DISCLAIMER: House belongs to Fox, Harry Potter to the genius that is JK Rowling. I only hope one day I can write as well as she does.
Chapter 7
Allison's due date was January 24th, and she was remarkably calm as it approached. After all, she said to House, she had been through labour before, and the thing that had scared her most, was that the baby, like Zach might come too soon. It was a strange sense of déjà vu, then a morning twelve days before her due date, when she awoke in the morning to find her water all over the bed. After a moment of initial panic, she forced to herself to take a deep breath.
"Chill, Al," she ordered herself, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. "Twelve days is fine.... just get up, call Greg, and get him to come get you. Your bag is packed, just breathe."
Slowly, she got out of bed and dialled the phone in the Diagnostic's office. After a few rings, it was picked up.
"No, the Easter Bunny," she said sarcastically. "Listen, is House there?"
"Uh, no. He's in a meeting with Cuddy."
"Shit. Ok, listen- I'm in labour. I need you to come and get me and bring me to the hospital, ok?"
Chase seemed panicked. "Oh, are you sure? I can just go find House, and he can come and get you."
"No! There's no time, my waters have broken. You just have to come and help me, please? As fast as you can."
"Ok, hang on."
Fifteen minutes later, Chase and Foreman let themselves into Allison's apartment.
"Hey, are you okay?" Foreman asked anxiously, as he rushed to help her to her feet and Chase grabbed her suitcase.
She nodded weakly. "My contractions are about five minutes apart."
"We left Wilson to get House out of the meeting, so he should be waiting for us when we get there," Chase assured her.
They made it to the hospital in record time, and sure enough, House was awaiting them anxiously as they exited the elevator on the maternity floor.
"Hey, are you ok?" he asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she nodded, and House was amazed by how calm she was.
She turned around to Foreman. "Can you do me a favour, and call Lily?"
He nodded. "Sure, no probs. Good luck, Allison."
That afternoon found wizards and Muggles alike crowded into Allison's hospital room, all beaming as she held her newborn daughter.
"Have you named her yet?" Sirius asked her.
Allison exchanged a glance with House. "The deal was I picked one half, he picked the other. So, I know her middle name."
"How did you decide that?" frowned Lupin.
Allison grinned. "We flipped a coin."
"So what's her middle name?" Ginny inquired.
"Joyce," she answered.
Cuddy turned to House. "And her first name?"
House kept his gaze on his daughter as he answered. "Camryn."
"Camryn Cameron?" Wilson frowned.
"No. Camryn House."
House took another look at the baby and left the room, leaving a stunned silence in his wake.
"Was- was that a proposal?" Tonks asked.
"With House... you never know," Cuddy replied, glancing at a very quiet Allison.
"Are you going to marry her?"
Cuddy, Wilson, Chase and Foreman had cornered House in his office later than afternoon, as House poured himself a cup of coffee.
"I don't know."
"Well, when she gets out of the hospital, you're moving in there, aren't you?"
"So doesn't marriage seem like the next logical step?"
House shrugged and took a swig of coffee. "I don't want to push anything."
Chase rolled his eyes. "She just gave birth to your child! I don't think marriage will be 'pushing' anything."
"Well, she also had enough trouble being in a relationship and having a baby after what happened with Harry. A lot of women in her situation, don't want to be married again."
"Allison isn't most women. She fell in love with you, didn't she?" Wilson asked.
Cuddy made to leave, but turned at the door. "If you do decide to propose, make sure you get it on tape. You proposing, is something I definitely want to hear."
House considered the idea carefully over the next few days. Camryn and Allison were home a week after she was born, and House loved to watch how clearly besotted Allison was with her daughter. One day, a few weeks after Camryn was born, House came home to find Camryn asleep and Allison reading on the couch.
"Hey, how was work?"
"Work," House returned and she smiled knowingly.
"Anything interesting happen?"
House paused. "Actually, something did happen today I wanted to get your opinion on."
Frowning slightly, she put her book aside as he sat down on the coffee table opposite her.
"I was doing clinic duty today, and I had this one patient... forty-six year old male, and he did that annoying habit sick people having of telling you their entire life story. Anyway, he asked for my advice. He'd been with his girlfriend for over a year, and... He loves her, apparently."
Allison sat up straighter, realising where he was going and hardly daring to believe it.
"The thing is... she's been married before, and he they've both been hurt before. He asked me... if he proposed to his girlfriend, did I think she'd be ok with the idea..."
House paused, then made to move away awkwardly. "Sorry, I'm no good at this."
