AN-Yes, I know. I've started another story. I find the more I have on the go the more likely I am to work on at least one of them at any given time. This is a Yu-Gi-Oh Stargate SG1 crossover. I read a few and really liked the idea of those universes colliding. Just a warning, I watched up to the middle of both series and never saw how either one ended. Okay, I lied. I saw the last 2 eps of Yu-Gi-Oh and thought it was dumb so I blotted it out.

Anyway, this story is going to focus more on the Stargate side of things, so if you are expecting magic be prepared for disappointment. Life is full of it. It takes place after the end of Yu-Gi-Oh, which has been altered to better serve my needs, and somewhere in the middle of Stargate because I only own 2 seasons and I stopped watching the show after Jack retired. No MacGyver, no Calamity love.

I may or may not throw in stuff from Stargate Atlantis. I'm being rather arbitrary about the Stargate timeline thingy. After all it's a fan fic.

 WARNING It will be shonen ai. That means non-explicit boy love. Things like kissing and sounding mushy. If you don't like that sort of thing then don't read it. You've been warned.

So here it is. I hope you enjoy. And if you don't well I enjoy writing it, so I'm still winning.

So I apologize to everyone whose language I am about to butcher. Except for the English. It has been mangled enough that there is nothing I could do to it that has not been done.


Jack stared hard at his enemy, watching for any sign of movement, any sign of weakness. His opponent watched back, his eyes unwavering, unblinking in case that he too missed a movement. They stared at each other in escalating silence. Finally a battle cry was raised.


His opponent nodded in his direction, pleased with his choice. Jack tapped his cards anxiously, waiting.

Samantha Carter flipped the river revealing a Queen.

Jack threw down his hand, showing his pocket aces to the world, hoping that they would be enough to win the round.

Teal'c laid down his hand with a delicate arch of an eyebrow. "It appears that I have three of a kind O'Neill."

"Dammit!" Jack tossed his hand across the table.

"It was a good try sir," Carter smiled encouragingly. She swept her blond her behind an ear before picking up the cards to shuffle.

"Stuff it Carter." Jack was feeling sore, not to mention broke, after loosing his god knows how many hand to his alien friend. The stoic Jaffa never gave any indication of his hand. "Who the hell decided to teach Teal'c poker?"

"That would be me, Jack." Jacob Carter, now the host of the Tok'ra Selmak, sat down with a cheery grin. Despite being on base, he was still wearing his Tok'ra garb, the drab gray assemble doing little for his complexion.

"This is just revenge for the last time I cleaned you out."

"Yes it is." Jacob leaned back in his chair in the mess hall. "And it's working too. Life is wonderful."

Sam smiled as she watched the Colonel mutter darkly under his breath at her father. Sometimes he acted just like a little kid. Scratch that. Most of the time he acted just like a little kid. It was hard to believe that he was involved in the top secret Stargate program. Then again, the program itself was unbelievable.

"Did you just call me an old boot?" Jacob sounded more amused than insulted.

Jack leaned forward, reading another insult when a siren filled the base with a screechy whine.

"This is General Hammond." The PA blared the Texan's serious voice. "Initiate full base lock down. All visitors are to report to their quarters and await further instruction. SG1 is to report to briefing room. I repeat. All visitors are to report to their quarters and await further instruction. SG1 is to report to briefing room immediately."

Jack and Teal'c were out of their chairs and through the door before the message ended, leaving their cards and poker chips strewn everywhere. Sam shook her head and dropped the cards, racing to catch up with the boys.


"Sir," Jack skipped the salute, figuring that this was not a time for niceties. General Hammond paced across the floor, his bald head glistening with sweat. "World about to end again sir?" Things like that were about the only emergencies that could cause the old general to break his composure.

"Sit down, Colonel." Hammond didn't even turn his way, continuing his pacing until both Sam and Teal'c had entered the room. Jacob hovered in the doorway, unsure of his welcome. Spotting him Hammond nodded. "You'd best be here too Jacob. Selmak might be needed on this one."

"Yes Sir." Jacob slipped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"All right team," Hammond finally quit his pacing, turning to look his men head on. "We have a breach. A Goa'uld has made it to the surface."

Predictably Jack interrupted. "A Goa'uld sir? If you don't mind me asking how the hell did a Goa'uld make it on base? I thought we didn't like their kind here."

"Perhaps Selmak can explain." Hammond turned to Jacob, anger radiating off of his person like heat from the sun.

Jacob blinked in surprise and raised his hand in defense. "We have no idea what you are talking about."

"No? One of your men attacked one of mine. The host you people claim to have such a good relationship with was found dead and one of my officers is injured and another has disappeared."

