has taken me a really long time to update! (I blame it on the lack of reviews XP)

Chapter One:

Three years…

It had been three long years since Shuichi Shindou had stepped foot in Japan. Three years since he ran away, tale between his legs, from a problem that his naive teenage mind dubbed to be the end of the world.

But now, standing at a tall six feet, twenty-one year old Shuichi Shindou was back…and better then ever.

He was no longer the innocent, child-like eighteen year old he had once been when he had his heart broken by one Eiri Yuki. He was now a strong, successful, slightly manipulative man…though he did still hold small amounts of that childish innocence, however, he made sure to keep it locked very deep in his heart. After the incident with Uesugi, Shuichi vowed never to put himself out there like that again.

His hair was a darker shade of pink, his eyes, no longer round with purity, were sharp and intelligent, and his body…well, let's just say he wasn't voted America's hottest man twice for no reason.


"Are you sure you want to do this, Shuichi? You practically are UpBeat Studios…if you don't want to be sold to N-G Productions we can throw a fit and sue or something!"

Shuichi smiled at his now ex-manager, "I appreciate your concern, Mr. Adams, but I think it's high time I went home anyhow. I used to work for N-G before I came to America…It'll be interesting to see how things have changed."

Flashback end

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. So very DUMB.

The N-G productions limo had just picked him up from the airport and they were heading towards the main building now. The same mantra had been repeating itself over, and over, and over in Shuichi's head since he got off the plane not twenty minuets ago.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. So very DUMB.

What the hell had possessed him to agree to being bought by N-G? He hated N-G. Well…not precisely N-G…pretty much only their boss. Tohma Seguchi.

He was actually the biggest reason why he hadn't stepped foot in Japan for three years. (Well…other then his deep-seated anger at Uesugi.) After the gruesome breakup between himself and evil, evil blonde, Tohma decided that it was his business and privilege to call Shuichi, bitch him out, and then fire him.

'Whatever asshole, I was about to quit anyway.' Was the last thing Shuichi had said to his former boss. So when he heard the word that N-G wanted him, he just couldn't resist.

As Shuichi watched the nostalgic scenery fly by the window he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Hiro and Fujisaki after his…abrupt departure.

Had they replaced him? Had the remaining two members of Bad Luck been sold to another company? Or…had they just gone their separate ways after he left?

A wave of guilt washed over him, Oh god he hoped they hadn't given up on their dreams just because he left. They were good. Like really, really, good. They didn't need him to stand on their own two feet.

As N-G studios came into view, Shuichi took three, fairly large breaths.

You can do this Shu! You don't need anybody! This is all you…

Paparazzi had flooded outside the building, pushing and shoving each other to get a better view of the new arrival.

Shuichi took one more deep breath, faked as stance of complete nonchalance and opened the limo door…

"Holy shit! That fine piece of ass is Shindou??!" One Suguru Fujisaki yelled at the TV.

"Seems so…" The disbelieving redhead beside him said in complete and utter shock.

"But…but h-he's HOT!"

Both Fujisaki and Hiro were watching what was going on outside their building from a large flat screen in their recording studio.

"Mister Shindou! Mister Shindou! Why have you decided to come back to Japan after three years in America?"

"Shindou-san! Does your return have anything to do with your ex-lover Eiri Yuki? And if so, can you comment on your relationship at this time?"

"Is it true that Bad Luck is getting back together?"

"There are several photos of you and another man floating around the media, is it true that you have taken another lover? Will you affirm or deny these accusations?"

"There was turbulence after you broke the band up three years ago, Do you really think you'll be able to work with the same people or will just end in disaster again?!"

Several similar questions were yelled at Shuichi as he calmly walked, hands in pockets, the ten feet from the limo to the building.

"Mister Shindou has no comment at this time!" One of the many guards surrounding the pink-haired male shouted in vain. Pushing and being pushed by the hoards of photographers and journalists flooding the walkway.

As he reached the threshold of the studio, Shuichi paused.

"Actually I do have some comments…First of all I came back to Japan because I am being paid to be here. Not to get the band back together and certainly not because of my ex-lover. I don't know what pictures you have 'floating around' but I have no idea what lover you're talking about. I also have no idea if Seguchi wants the good old band back together because you know what? I just got here."

A dumbstruck silence followed the young singer's small rant. "Well if you don't have anymore questions…" Shuichi smirked and pushed past the doors and into N-G Productions.

Seguchi sighed as he pressed the 'off' button on his remote. "Well things are bound to get interesting now that he's back. And it seems he's grown a backbone since our last encounter…"

A dark shadow in the corner of the room stepped forward into the light. "Well let's go greet him, shall we?"

Seguchi smirked at his brother-in-law, not for the first time this week wondering what the hell this dumbass blonde was planning. "We shall."

Methinks Eiri has a plan to get his Shu-chan back! Or does he?

Review, Review, honestly does make me update faster...

Next Chapter: The Confrontation!