This is the sequal to "I've Messed Up Time," so I suggest you read that before reading this :] Here's the trailer and first chapter.


After Miley and Joe got married and started a family, things started becoming busy and crazy.

"Mommy, when is Daddy gonna be home?" asked a young Anabelle.

Miley's eyes filled up with tears as she answered, "I'm not sure baby girl."

Has something gone wrong?

"Joe why do you always have to leave?!" Miley screamed.

"Its NOTHING!" he yelled, slamming the front door behind him.

Miley's eyes welled up with tears as she turned to see little Joey standing in the hall with his blanket.

And what will Miley do to try and fix everything?

"Brandi...I gotta do this," Miley said, grabbing a camera.

"Your gonna spy on him?!" she said, gasping.

"Its the only thing I can do," said Miley. And with that she walked out the door.

Find out in "Did I Mess Up Again?"

Chapter 1


(A/N: This will be written in 3rd person)

Miley plopped on the couch in her big, beautiful house. Her four year old daughter Anabelle was playing Barbies with her two year old brother Joey. Miley smiled weakily as her children laughed and played with each other. She snapped out of her trance when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," said Miley, who was now standing. The door opened and in came Lily with Oliver and their three year old daughter, Melody. She ran towards Miley's kids while Lily and Oliver walked hand in hand up to Miley.

"Hey guys," she said weakly, hugging them both.

"Hey Miles, you ok?" asked Oliver.

Miley nodded and motioned them to go into the kitchen. They all sat down and Lily spoke. "Miley, you know if something's wrong you can tell us right?"

Miley nodded and Lily asked, "Is it Joe?"

"Yes," said Miley, trying to hold back tears.

Lily hugged her best friend. Oliver looked up and suggested, "You want me to talk to him? I mean guys communicate well."

Miley shook her head no and replied, "This is something I gotta do myself."

Lily and Oliver nodded in agreement. After about an hour of talking, the family left Miley alone with the kids. Miley then fed them, gave them baths and put them to bed. It was now 8:30 and Joe was just getting in. Miley looked up and asked, "Hey honey, how was work?"

Joe sighed and walked over to Miley. "It was hard, we're trying to set up a tour and nothing's turning out right. I'm beat, I'm just gonna go to bed."

And without another word, Joe walked up the stairs and went to bed. Miley sighed and hugged the closest pillow, a tear trickling down her face.

"What's going wrong?" Miley whispered.

The Next Night

It was a Friday night, which means everyone has to go to Miley's parent's house for family dinner. Miley just finished dressing the kids and was fixing her makeup. She kept looking up at the clock, wondering where Joe was. She made her way downstairs, hoping he would be sitting on the couch. Sure enough, her kids were just sitting alone in the living room. Miley tried holding her tears back until a little voice came out of nowhere.

"Mommy, when is Daddy gonna be home?" asked a young Anabelle.

Miley's eyes filled with tears as she answered, "I'm not sure baby girl."

She walked over to her kids and hugged them for a minute. Then she led them to the car and drove off to her parent's house.

When she got there, Brandi, Kevin, their son Paul, Noah, Frankie, Trace, Braison, Nick, Lily, Oliver, Melody, Grammie, Billy Ray and Tish were already eating.

"Sorry we're late," said Miley, who was settling her kids in and making them plates.

"Waiting for Joe again?" asked Billy Ray cautiously.

Miley sat down and nodded. Kevin piped in, "But we left the stuido an hour ago. I'm not sure why he'd still be there."

Everyone was silent until Nick said, "If you want Miles we can talk to him."

"Thanks guys but I'll be fine." she insisted, not wanting everyone to enter her problems at home.

Miley was silent for the rest of dinner as everyone talked normally. When everyone finished, Miley walked out to the porch to watch the ocean sway. Lily and Brandi walked out with her, determined to make her feel better. Lily spoke first, saying, "Miley....if there's really problems between you and Joe, you should go to councling."

Miley kept looking a the ocean as she answered, "Maybe."

Brandi stated, "Listen Miles, keep your faith. He'll come around."

Miley nodded and said, "Well I better go, love you guys."

she hugged everyone and took her kids back to her house. When Miley got the kids settled, she looked at her phone and checked her messages. There was one from Joe.

"Hey babe...I won't be home for a few days...I have a business meeting..Give the kids my love..I love you," said Joe on the machine. Miley plopped onto a chair in the kitchen, her elbows on the table and her head in her hands.

'When did my life and marriage get so messed up?' Miley asked herself in her head.

"Mommy," Joey called for her from upstairs. Miley dragged herself up the stairs and tucked in her two kids, telling them she loved them.

"Mommy can I have a glas of water?" Joey asked.

"Sure honey, lemme go get it." Miley said, kissing his head.

She headed downstairs and went around the corner to find Joe with a suitcase, about to leave.

"Joe?" asked Miley, confused.

He turned and said nervously, "Miley! Umm what are you doing up?"

She crossed her arms to her chest and said, "I can ask the same. Why are you leaving?"

Joe scratched his head and replied, "I told you, I have business."

"Oh so when will you be back?" she asked, getting mad.

"I'm not sure," he retorted.

"Joe..." she said. "Why can't you just tell me the truth?"

"I am," he said. "Are you questioning me?"

Miley put her hands on her hips and answered, "And you wouldn't? I mean it does sound bad Joe."

"Well its good to know how you feel," he sneered.

"Joe are you serious? Your never home anymore! You shouldn't be giving me this attitude! I've been practically raising the kids myself." Miley said, her voice getting louder.

"Miley I'm just busy!" he yelled.

"Right sure you are! Too busy for your family." she yelled back.

Joe just turned and put his hand on the door knob.

Miley stomped her foot and said angrily, "So your just leaving me?"

"I gotta go Miles, I can't deal with this!" Joe said.

"Why are you running away?" she asked.

"I didn't say that," he snapped.

Miley starred deeply into his eyes, him returning the favor.

"Mi, I'm sorry..." he said, turning and opening the door.

"Joe why do you always have to leave?!" Miley screamed.

"Its NOTHING!" he yelled, slamming the door behind him.

Miley's eyes welled up with tears as she turned to see little Joey standing in the hall with his blanket.

"I wanted water Mommy..." said the two year old.

Miley silently got him water and went to bed where she quietly cried herself to sleep.

Well there's the first chapter :] I'd love some reviews.