Jacob leaned forward, his distress obvious. Selmak took over. "I have no idea how this happened General. I assure you that my people and I were unaware of a hostile in our midst. We will provide you with whatever aid you require."

Hammond nodded, appearing satisfied with Tok'Ra's response. "First we'll need to you and your people to return home. I cannot risk this incident occurring again." Jacob bowed his head respectfully. "All right." Hammond nodded, but looked ill at ease. "We'll also need to figure out what this thing is after, track it down and prevent it from doing any more damage. SG-1, that will be your job. Any questions?"

Jack half raised his hand. "Just one." He glanced around the room. "Where's Daniel?"


Daniel hissed as he shifted the ice pack Dr. Frasier had handed him as the machines of the infirmary beeped and whirred all around him. Daniel shifted on the bed he had been forced upon. Despite her medical care he could still feel the goose eggs rising from his skull. Though in retrospective it could have been worse.

"I told you that knowledge kills." Jack wandered in, grinning from ear to ear.

"Colonel O'Neill, it was not information that caused the damage to Dr. Jackson but rather the weight of a storage unit."

"I know Teal'c," Jack swung around, exasperated. "It was a joke."

"Ah." The Jaffa lapsed into silence, being content to not understand Earth's strange brand of humor.

"Jeez Daniel," Sam at least had the good graces to look worried. "What happened?"

"I don't know." The archeologist pushed up his glasses, which now sat at odd angles on his face, the arms flying in odd directions. "We were in my office and Apep was reading one of my archeologist digests. The next thing I know he's panicking and I'm pinned under my bookcase."

"It is likely that one of the articles in the digest upset him."

"Do you know which one of your books the bastard was reading?" Jack crossed his arms, trying his darndest to appear thoughtful.

Daniel shook his head, wincing as the world swum a bit. "It was my newest one. I don't what the articles say because I hadn't had a chance to read it. He took it with him when he left."

"Well Daniel, do you know what the focus of the issue was?" Sam stared at the doctor, her mind racing. "It might give us a clue as to where he is headed."

Daniel thought hard, trying to remember what the title had been, what images had floated on its cover. When he finally recalled he leaned back, his shoulders slumping. "It was about Egypt."

Jack sighed. "Of course it was." It was always about Egypt.


The young man sat in his excavation hole, steadily sweeping at the sand with his delicate brush. Eventually he sighed, placing the tool back in its pouch on a vest that was far too bulky for his boyish figure. He stood with a groan as his muscles berated him for sitting in such a cramped position for so long. Dainty, save for a stumble or two, he stepped out of the dig site and made his way towards the large tent on the other side of the camp.

As he tripped for yet a third time, the only thing that prevented gravity from catching him was the firm hands of the woman who had watched his progress with a disapproving eye. "My Lord Pharaoh," her voice was heavy with a frown despite her face remaining smooth, "you have pushed yourself too hard to day."

Yugi turned to meet her desert gaze, with skin as dusky as the sand and eyes as blue as the sky, before turning his head down towards his feet. "I am fine Isis-san. I just need some water." He flashed her what would have been a brilliant smile had his naturally pale skin not been pinched and sallow.

Isis felt her grip tighten in growing alarm. The boy hadn't even protested her use of the title. She cursed herself for not paying more attention. "No. You are not used to the heat."

"I am fine!" Yugi pulled out of her grip. Or he tried to. Instead all he managed was to trip again, highlighting Isis's point.

"My Lord Pharaoh, you have only been with us for a month. There is no shame in feeling unwell in such a harsh climate. Now," she spoke the word sharply, cutting him off as he opened his mouth to protest again, "if you do not go lie down I will send you home. Now come."

Yugi lapsed into silence and allowed himself to be dragged through the camp like the child he still looked to be. Isis bit her tongue to hide yet another frown. Sullen was never a word that she would have thought to associate with boy in tow yet now she lacked any other term to describe his dull demeanor. She pushed him into his tent, setting herself outside the door to make sure he did not do anything so foolish as to attempt to escape.

It took only a few minutes before the gentle sounds of sleep could be heard from the tent, a sound that eased her heart more than the extraordinary success they had been having with the dig. Not one of the artifacts they had uncovered meant more to her than sleeping boy in the tent behind her.

She waited a few minutes longer, making sure that no sound would rouse the boy, before unleashing her anger at the shade only she could see.

"You are supposed to watch out for him, not watch as he works himself to death," her breath escaped as a hiss, a snake readying to deliver venom.

"He's been difficult." Yami knew it was a poor excuse but it was the only explanation that he could offer to calm Isis's rage. "It's been difficult for him."

"Which is why you are supposed to watch out for him." She turned her head, meeting the crimson eyes of the king of old. "When was the last time he ate?"

