A/N: Most Character belong to Stephenie Meyer her own genius! This is my take on Seth's imprint enjoy!
"You should go back to school," Bella told me.
"School's for normal people," I told them. Bella and Edward were my best friends but there constant nagging was getting on my nerves.
"You're only 16. Sure you may be a werewolf but you could at least get your high school diploma," Edward reminded me.
"But I need to not be busy in case I need to go protect Forks or the Res. And I can't abandon Jake's pack just for school," I told them.
"I don't care Seth," Jake said while trying to interest Nessie into a game of candy land. She reached out and touched his face, her expression bored but frustrated.
"Come on Nessie I had loads of fun playing this game when I was little," Jake pointed out. She shook her head violently touching his face again.
"Okay we can go hunting," he sighed and picked up Nessie and ran out the door.
"Thanks for asking," Bella grumbled.
"At least he asked in his head," Edward chuckled.
"I think I'm going to head back to the Res.," I told them.
"Think about it Seth," Edward suggested.
"Alrighty," I said and walked out the door. As soon as I hit the forest I undressed and phased. When I got back to my house mom and Billy were sitting at the table.
"Seth, just the man we were looking for," Billy boomed.
"Do I want to know?" I asked looking at them skeptically.
"We need you to go back to school," Mom ordered.
"Not you too," I said and crashed down on the couch.
"You need an education. Think about your future," mom kept prodding.
"I'm a freaking werewolf! What can an education do for me now?" I whined.
"But you'll need money and job later in life. And employers will more likely choose you if you have a high school diploma," Billy told me.
"Do I have a choice?" I groaned.
"Not really its school or school," my mom smiled.
"And if I don't?" I pushed.
"You'll be grounded," she said simply.
"Well school starts in 2 days, so you'll need to go buy some school supplies and new shoes because you've mainly out grown all of yours," she said handing me $100 and tossing me her car keys.
"Thanks I guess," I sighed and headed out to Seattle.
2 days later!
I walked through the bustling school hallways. Me being the tallest towering over them. The start of junior year was as dull as rocks. I would rather be hanging out with Edward and Bella. Of course it was raining, thunder storm actually. Everybody was scrambling to put stuff in their lockers before the bell rang. I was in no hurry. I stuffed the extra supplies into my old beat up locker and carried my back pack with me to Chemistry. When I got to class everybody was looking at the seating chart and freaking out. I quickly found my name and sat down.
"So we have a new girl on the Res. I heard," one of them whispered to another.
"It's a girl for once. Fresh meat," Troy Claggen said. Typical male. But a new girl? This could be interesting.
"Who wants to be on if she's ugly or not?" Jolene asked her face in a sneer.
All the girls put there money down on ugly while all the boys bet on hot. They were all betting on what they hoped she would be.
"How about you Seth?" Rein piped up, batting her eyelashes at me.
"What about?" I asked carelessly.
"The girl. Hot or ugly?" she asked emphasizing ugly.
"I'm not apart of this," I commented.
"Alright class, take your seats," our chemistry teacher said walking into the classroom just as the bell rang.
"Good morning welcome to chemistry one," he clapped.
A round of mornings chirped through the class.
"I have high expectations for this class. One you should be truant everyday. Two you should pay attention when I'm talking. Three do not interrupt…" he was saying when a girl ran in shaking and out of breath,
"Class what was rule numbers one and three?" he asked annoyed.
"Be truant and don't interrupt," they sniggered.
"So may I ask who you are? And what gives you the right to interrupt my class?" he ordered. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I was liking this teacher less by the second.
She made no noise, she was breathing hard and her heart beat was wild, but no sound. I opened my eyes and looked at the girl. She had her head down looking inside her back pack for something. The clutter of pencils caught her attention. She picked it up out of the back pack. She unzipped the bag of pencils and they went flying every where. Kids sniggered and laughed. She didn't even give a frustrated sigh. She took just one pencil off the floor and left the others there. She pulled her notebook out and began to right furiously. She handed it to the teacher, he read it over. As a couple seconds passed his expression got even more annoyed. I started to pick up her pencils because I knew no one in this class would be nice enough to help her.
"Well Gracelen I'll let it pass just once. Just because you're a new student you shouldn't be able to take advantage of it," he clicked.
Everybody in the classroom straightened up. The girls groaned and the guys kept cheering 'cough it up'.
"Enough!" the teacher scolded.
I put the bundle of pencils in her small hands. The top of her head was about a full foot down from mine. She looked up at me.
The world stopped. My whole being came to life. Now I wanted to go to school. She was beautiful and cute. She was mine. She was my imprint. Her face melted into a beautiful smile. Her heart beat soaring. My face was similar expect my smile was bigger then hers since I was two times bigger.
"I'm Seth," I said reaching out my hand when really I just wanted to kiss her. But I don't think it would have gone down well with the class or the teacher for that matter. I was waiting for her to say Gracelen in reply but she remained silent. She shook my hand, her mouth opening and shutting. I tugged her to her seat next to me. Everybody was gawking at us even the teacher.
He shook his head and continued on with his "expectations".
Gracelen shoved her note book at me and I read it.
Thank you, Seth. By the way I'm Gracelen.
I looked at her but she just smiled back at me. I wrote back.
Are you vowed to silence?
No, more like born to be silent.
What does that mean?
My vocal chords don't work, they never have.
That sucks.
I deal, it's hard at some points but on the bright side I usually win the quiet game.
Got a trophy?
Maybe. But you want to know the down side of my disability?
I can't even scream so what am I supposed to do when under attack?
It's a good idea but I don't think people will come to my rescue if I'm whistling.
Well I will so if you whistle I'll come.
Like a dog? She laughed silently beside me, her eyes bright.
Like a dog. I agreed, chuckling at the ironic point.
