Learn Your Place

Disclaimer:I don't own any characters or Naruto but this idea is definitely my own.

SUMMARY:Sasuke Uchiha is the school playboy,getting all the girls in school with his player tactics,bedding them every night and dumping them out his house every morning,not caring that they're stark naked. Sakura is a young vampire that just came into town with her parents to live with her older brother. Sakura isn't your average stereotypical vampire,luring humans into her clutches and devouring them at night. Nope,just an innocent little daywalker that men can't seem to ever take their eyes-or hands-off of. Oblivious to how her beauty affects men,her brother seems well aware and will resort to anything to protect her from both men and humans in general. When Sasuke lays his eyes on her demonic beauty and sets his sights on getting her in bed,will he succeed or will big bro get in the way of that? Little did Sasuke know that Sakura's innocence hides a great supernatural alter ego. Could it be the cross that's always wrapped around her neck? Well,you're just going to have to find out.



"It's beautiful," Sakura exclaimed as she stepped out of the black Mercedes. "Daddy,how did you ever manage to get us such a beautiful home?" she asked turning to her father.

James Hargreaves(A/N:Hargreaves is a European surname I found on the web. Further explanations will be in further chapters.) chuckled as he stared at his only daughter's dreamy look of happiness."Well,you'd be surprised Sakura,the real estate agent sold it immediately. You really like it?" he asked running a hand through his black hair.

She nodded eagerly "I love it! It's perfect!"

"Dad,you're an idiot." James turned to meet his eldest son's jade green eyes. "I don't mean to spoil your fun but this place is as about as lively as us. The real estate agent sold it to you in a heartbeat because no human would ever want to live in a deserted house in the middle of a forest full of dead organisms and plant-life. It's like one of those houses that appear in stupid human horror flicks that no one would even want to set foot in." his son said bitterly,his face kept passive. It was true,the house looked like the Haunted Mansion with it's tall watch towers,the blackened texture of the building,black Victorian style cracked and broken windows.

He gave his son a toothy grin as he went over to him."Gaara,my dear son,this is why we bought it in the first place. The whole forest belongs to us now. It serves as a great benefit for our special needs. True,we can survive in the sun but that doesn't mean a little darkness from the branches of the dead trees aren't unnecessary to us. And besides,settling in a deserted area means we won't have to be close to humans unless we really need the energy."

"Dad,we're going to school with humans starting tomorrow morning,which is in about nine hours. I don't understand why you want us to learn with our food," he responded narrowing his eyes at the thought of his father's ideals.

"Gaara,that's no way to speak about them. Humans or not,we depend on them for survival. If we get discovered,we'll have to move back to our homeland. And I know that you dislike living in Europe more than having to be educated alongside humans in this town." he reasoned with his son.

He scoffed "I don't get why you defend humans as if you understood them. I thought you knew better than me or Sakura that humans are nothing but filth."

"Gaara-nii! Please don't speak to daddy like that! And daddy,please don't argue with oniichan," she pleaded both her brother and father.

James smiled at his daughter's innocence."Sakura,we aren't arguing but if it bothers you so to watch us quarrel,then I will stop."

"Daddy,"she said touched at her father's willingness to make her happy.

"Anything for my little-"Whack! James fell to the ground from the impact of the hit,a green slipper thrown right in the square of his face. His body twitched from the pain as he stood up holding his nose to ease the swelling. "Daddy,are you okay?" Sakura asked her mouth still hanging open.

"James,don't spoil her! What did I say about spoiling our children?!" asked a strict demanding voice. Cecilia Hargreaves went over to pick up her used slipper as she fixed her long wavy silver hair.

James chuckled nervously as to not anger his wife."Cecilia,Sakura just turned 17,she's still-"Slap! "I don't want you spoiling her! She needs to learn how to take care of herself! So I don't want to hear any of 'anything for my little Sakura' or 'whatever you say Gaara'. Got it?!" she demanded.

"Yes yes my dear wife. No more spoiling Sakura or Gaara." he promised rubbing the lump that formed on the back of his head.

"Good,"she said and turned to her children."Kids,go inside the house and get settled. You have school tomorrow,yes?" They nodded uncertainly. Cecilia smiled."Then get settled before we turn in. Your father and I have things to discuss in the living room privately. Run along," she said waving her hand at them.

