Chapter Title:Let the Madness Begin!!!!
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Harry Potter or Ouran High. But if I did there would be a WHOLE lot of slash going on.
Warnings-probably language and mild sexual themes, and SLASH (if you don't like slash please don't read: You HAVE been WARN) but other then that, ok!
Pairing-You'll see it's a surprise. But you can probably guess. But there is BOTH HET and SLASH pairings
Let the story began!!!!!!
"Reddoesporontus" Hermione said with precision making sure all her words were pronounced correctly avoiding any mishaps that might give away their true identity. Harry cleared his throat of the funny tingling sensation the spell gave.
"Ok, try speaking now." Harry gave Hermione questioning look. Shouldn't he know how to speak after fifth teen years of living?
"Don't look at me like that Harry, you know what I mean. Don't get smart with me!" Harry silently chuckled inside his head, of course, he should have known Hermione would say something like that; she is the brightest witch of their age.
Well, at least she was at Hogwarts. At this exact moment, they were sitting in the office of Suoh-Sensei at Ouran High Privet Academy.
Apparently, six students from Hogwarts were 'randomly' chosen to reside at Ouran Academy for a school year, observing muggles in their natural environment. Dumbledore made this trip sound like a science exploration or experiment.
Anyway, here he was seating in the office with Hermione, Ron, Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.
"Hello" Hermione face lit up as she congratulated herself for getting the spell right. "What the bloody hell did you just say Harry?" Ron cursed loudly, giving Harry the signal for the spell actually working.
"Ronald, if you must know, I placed a translation spell on Harry, so he can speak Japanese and communicate with others at this school. And no swearing." Hermione lightly smacked Ron on top of the head causing him to wince at the slight pain resting on top of his head.
"Shut the hell up! You three are giving me a headache." Malfoy said in a threat as he rubbed his temples hoping that the headache that he developed from the troublesome trio would soon subside. Hermione glared at Malfoy before turning around to place the translation spell on Ron.
"Maybe, you should close your ears then, Malfoy, and you wouldn't hear anything. " Malfoy stared blankly at Harry for the charm had taken no effect on him as it had Hermione and Ron.
Harry cheeks turned a deep red at the realization of Malfoy not being able to understand him.
Malfoy snapped his fingers, immediately did Pansy rushed over to Draco with his wand. Draco roughly snapped his wand from her small fragile looking hands. "Reddoesporontus" Draco smirked at Harry, as a way of recomposing himself from the idiot look he gave Harry moments ago.
Kyouya Ootori sat in English class with a blank bored expression on his face, but deep down, he was enjoying the lecture on vowels.
In front of him was Tamaki, hunched over with a pencil that was moving at the speed of sound, but Kyouya knew better than to think the blonde was actually taking notes.
He probably was doodling some picture of himself and his "precious daughter" Haruhi walking on the beach hand in hand. A minute later, Kyouya looked down at his desk finding a picture of Tamaki and Haruhi walking on the beach hand in hand with scribble hearts and the words in bold 'DADDY AND HIS PRECIOUS DAUGHTER'.
Kyouya shook his head. Too predictable, he thought to himself. Honestly, sometimes Kyouya didn't know what the heck was going on the head of the idiotic blonde. Daddies didn't go around holding hands and grabbing their daughters all the time.
Well, then again Tamaki never really had been in a family setting before the Host club. Host Club had become his family.
Lost in thought, Kyouya didn't notice a first year by the name Takahashi Airi entering the room and handing Yoshida-sensei, their English professor, of course, a letter.
Yoshida-sensei stopped in mid-sentence reading the note that was handed to him. Finally, he looked up from his intense reading and locked eyes with Kyouya. "Ootori-San, you are needed by Suoh-Sensei."
Tamaki glanced up at Kyouya wondering what his father would want with him. Tamaki's gaze followed Kyouya until the only thing preventing him from seeing his best friend was a door.
Kyouya finally reached the office and was welcome by the schools secretary Ishikawa Mei. "Why, Kyo-Chan, just in time! Suoh-Sensei is waiting for you in his office." Kyouya put on his poker face, ready for any responsibility Tamaki's father might be entrusting him with.
"Well thank you very much. I'll be assuming that you'll be buying next's week issue of the club's magazine." The brunette woman face glowed as next week's issue was mention. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
Kyouya waltzed pass the secretary to the office of Suoh-Sensei. He knocked on the door before waiting a few seconds. "Come in"
Ron glanced at the stranger the stood before them. He gave a creepy and arrogant impression, if he was a wizard; Ron would not doubt that he would be able to hex someone within a short second.
He also most reminded him of Professor Snape. Ron shuddered at the thought of being around another Snape, who happened to be around age.
For a second, the unknown male glimpsed at him causing Ron to coward before him and look down at his lap. Maybe this trip will give me a confidence boost or something; I'm going to bloody well need it. Ron made a mental note of this.
"Ah, Kyouya, well, I would like for you to meet Potter Harry right here standing in front of me."
Suoh-sensei said as he directed Kyouya's gaze to the person infront of him. "Granger Hermione to the left of him, Weasley Ronald, Malfoy Draco next to him, Parkinson Pansy, and Zabini Blaise." Kyouya bowed politely and the other did the same.
"This is Kyouya Ootori; he's the class president for the second years and vice president of the Host club. He will be showing you each to your classes." Suoh-Sensei turned towards the dark hair male who Ron now will call Kyouya-Senpai.
"Kyouya, I would like for you to escort these students to class. Granger, Potter, Weasley, and Malfoy will be placed in room 1A while Parkinson and Zabini will occupy room 1D, Thank you."
Kyouya bowed again before looking at the strange exchange students before him, before saying: "All right, if you all would be so kind as to follow me."
Ron was among the first to stand up and exit the room in fear for the demon king (which he had now named Kyouya-Senpai) exploding wrath to surface. He feared that the similarities to Snape went furthur than just looks and that Kyouya would be as temperamental as he is if orders were not followed.
Author note: Well, How was that for my first crossover? Did you like it, did you hate it, and are you confused? Just let me know by reviewing. Also this story wasn't originally mine (the idea, not the words, I don't plagiarize) I got the inspiration from Alla-Aku2 who's currently writing Japanese Vacation. It is a must read and a very humorous story.