"Yeah, bye Jamie." I mumbled, turning on my heel and started towards my little apartment. There was only two reasons why I bothered to even go on a date with my pain-in-the-ass co-worker Jamie.

First reason, my therapist said it would increase my mood, since I was always down. It didn't.

Second reason, she looked like him. Her eyes were blue, but they weren't piercing, gorgeous blue eyes that I always used to get lost in like his were. Her hair was shoulder length and blonde, but it wasn't his amazing, silky, blonde hair with his amazing smell. She also didn't have a manhood. She was a failed attempt at making something so wonderfully perfect.

I sighed to myself. Face it Matt, there was only one Mello, and nobody can replace him. I could kiss every single person who looked even a little like Mello and I would never taste that bittersweet chocolate taste; feel those soft pink lips on mine. It wouldn't happen, there was only one Mello in the world, and I don't even know if he's alive. I trembled, the key falling from my hands to the floor. Mello is alive. I know he is. Hell, if he up and died…

I don't know what I'd do.

Maybe I would find out, maybe I wouldn't. Sometimes it's better not knowing… But I need to know what happened to my Mello. Even if it kills me.

I realized that during my train of thought, I had picked up the key. My hands stop shaking enough for me to unlock the door of my apartment, step in, and lock it again. I look around.

Nothing special. Just dull beige walls, a couch and T.V. in my living room. A bed in my room. Stove and shit in my kitchen. You know, stuff in everyone's house.

I dragged my lazy butt over to my fridge, kicking my boots off wherever. I gripped the handle, and an image of Mello came into my head. I closed my eyes and sighed. Get a hold of yourself, Matt. Forget about him…

Oh, fuck. How can I forget about Mello? He was forever etched into my memory. As corny as that sounds… he's the only person I love. The only one. And I'm going to find him, I know he's out there…

I just know it.

I sighed, opening my fridge. I pulled out a beer. My eighteen-year-old stomach wasn't that good with holding down anything the slightest big alcoholic, but maybe I could pass out and have a dreamless sleep for once. I took a sip, and felt it started to come back up my throat.

"God…" I mumbled, pouring it down the drain and gulping down water. I cracked my fingers, sauntering to my bedroom. I stripped down to my boxers, hell, I always sleep in boxers nowadays…

"Mello…" I sighed, flopping down on my bed. "Are you there?"

I love him.

So this is the first chapter to the sequel of my other story, Everything is Alright. I know I said I was probably going to name this story '-Until The Day I Die', but I don't wanna do that song thing anymore. Review please!