Geez,mom can be bipolar sometimes,Gaara thought sweat dropping. Momma's scary when she's angry,Sakura thought walking into the new house.

"Gaara,"Cecilia called. He turned around before closing the big black door of the mansion,his face still blank but his green eyes curios. "When Sakura goes to bed,come downstairs to the living room with your father and I. There is something we need to talk about that concerns all of us." she saidmher tone dead serious. He nodded at his mother and proceded to walk in the house.

Gaara went upstairs studying their new home. All the lights were dead,no electricity,darkness surrounding the whole house. The paint on the walls were scraping off ,the door knobs and hinges squeaky and dented,the metal rusting. Yup,perfect for a family of vampires. He approached his sister's room hearing her hum happily.

"Sakura,"he said leaning by the doorway. She turned around and smiled at seeing her big brother. "Sakura,have you settled in like mother asked?" he asked looking around her room. Oh yeah,she definitely settled in. Black bed sheets,a black canopy hanging over her bed,her desk with all her books,her drapes hanging nicely over the window above the bed and the hundred of stuffed animals on the shelves and a few sitting on her bed. He noticed the little panda he'd given her 12 years ago sitting next to her pillow. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that she still kept it after so long and so many other plushies she'd been given.

Sakura walked over to her brother happily."Yes,I did. Do you need any help with your room Gaara-nii?" she asked opening the drawer behind him and taking out a white tank top and a pair of purple cotton pajama pants with black bats printed on them.

"No,"he said stroking her hair gently "you should get some sleep. We have school with the filths tomorrow. I don't want to have to wake you in the morning. Even if we are daywalkers,you still sleep like a log."

She punched him playfully."You know that you're gonna wake me up anyway."

"If I feel like it,"he smirked. "Well,I'm going to change so I can get up early for human school tomorrow," she said walking into the built-in bathroom.

Gaara sighed in annoyance. If only you knew what humans are really like Sakura.

She walked out the bathroom and jumped into bed eagerly. Gaara went over to his sister's bed and lifted the blanket over her shoulders. "You're really excited about going to school with the fleshies aren't you?"

Sakura nodded but frowned at her brother's worried gaze."Gaara-nii,why were you and daddy arguing about humans earlier?" He didn't answer."What are humans like?" Still no answer."Oniichan,do you hate them?"

Gaara gazed at her angelic face and lowered his eyes to the black leather collar around her neck that chained a silver cross with a red stone in the center. He sighed."Sakura,just go to sleep. School starts tomorrow. And promise me you won't take that off." he said pointing at the nodded as sleep overcame her and her eyes finally closed."I promise,Gaara-nii," she whispered sleepily.

He walked out of the room,shutting it gently behind him. Now to face the parents.

Gaara sat down on the armchair across from the one where his father settled in. Cecilia lay sprawled on the red couch next the coffee table between her son and husband,wine glass in hand.

"Is Sakura in bed yet?" she asked,her gold feline-like eyes staring at the red liquid swishing in the wine glass.

"Yes,so what is it that we needed to discuss about her?"

James sighed. "She's going to human school for the first time. Your mother and I can't be there to watch her. We don't want the protection come off-"

"It's fine,dad. I've always been able to watch her back home. I won't let the fleshies pressure her. And besides,even I can't take the cross off. Her other is sealed off and can't be removed by any vampire so there's no way a weak pathetic human could take the protection off. It's chained."

James nodded "We know,but just in case. I'm sure her other can put the cross back on herself but we can't be discovered and we know that you've been going to human school for years now."

Cecilia nodded as well "Just keep her safe. From all kinds of danger. Especially the attachment she might develop for the human world."

He nodded. "Of course mother. We can't have her feeling anything intimate with the filth of this universe."

His father's eyes flared "Intimacy? As in human boys?" he asked protectively.

"Dad,calm down. I feel the same way about Sakura and boys in general. Don't worry,I've got it under control." he assured stopping James from exterminating the entire male species.

Cecilia sweat dropped."These must be the struggles of a father with an adolescent girl."

"Mother,father,I bid you both good night. We'll continue this discussion if there are any problems concerning Sakura's safety and our secret." He disappeared up the stairs,leaving his parents to themselves.