Isis caught Yami's fidget and cursed the spirit under her breath. "It's difficult Isis. I don't need to eat. I don't need to sleep. I have not needed these things for thousands of years. Therefore I don't notice when Yugi has failed to do these things."

He had a point. Se clasped her hands, feeling her brows knit with worry. "My Lord Pharaoh, what am I to do? I cannot save him from himself."

"Don't." She turned, surprised by the command. "Let the boy run himself until he collapses."

She could see the smile tugging at the edges of the ghost's lips. She knew that look and she knew that he only every revealed it when his victory was inevitable. "What do you have planned?"

The tugging gave way to a conniving grin. "Kaiba promised his wife that if anything happened to Yugi they would be there to take care of him."

"Ah." Isis leaned back, feeling some of her worry evaporate. If Yugi fell in Anzu's clutches she wouldn't let the boy so much as stir until she deemed him fit to do so. Perhaps the energetic girl would be the cure for Yugi's current melancholy and help bring out some more of his old self. She looked back to the spirit. Yami looked lost in thought. Dark, unpleasant thought. Isis closed her eyes and suppressed a shudder, listening to the delicate breaths through the thin canopy of the shelter.

Then again, perhaps not.


He watched his prey as it staggered through the alley, its primitive garb disheveled. The outfit was a suit, similar to those people of importance wore around the pathetic cave that the humans called a base. From the mind of its host Apep pulled information, noting how the behavior of the man revealed inebriation, the garb revealed importance and affluence, the dark alley providing opportunity.

As the man stumbled by he was pulled into the shadows without a cry, the only sound the dull echo as the drunk hit the wall of the building with enough force to stun him. He felt the warm lips against his, felt the wet object intruding upon his mouth. In his hazy state he first thought this stranger was slipping him the tongue.

Then the pain began.

The business struggled, or tried to, his body convulsing as his nervous system slowly slipped out of his control.

Then he stood, shoving off the corpse of the young guard.

Eyes flashed gold in the darkness.



"Well, I've been looking at this one and there have been some amazing discoveries made in the past six months. For example, look at this article about Saqqara. They just found the first perfectly preserved mummy! It's 2600 years old! Simply amazing!"

"Daniel." Jack placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, trying to keep him on track. "I only care about what the Goa'uld cares about."

"I was just getting to that." Daniel started madly flipping pages, explaining as he went. "This is the mostly likely dig site for him to visit. A woman by the name of Isis Ishtar has been working in the region about a month, and they are still digging new things up every day. Not that it's actually surprising. Apparently Isis has yet to be on an expedition that has turned up nothing. Which is strange because she hasn't published any works on ancient Egypt and with the sheer volume of artifacts that she has found it would not be difficult for her to gain recognition in the academic community."

"And I care because?" Jack rubbed his temples, trying to chase away the headache from the whining of the plane engines and Daniel's scientific mumbo-jumbo.

"Yes Daniel, please get to the point," Sam urged her friend, her face pinched with worry. It was difficult for her to know that a symbiote had forcibly taken one of their own a host. She knew how badly she had suffered as a host and that was for a Tok'ra. The man they were chasing was possessed by a Goa'uld. Her pain was likely nothing compared to his.

"The point is this." Daniel held up a photo of the found relics. On one page an Egyptian woman and her dig crew stood silently, smiling victoriously over the pock marked earth. On the other was a golden relic, recognizable despite being covered in dust.

"That's a-"

"Goa'uld hand device," Daniel finished for Sam. "It looks as though Miss Ishtar somehow stumbled across the remains of Goa'uld technology. Who knows what else it is they have found?"

"I'm betting the Goa'uld does."

"Indeed O'Neill, that would seem likely." Jack sighed. They really needed to teach Teal'c more about being flippant. Well, they had a plane ride. It seemed as good a place as any to start.



"In a minute," he murmured aloud to the unspoken whisper. The boy fiddled with his cactus, moving it out of the shade so it could get more light. He liked Egypt, he really did, but somehow the forlorn landscape bereft of plant life always made him a little sad. Yugi loved plants. Staring across the desolate landscape a familiar thought raced through his mind. *I should have been a botanist.*

He could hear Yami chuckle in his mind. He looked to his left and saw the spirit standing, leaning against the canopy of a tent that wouldn't be able to bear the weight of a real person. Despite his laughter Yami's smile quickly vanished as he stared at his Hikari with his usual somber expression.

/Yugi, we need to talk,/ the voice rang again in his head, the projection of Yami not even moving its lips. Yugi sighed and braced himself for the barrage headed his way.

