A/N: I AM SO SORRY! It has been way too long! I just haven't had the thoughts in my head and some other things came up and other stories overtook this one! Here is a long needed update; I'm skipping ahead later because I don't want it to drag! I own nothing! Enjoy what you have deserved for quite some time. REVIEW PLEASE!

5 Months Later

Seth's POV

"Seth, SSSEETTHH, Seth," Gracie called out weakly from the living room. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked down the steps to see Gracie sprawling over the couch, her oversized stomach dwarfing her.

"What's the matter?" I asked her, pushing her locks from her face. She was overly warm and sweating.

"I don't feel so good," she murmured, her eyelids looking heavy.

"Like possible contractions or you just feel throw up sick?" I began to get worried.

"Throw up sick," she mumbled quietly. I quickly pulled the waste bin over to her as started to gag. She tossed her cookies and I quickly pulled her hair back.

"I'm going to call Carlisle," I told her, stroking her hair. I quickly got up and walked upstairs to our room. I pulled on shorts and a t-shirt, and grabbed my cell phone off its charger.

I clicked on Carlisle's contact information and the phone began to call him.

"Hello Seth," Carlisle greeted me.

"Hey Carlisle, Gracie is sick. I don't know what's wrong," I sighed and ran my hand through my hair roughly. Gracie wretched again from downstairs, I cringed.

"I'll be right over, get her to drink some water," Carlisle said softly and hung up.

I jogged down to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle that hadn't made it into the fridge yet.

"Carlisle said to drink some water," I handed her the bottle open. She nodded miserably and drank. She hadn't me the bottle back and jerked. "What?"

"The triplets are riled up. They've been kicking nonstop since I got sick," she choked out and dry heaved into the waste bin.

I rubbed her back and five minutes later Carlisle showed up.

"Still throwing up?" he asked me.

I nodded as she dry heaved once again, she cried because she was in pain.

Carlisle touched her forehead and checked her pulse.

"I don't think her body is able to handle the triplets anymore. It's beginning to think the triplets are foreign organisms. Her immune system is trying to shed them," Carlisle hypothesized.

"What should we do?" I whispered.

"Let's see if we can keep this up for at least another two weeks. I'll get her hook up to an IV, and I'll have Esme come and take care of her," Carlisle sighed and left quickly, but returned with a bunch of equipment and Esme.

"Let's bring her to the bedroom so she can lie down fully," Carlisle suggested. I nodded. I picked up Gracie gently and carried her up the steps. I set her on the bed and she looked at me with worry in her eyes.

Esme sat at the end of the bed and put Gracie's feet in her lap.

"Hey," Gracie greeted her with a weak smile.

"Hey darling, we'll get you through this. Let me know if you need anything," Esme patted her legs.

Gracie whimpered and grabbed her stomach. We all paused and looked at her nervously.

"They're just kicking me in the ribs," she told us. We relaxed a little and Carlisle began to hook up all the equipment.

He inserted the IV into her hand, and a finger clip for her pulse. He also attached a monitor to her stomach to monitor the triplets' heartbeats.

"Now all we have to do is wait and see," Carlisle murmured and checked all the readings.

A week and a half later

"I haven't seen any improvement," Carlisle told the whole family as they sat in Gracie and I's living room. The Cullen's and the Pack had been coming and going keeping Gracie company.

I shoved my face into my hands. I was deprived of sleep because I was worried, and the constant beeping of the monitors increased my worry.

"We've got to be able to do something," Rosalie piped up looking distraught.

"The only thing I can think of is doing C-section, but the triplets are very small and still have two months until full term," Carlisle admitted.

There was a sharp intake of breath from upstairs and cry of pain.

Rosalie was up the stairs in a flash, followed by Carlisle and I.

We froze at the sight. Grace was sitting in a puddle of water on the bed and blood. She raised a shaking hand that had crimson red blood dripping down it. Her lips quivered as tears ran down her face.

"Seth," she sobbed. I quickly strode over to her and took her in my arms.

"We've got to get her to the hospital now," Carlisle said urgently, "Seth carry her down to my car. Rose, get a bag ready for her and the triplets."

I swooped her up and moved as fast as I could without jarring her too much. I set her in the back seat and buckled her up. Rosalie climbed in back with her and had Gracie rest her head on her lap.

I quickly sat in the passenger seat as Carlisle got in and we tore out of the driveway. I saw the rest of the family get in their cars and follow us.

"Hello, this is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I need an OR room open. We need an emergency C-section for triplets for a Gracelen Rae Madison—mother. Seth Harry Clearwater is allowed all access, he is the father. Patient is seventeen, and seven months pregnant. Have 3 incubators ready to go and a team of operation staff at the ready. I will be there in about ten minutes," Carlisle gave the hospital a heads up. When we pulled up a man took Carlisle's car and parked it. They had a gurney ready as I carried her in. I was given a hospital bracelet stating I was the father.

"Get her prepared, Seth and Rose come with me to get into scrubs and cleaned up. I know Grace is going to want you in there Rose to oversee things," Carlisle and all of us power walked to the prep room. Carlisle handed me a set of scrubs and pulled them on. Carlisle and Rosalie were already scrubbing their arms up. I quickly joined them. I was handed a face and hair cover. We bustled in to the OR where they already had Grace in the middle of the room, the curtain drawn so she couldn't see her stomach. An oxygen mask was on her face, an IV was hooked back up, and they had already given her a drug to get rid of any sensation and pain. Rosalie and I sat on either side of her head and held her hand.