James smiled at his beautiful wife."Well,now we have nothing to worry about,dearest Cecilia."

She frowned slightly."James,I can't help but worry about our daughter. She's so young and innocent. Unlike her other self, Sakura's innocence could hurt her. You understand the effect she has on men,don't you?"

"Let's just trust Gaara that he'll be able to keep her safe." he said giving his wife a kiss on her forehead.

"Tomorrow's going to be a big day for Sakura."

As the sunlight hit his black raven hair, Sasuke Uchiha groaned from the migraine he had from last night. His pitch black eyes opened to see the sun glare into his bedroom window. Tch,damn school,starting at 8 in the morning.

"Mmmm Sasuke,that was great. We should do this again some time" the girl next to him purred trying to sound seductive,her breasts pushed right on his chest.

"Hn,get out," he said coldly.

As he shooed her out the door,she cried "Sasuke-kun! I love you!"

He slammed the door in her face,leaving her outside his house in her birthday suit. Yeah,you and every other girl I had sex with,he thought.

After buttoning up his black blazer over his white button-up shirt and black slacks,he went into his black Ferarri. His LG Shine vibrated in his pocket as he looked at the name of the caller on the screen. Naruto. Dobe,calling me this early in the morning."What dumbass?"

"Teme! You can't forget to pick me up this morning!" came his loud obnoxious voice through the receiver.

"Yeah,yeah I'm in front of your house right now Dobe."

He hung up as his best friend Naruto Uzumaki,walked out of his house. As Sasuke caught sight of Naruto's bright blond hair and ocean blue eyes,he braced himself for the morning greeting he was about to receive.

"Good morning,teme! " the obnoxious blond shouted as he slipped into the passenger seat. His school uniform was just like Sasuke's except that his blazer was unzipped.

"Oi,dobe," he grimaced "not so loud damnit. My head still hurts from last night."

"Oh yeah,you and that girl Valerie from your fan club was getting it on." he said shaking his head in shame "Geez Sasuke,one day there will be one girl in this universe that's not going to be all over you and you're going to regret ever taking advantage of women."

He smirked cockily "Yeah,that day will come when a girl would actually appreciate your humor."

"I'm serious Sasuke." he said frowning at the arrogance his bets friend had.

"So am I,dumb ass. I mean,look at me. I'm irresistible. I got looks,the cash,the charm, come on. What girl doesn't want me?" he asked as they neared Konoha High School,a crowd of squealing girls crowding around them,well Sasuke. He smirked at his blond friend."You were saying before,Naruto?"

"Go to hell,teme."

As they stepped into the school building,they stopped in front of Sasuke's locker where Naruto's locker stood next to. They then saw their other friends Neji Hyuuga,his long coffee colored hair tied up,his uniform perfectly done as he was talking to Shikamaru Nara,the lazy genius of the group,gazed tiredly at Neji while fixing his shirt that was,unlike Neji's,hanging out of his pants.

"Uchiha," Neji greeted as they punched knuckles.

Shikamaru nodded at him and Naruto."So I hear there's going to be a new student this year. Two actually,"he said sleepily."One's a girl,I think."

Sasuke rolled his obsidian eyes replying "Yeah,just another girl to bed."

The four walked to their first period class,surrounded by fan girls and constant squealing. Barely making to their seats,they noticed that the teacher wasn't here yet.

Ten minutes later...fifteen minutes later...twenty minutes later.

Finally,the teacher walked in and settled into his desk. He smiled,his silver hair covering his left eye. "Sorry I'm late students,I got lost on the road of life-"

"LIAR!" Naruto screamed pointing his finger at the teacher.

"Right then. Anyway,I'm Kakashi and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. Look forward to teaching you all-"

Knock knock."Come in,come in," he said as the door opened slowly.

A soft feminine voice spoke quietly "Um,I'm sorry I'm late on the first day. I'm a new student."

A/N:Okay,so I'm going to leave it at that. I hope you guys are looking forward to more stuff. So read and review. Questions,comments,concerns,advice?But please no flames,this is my first leave one and I'll definitely answer you back either in the next chapter or whatever I can,but I promise I will answer any questions or concerns you have.

Until we meet next chapter.