that Erin would have to put up with them. But they are his parents. She had no right to object to their guardianship of their son. She asked, "Why won't they be coming back?"
"They're in hiding. They keep transferring from country to country, trying to outrun the law. I don't want to join them."
"I'm not sure if I'm in any position to ask this but why them?"
Draco did not look her straight in the face. He looked down on the floor instead, his hands together. "I-I have no choice..." he trailed off.
Hermione decided it was time to change the subject. The atmosphere was getting a bit gloomy. "Say, isn't Erin's birthday tomorrow?"
Draco looked up and Hermione's smile was reaching out to him. He leaned back on his chair. "That's right."
"Any thoughts on the celebration?" she asked, getting excited now.
"Nothing special. Just a home dinner." He was obviously sad. If they still had money, he'd throw him a celebration and buy him loads of presents but that wasn't possible now.
"A home dinner? Seriously. He's a kid." Hermione touched noses with Erin. "He needs a party." She talked to Erin now. "You want a party?"
"Yes!" he answered quickly.
"See? And I know the perfect place to throw it. But I'm guessing you'll want only a few people there so..." She began counting on her fingers. "It'll just be me, you, Erin, Mom and Dad. Five people. I'm sure Mom will be thrilled."
"How many things do you have to give me?" he asked, laughing and shaking his head.
Hermione laughed. "You'll never know. We just became friends."
The following day, Erin's second birthday, Draco, carrying the birthday boy, appeared at the Grangers' door at about six-thirty in the evening. Mrs. Granger answered the door and gave both boys a peck on the cheek. "Happy birthday!" she told Erin and gave him another kiss on the forehead. "Come in, come in."
She went to knock on Hermione's door. "Hermione, they're here." Mrs. Granger then went out.
Hermione opened the door. "Hey," she greeted. "Happy birthday." She kissed Erin's nose.
"How about the birthday boy's brother?" he said with a sneer.
She patted him lightly on the cheek, smiling playfully. "Maybe next time. When it's your birthday." She laughed. "Now let's go." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him out the door.
"Where are we going?" he asked once they were in the hallway.
"To the party." They boarded the elevator and got off at the rooftop. It was just beginning to get dark but the glow of the Christmas lights was evident. They were stringed from thin poles on two sides of the roof. Underneath that, there was a small table filled with food – lasagna, chicken, pizza, salad, brownies, little cupcakes, drinks and a cooler that had a tub of ice cream in it. But in the middle of it all was a round Quidditch-themed birthday cake with a number two-shaped candle on it. Hermione enchanted the Quidditch player so that it flew around the lighted candle.
Hermione's parents were already there, standing beside the buffet table. Hermione went over and took the cake and placed it on top of a table set up in front of it. Everyone went to the table. Draco positioned Erin near the cake. Mrs. Granger began to sing "Happy Birthday" and soon enough everybody had joined in, even Draco. Erin looked at them one by one wearing a big smile. At the end, Hermione told him, "Blow the candle," and pointed to the candle.
After a few tries, the candle finally blew out. Everyone clapped for him. "Present time," chimed Mrs. Granger. "We all chipped in for this. Hermione thought he would love it." Mr. Granger took a package from the side of the buffet table and placed it on top of the table in front of Erin. It was about two feet long. He tore the wrapping paper slowly then Draco went in to help. Draco opened the box for him.
Inside laid a small broomstick perfect for little kids like Erin. "It's good to start him off early," Hermione said. "So he can be as good as his brother."
Hermione and Draco laughed. Mr. and Mrs. Granger kept silent as they were not well-oriented on what they were referring to.
"Thank you," he said.
"Thank you," Erin repeated.
"You're very welcome," Hermione told him, tapping his little nose.
"The food's waiting," Mr. Granger said. They got their share of food and ate together at the table. Erin was situated between Draco and Hermione and they took turns feeding him. "Mmm," Hermione sounded after feeding him a piece of chicken. He turned to Draco. "Have you finished the letter?"
"Mailed it before coming here," he answered. "I'm expecting a reply next week."
"Anyway, what'd you get Erin?" she asked.
"I couldn't afford to buy him anything so I gave him this." He took out a small album from Erin's little bag. Hermione flipped through it. It was a photo album of possibly every picture Draco took of him with small messages under each one. "I know he doesn't understand all of it now but I think he'll appreciate it in the future."
"That he will," she whispered, going through page after page. Hermione stopped longer at one page in particular. The pictures were taken recently, as in yesterday. It was of them and Erin in the mismatched clothes.
The message underneath her and Erin's photo read:
This girl is Hermione Granger. She's very smart, nice and fun. I like her and you do too. She's our friend.
She smiled down at the words. She flipped to the next pages and they were blank. "I'll probably keep adding more," he mentioned.