/Isis is worried about you./

*Tell her I am fine.*

/Aibou./ There was a pause. Yami looked at Yugi, the boy's already petit form even slighter due to malnutrition and neglect. "I am also worried about you."

Yugi sighed again and sat in the sand, placing his head between his knees.

"Yugi?" Yami was beside him, his phantom fingers resting delicately on Yugi's shoulders. Yugi couldn't see the touch but he could feel it, a phenomena that neither of them were able to explain but seemed to be increasing in strength as time grew on. A few years ago Yugi had barely been able to feel Yami. Now the spirit could exert enough force to make the boy move.

"I know Yami. I am sorry to worry you. I just..." Yugi trailed off his head sinking further into his knees.

"You just what, Aibou?" Yami lowered his voice, making it as soft as he could, trying to calm Yugi down. He could feel how the boy's heart raced; feel the slight tremor that shook his small frame.

*I just don't know what to do.* He lifted his head, moving so that his chin rested on his knees. *Yami, I have seen horrible things. We've done horrible things.*


*Just listen. I know why we did them. It was necessary. We did save the world,* Yami watched as his friend grinned wryly, the jaded expression at odds with his disarming appearance. *But I don't know what to do now. Egypt,* he stared across the glowing landscape, the sand shining by command of the sun, *Egypt has too many memories. For both of us.* Yugi didn't need Yami nod of ascent to know he was right. * And home… home just isn't an option.*

/Yugi you know Jonouchi would always let you go back. He's waiting for you to come back./

* I know Yami, I know.* Yugi buried his face back into his knees, hoping that Yami wouldn't see the tears that pricked at the edge of his vision. The spirit could feel them, he could always feel when Yugi was crying, but he didn't mention it. Let Yugi have his privacy. * I know Grandpa died a long time ago. I know. And I can handle that part. I can.* Another shudder tore through the boy. *I just… I don't want to be there. Let Jonouchi have it. He likes selling games and he likes the attention he gets from the children. Besides,* Yugi chuckled bitterly, * I don't think I could live in Japan. Every game fanatic would be looking to beat me one way or another and none of them would believe that I do not do that anymore.* Yugi lifted his head once more, staring Yami hard in the eyes. * I just do not know where I should be Yami. I just do not fit anywhere anymore.*

"Oh Aibou," Yami gathered Yugi into his arms, rocking the boy gently. "We'll find a place for us." He kissed the boy on the forehead and rubbed Yugi's wild hair. "You are young yet, and we have time."

"Yes," Yugi leaned farther into Yami's chest, "you are right Yami."

/Of course I am Aibou. Now how about a game?/

Yugi giggled and rolled his eye. He may have given up playing everything that came his way but Yami had not. "Fine," he huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. *But no killing people,* he added silently.

/Hush. I would never do such a thing to my Aibou./ Yami sounded like a scolding mother. /Here are the rules. We will continue on the dig with Isis until our contract is up. If you can make it the three weeks without ruining your health we will go on vacation, traveling to anyplace in the world where you would like to go./

Yugi's eyes widened. He and Yami had been batting around the idea of travel but Yugi had never thought it very serious. After high school graduation he had not been in a position to travel, what with the death of his grandfather, and when he finally completed his masters Isis had been on his doorstep with a job offer. Yugi had accepted it immediately, feeling as though having his degree and not using it would have been wasteful. Yami had cautioned that it might have been too soon to go back to work, but Yugi had just needed to not be in Japan.

He narrowed his violet eyes while he considered Yami's proposal, looking for what the spirit didn't say. *What is the catch?* With Yami there was always a catch, even for his dear Aibou.

/If you faint or collapse on the job sight we get to go where I want to go./

*And where do you wish to travel?*

/Antarctica./ Yugi shuddered. He knew Yami had this fascination with things like ice and snow. So far the spirit had yet to see it in any form other than picture. But somehow Yugi doubted Yami's fascination would continue when he discovered what -40 actually felt like. Yugi had seen snow once when his Grandfather had taken him to a new exhibit in northern Japan, one of Solomon's old friends showcasing his newest discovery. Yugi had been too young to remember much, but he remembered snow. And he remembered the cold. He hated the cold.

"Fine," Yugi murmured. Yami smirked at his Aibou's voice, knowing that his threat had cut deep enough to actually make a difference in Yugi's behavior. The smile evaporated as Yugi stood, leaving the spirit alone in the dirt. "Fine. I'm going to go grab some food. You can go tell Isis that I will not work myself to death. Oh I know you guys planned this," Yami sighed. Having glowing red eyes made it hard to look innocent.

Yugi started to walk off, dust rising about him. He turned and shot Yami one last look.

*Thank you, friend.*

Oh yeah, disclaimer- I own nothing. Now you know.