Allison smiled and caught his hands in hers. "No, it's perfect. And I think she'd be more ok with the idea."
House smiled. "Is that a yes?"
She laughed. "It means you have to ask me a question for me to answer yes."
He pulled her close and sighed lightly, no longer nervous. "Will you marry me?"
Allison nodded, beaming. "Yes."
He kissed her deeply, before pulling two things from his jacket pocket- a jeweller's box and a small tape recorder.
"Cuddy wanted proof," he said sheepishly, as she raised an eyebrow at the tape recorder.
"I don't blame her," she grinned as he pulled a diamond ring out of the small box and slipped it on to her waiting finger.
"I love you," she said softly.
"I love you."
The next day when he arrived at the hospital, his first stop was Cuddy's office where he dropped off the small tape recorder. And she was only a few minutes behind him when he reached his office, followed by Wilson.
"Congratulations!" she cried, beaming. "It's amazing."
"What is?" Chase asked her.
"House proposed to Allison last night," she replied and Chase and Foreman's jaws dropped. Cuddy and Wilson couldn't stop beaming at House like a proud parent. House made a hasty exit, and Foreman insisted Cuddy replay the tape.
They had just replayed it for a second time, when House deemed it safe to re-enter the office, and to the surprise of everyone else, he was accompanied by Allison, who was pushing a baby pram.
"Allison! What are you doing here?" Foreman asked, coming over to embrace her.
"I was going nuts at home doing nothing, so I thought I'd bring Camryn to visit her dad. And then we found him hiding out at the nurses' station," she laughed.
"Don't forget her Uncle James," Wilson smiled, lifting the baby into his arms.
"And Mommy's going to show Aunt Lisa her engagement ring," Cuddy said excitedly, holding her hand out for Allison's left hand.
"Oh, wow! Good taste, House. It's gorgeous!"
Wilson turned to the others. "Does Uncle Eric or Uncle Robert want to hold Camryn?"
Foreman eagerly took hold of the baby, but Chase hesitated. "I dunno. I'm no good with babies."
Allison rolled her eyes. "Chase, she's a baby. They don't require you sit through a training course!"
"So, have you guys made any wedding plans yet?" Cuddy asked them.
The couple exchanged a look. "Probably just something small and simple."
The wedding date was set for May, and the morning of the wedding, Allison awoke early. Lily, who along with many of her friends from the Wizarding world, was in Princeton for the wedding, had volunteered to watch Camryn and after she dressed, for the first time in eight years, Allison disapparated. She appeared with a faint pop in the middle of the Boston cemetery, only a short distance away from the graves of Harry and Zach. She sat before the graves silently for awhile, not saying anything.
"I love you," she said finally, her voice shaky. She took a deep breath, tracing the inscription on Harry's tombstone with a finger and then thought about what she had to say.
"I don't know how... but I know you've had something to do with the past few years. I'm sorry I couldn't come back sooner, but I never stopped thinking of you... and Zach. Being with Greg won't change that, or how much I love you. I'll probably never use magic again, but maybe I can be involved in that world again. There's always a chance Camryn got some of my Wizarding genes... god, I can just imagine what Greg'll say if she gets into Hogwarts," she laughed. "I hope you're okay, and that Zach's ok. I love you both so much... and tell Zach I expect him to watch over his little sister. Bye Harry."
Allison had chosen away from the traditional white wedding gown, and instead wore a simple spring dress in a beautiful shade of beige. It was a small yet beautiful ceremony, and at the reception, Wilson got up as the best man to address the guests.
"It's a little odd for me to be making a speech at a wedding as the best man, and not the groom," he began and everyone laughed. "So, I really had to think about what I was going to say, especially because this isn't any ordinary wedding. Allison and Greg... are like ying and yang. Two opposite energies, that fit together perfectly. No one who knows House ever thought anything like this would ever happen, yet here we are at their wedding, and they have a beautiful daughter. When they began dating, I told House that they reminded me of 'Beauty and the Beast.' And it's still true. The Beast, sorry House, has learned to love. So, here's hoping today is the beginning to their 'happily ever after.'"
I just want to say that 14-yr old me, (that's how old I was when I first wrote this) was very pleased with her first proposal House-style. I hope you liked this, or at least didn't hate it. I've got a few more ideas for House/HP stories, and you'll be pleased to know they all involve Harry being alive!!! As this could be considered a Hameron version of a crossover, I might do another that ends up as Harry/Cameron... which could also be called Hameron.... I'll think of something.