Tears streamed down Gracie's face.

"I'm scared," she choked out.

"Shhh, it's going to be fine sweetheart, the triplets will be fine," I stroked her face reassuringly. I wasn't sure with everything would be fine, but I had to have faith.

"Carlisle will take of them, no worries, and I will be in the NICU while you recover," Rosalie told her calmly, but I could see the worry in her eyes.

"We've got to move quickly," Carlisle told his staff, and Carlisle began the C-section.

Time went by agonizingly slow as Carlisle had to make the incisions at a human pace. The monitors started to beep slower and something went off.

"Stay strong Grace," Carlisle told her. My heart began to get caught in my throat as I saw her heart rate slowing abnormally.

There was a cry from a baby, I lifted my head up from Grace to see a nurse rush to Carlisle and take the baby to get cleaned up over in the corner of the OR.

"We've got one boy Grace," he announced, she smiled weakly and cried.

A minute later there was another cry.

"Another boy," Carlisle informed us.

"Almost there Grace," I squeezed her hand; her heart rate was to slow for me to be calm.

Finally Carlisle removed the last triplet and cry rang out in the room.

"Three boys Grace," Carlisle chuckled.

"Oh my," Grace whispered tears still streaming, "Seth, can you see them? Are they healthy?"

"They're only around 5 pounds, so they'll have to be in the NICU for a while," Rosalie smiled,
"But I don't sense any other problems besides the weight, they are breathing just fine on their own. They just have to monitor them for standard procedure."

The Nurses came over and held out our triplets to us. Grace and I cried tears of joy for these healthy babies, we were so lucky.

They were placed in their incubators and taken to the NICU, Rosalie followed them out.

Carlisle began to stitch up Gracelen and stroked her face and kept kissing her forehead.

"You are amazing, I love you so much," I whispered to her.

"I love you too," she mumbled before her eyelids fluttered shut.

"It's okay Seth; the drugs just put her to sleep is all. She was exhausted," Carlisle reassured me as he saw the worry on my face.

Carlisle finished and they wheeled Gracelen to recovery, and one of the nurses took me to the NICU. Rosalie was standing guard in front of all three of their incubators.

My sons, I had three sons. They were amazing. I rested my hands on top of the incubators and stared at their sleeping forms.

"Babies are so breathtaking," Rosalie commented.

"Thank you for coming in there with us Rosalie," I thanked her.

"It's not a problem; I wanted to be there for Grace and the triplets," she shook her head.

"Mr. Clearwater, do you have the names picked out yet?" one of the Nurses asked me as she held a clipboard.

"I want to wait to do this once my girlfriend has woken up. We really didn't decide on a third boy name," I told her.

The Nurse smiled kindly and walked away.

"Do you want to hold them?" Rosalie asked.

"Can I?" I wondered.

"Yes, they're not hooked up to anything but heart monitors, just don't stray from the machine," Rosalie informed me.

I picked up Baby Madison/Clearwater #1.

"Hi there buddy, it's so nice to finally meet you outside of your mommy's tummy," I talked to him, his little eyes fluttered open to reveal Gracie's blue eyes.

One by one I held each of them and they all had Gracie's beautiful eyes.

"Seth and Rosalie, Grace is back in her room and awake," Carlisle told us. We gently set down two of the three triplets and walked briskly to her room as Carlisle led the way.

Gracie looked in the doorway as I let out a laugh. She was sitting up drinking an apple juice box.

I quickly ran to her side and hugged her.

"Ow, stitches sweetheart," she reminded me. I quickly released her and tears of happiness welled up in my eyes.

"They are amazing Gracie, they have your beautiful eyes," I told her. She smiled and kissed me tenderly.

"Speaking of babies, here are your lovely sons Ms. Madison," the Nurse who had come up to me before walked in with other nurses following behind with the incubators.

Gracie began to cry in happiness.

"They're healthy?" she asked Carlisle.

"For premature triplets astoundingly, they will stay in the NICU for a week for monitoring in case anything comes up. Otherwise, they are perfectly healthy as if they were full term, no respiratory or heat problems," Carlisle smiled and winked at us.

"Do you have names?" the Nurse asked us.

"In order of birth: Ashton Rory Clearwater, Noah Grayson Clearwater, and Harry Brayden Clearwater," Gracie looked me in the eyes as she said the last one.

"After my father?" I held back more tears.

"Yes, it seemed ideal, and it came to me in my drugged state of recovery," she giggled hugging me.

"They're perfect names," I whispered.

"Now, I need you to write down their names so I can get their birth certificates printed," the nurse handed Gracie the clip board and pen to fill out all of the paper work.

"Would you like to hold one of them?" Rosalie asked Gracie giddily.

"Or two at a time and Seth can have the third," Gracie suggested.

"Of course, and I can get a picture," Rosalie smiled and moved the tray over Gracie's bed away. She handed Gracie Ashton and Noah, and me Harry. Rosalie pulled out a very expensive camera from Gracie's duffel bag and turned it on, "Smile."

I had never smiled so big in my whole life; this was one of my happiest days. I had three amazing sons, and a beautiful girlfriend.

This moment would never be forgotten, and it would forever be caught in that picture.

I was a father and I felt on top of the world.

A/N: I promise there will be more to come. Did you like it? REVIEW! I will do my best to update as fast as I can! Thank you for reading and putting up with my terrible updating skills.