She smiled at him and returned it. "Thanks." She meant this both for letting her see it and for the thoughtful description.
After finishing the dessert of ice cream, brownies and cupcakes, they all went to watch Erin go on his first broom ride. Draco kept a firm grip on Erin and the broom so he doesn't go zooming off into the distance and end up with nasty bruises. Draco guided him around the rooftop and Hermione got Draco's camera from Erin's backpack and took pictures.
The party ended soon after eight. After cleaning up, they all went inside to the Grangers' flat. Hermione entered her room. Draco stopped by the doorway. "It's okay, you can come in." Draco put Erin down on the floor and he raced to the bed to snuggle up in the cozy sheets. Hermione went and rubbed his belly. "Are you sleepy?" Erin yawned then closed his eyes. "Sleep tight," she whispered.
Draco was looking at a family picture. Hermione went behind him. He felt her presence. "I wish I have that," he said.
She walked around him to get a better look of the photo. "You may not have it now but I'm sure you will in the future. You'll meet that special girl then you'll get married then have kids..." She breathed deeply. The forced marriage slipped her mind for a moment. She had been thinking of something else and she wished she could take back everything she had said.
"Yes, I shall have that," he said boldly.
Monday came. First day on the job. Draco came in early. At first, Mr. Fortescue was uneasy around him as he toured him in the back and explained how everything worked and how he liked things to be done. Draco rarely said anything and listened attentively. He had no difficulty at all and was a quick learner and soon, as the customers started pouring in, he was making Mr. Fortescue's most famous flavors as the owner manned the counter.
However, there was one such instance where Draco's presence was almost busted by a Gryffindor named Seamus Finnigan. Apparently, Mr. Fortescue, forgetting about Draco's supposed discretion, had pointed Seamus into the back where there was a toilet. He had downed two large milkshakes and rushed to ask where the toilet was. He burst into the back and Draco almost dropped a bowl of blueberries on the floor. He ran to the refrigerator and pretended to be looking for something. A couple of minutes passed and Seamus was back into the shop again. It was only then that Draco was able to breathe a sigh on relief.
Dumbledore's letter arrived on a Thursday morning at the ice cream shop. Draco phoned Hermione on his cellphone and asked her to come to the shop. He wanted her to be there when the letter was opened and the decision was found out.
She arrived with Erin after fifteen minutes. The shop wasn't opened yet but Uncle Florean allowed her to come in. Hermione and Draco sat hunched at a table in the back, Erin on Hermione's lap, looking curiously at the both of them. They continued to stare at the letter a while longer before Draco pushed it towards Hermione.
"Please open and read it. I can't," he told her. Draco was unnerved. A lot depended on this letter.
"Are you sure?" she asked. Draco nodded. "Okay," she said as she opened it and took out the folded parchment inside. She could easily distinguish the headmaster's handwriting on it.
She cleared her throat then read on. "Dear Mr. Draco Malfoy, After having considered your petition for a scholarship grant for your seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it is with great enthusiasm that we accepted your request." Hermione stopped. She looked up and Draco's smile read relief all over. She continued, "Professor Severus Snape and I have reviewed your grade transcript and it has surpassed the standards by which one is qualified for an academic scholarship.
"Your academic profile confirms your commitment to personal and education growth. We are confident that you will continue your high level of academic performance in the upcoming school year and we entrust that you will make a valuable contribution to the school's tradition of scholarship and service.
"The faculty, upon careful assessment of your current financial status, has also determined to give you a book allowance which will be used for the purchase of books, school supplies and other school-related materials. We are hopeful that this will aid in your educational experience.
"As for the other matter which you are requesting, I have also put great thought into it and have made the necessary arrangements. I shall allow it so long as I have your word.
"Congratulations and welcome to the new school year! Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore." Draco leaned back on his chair, brimming with happiness.
"What other matter?" she asked.
"I'll tell you at school."
"Why can't you tell me now?" she pushed.
"So you would have little to do about it."
Hermione was looking inside the envelope again. She swore there was something else there. And there it was. Another letter, this time shorter, and a badge. Draco was attentive again as Hermione read the second letter. "Congratulations, Mr. Draco Malfoy! You have been named this year's Head Boy along with Ms. Hermione Granger as Head Girl. Kindly proceed to the Heads' compartment at the Hogwarts Express to meet with the prefects. Wear your Head Boy badge at all times."
Draco was now examining the Head Boy badge in his hands. It had the Hogwarts crest on it and beneath that, the words "Head Boy" are engraved. "Have you received your letter?"
"Yes. Just this morning at breakfast."
He thought for a while. "That's great, isn't it?"
"What is?"
"We'll be spending more time together," he answered with a smile.
So that's Chapter Six.
In Chapter Seven, they'll be returning to Hogwarts. I promise more fun and drama.
Read and Review.