Well you kind of do remind me of a puppy. She smiled to herself making puppy eyes at me. It melted my heart.
A puppy? I scoffed to myself. I was bigger than a puppy.
Rephrase that. Your eyes remind me of puppy's eyes. Wide, gentle, caring, not to mention sexy. I looked at her funny. She just shrugged and smiled even brighter.
You find puppies sexy?
Ugg! Never mind. Shall I say you look like a wolf then? Because you don't seem to be jumping on the puppy wagon!
Do you believe in mythical creatures? Might as well get this out of the way when we're on the topic of wolves.
Now it was her turn to look at me funny.
Like dragons or ghosts?
No like-____ I was starting to write but the notebook was being ripped out from under me by our teacher.
"Passing notes are we?" he clicked.
Gracelen was trying to speak but because of the non-working vocal chords she couldn't even grunt. She was mouthing words though.
"Mr. Clearwater what was rule number two?" he asked sharply.
"Pay attention," I said making my face completely blank. The whole class was sniggering. Gracelen was mouthing curse words at the teacher. Not that he seemed to notice.
He cleared his throat.
"Thank you Seth," he cooed in a high voice reading the paper.
Gracelen looked at me and mouthed "I would not sound like that!"
"By the way I'm Gracelen," he continued.
"Now Mr. Clearwater, repeat your part," he ordered.
"Are you vowed to silence?" I repeated with no emotion.
"No, more like born to be silent," he sighed in that ridiculous girl voice.
Gracelen clenched her jaw. I was doing my best not to phase.
"Clearwater?" he asked annoyed, waiting.
"What does that mean?" my voice now shaking with anger.
"My vocal chords don't work, they never have," he sighed in imitation. Gracelen clenched her fists, making her tan skin almost white.
"That sucks," I said through gritted teeth.
"I deal, it's hard at some points but on the bright side I usually win the quiet game," he giggled.
"Got a trophy?" I growled.
"Maybe. But you want to know the down side of my disability?" he said winking.
"What?" I asked narrowing my eyes at the teacher. My whole frame trembling.
"I can't even scream so what am I supposed to do when under attack?" he asked pretending to be frightened. The whole class burst out in laughter. Gracelen closed her eyes in frustration, wishing she could say something.
"Whistle?" I repeated.
"It's a good idea but I don't think people will come to my rescue if I'm whistling," he sobbed.
"Well I will so if you whistle I'll come," I roared. Gracelen looked up at me, her eyes darting at my shaking frame, her eyes admiring me too.
"Like a dog?" he said blondely.
"Like a dog. Me and Gracie are out of here," I shouted. Gracie's face lit up at the nickname. I took hers and mine backpack and slung them on my shoulder. I pulled her up from her seat and she flicked her hair at the teacher dismissing him.
I pulled her through the halls, lightning flashed around and us. Then there was a big boom. All the lights went out. The whole school was almost pitch black. People were screaming. I looked down at Gracie who was shaking. She clutched my arm with all her strength. Her eyes wide… she was afraid of the dark. A 16 year old girl was afraid of the dark that was odd.
"It's alright Gracie," I soothed stroking her curly ebony black hair. It felt like I was soothing a child but Gracie needed it. She didn't seem to like the dark very much.
Somebody touched us on the shoulder. Gracie jumped and a piercing stream of air came out of her mouth. I cringed. Her silent scream hurt my ears. I looked around to see our Principal holding a flashlight.
"Seth what are you doing out in the halls?" he asked. Gracie peeked out from behind me.
"Gracelen?" he asked confused.
"It's alright Gracie, it was just Mr. Wester," I told her, pulling her up to my side. I stroked her hair, trying to calm her.
"Afraid of the dark?" Mr. Wester asked sympathetically.
She nodded.
"I should have known you would have been. Considering where you came from," he apologized and patted her shoulder. Another boom of thunder made her jump.
"Relax Gracie, nothing will hurt you," I said trying my best to sooth her.
"Well Seth I was going around to tell people that school's been cancelled because it's to dark to teach. So why don't you head home," he suggested. I thanked him.
"Well I shall see you two tomorrow. I hope you sleep well tonight Gracelen," he said and headed off to the classrooms.
"Where's your locker Gracie?" I asked her.
She pointed down the pitch black hall. I ran her down there and stopped in front of the locker that had a sign that said "Welcome to La Push Gracelen!" She pulled up on the grip and the locker swung open. She pulled her coat out and fumbled with the buttons. She had one of those complicated military coats that went all the way down to the middle of your thighs. Her fingers kept on shaking and she couldn't get the buttons in the holes. I pulled her hands to her side and buttoned them for her. She probably couldn't even see them.
"Ready?" I asked her. Her expression became urgent.
"What is it?" I asked her. She thrust her hand down to her shoes. She was wearing heels and I bet they were designer because I could see she wasn't going to wear those outside by her expression. She searched in the bottom of her locker and pulled out some colorful rain boots. She delicately took of her heels and handed them to me. She had small feet because I could easily hold the shoe in the palm of my hand. She pulled on some fuzzy socks and jumped into her boots. She reached into her locker and pulled out a most likely a designer rectangular bag, it had some name on it but I couldn't read it. She slung it over her shoulder.
The accomplished expression on her face told me we were ready to go. I slammed her locker. We started to run to the exit. And then I thought she was very calm in the dark when she was thinking about her shoes' safety.
"You're going to get along with my friend Alice," I told her. She nodded and went back into her freaked state. I pulled her out of the doors into the parking lot.
"Damn!" I cursed. My mom was supposed to pick me up.
She scrunched up her nose, looking around the parking lot. Up and down the street she looked.
"What are you looking for?" I asked.
She slowly mouthed, "I walked to school this morning and I don't think I can walk back."
She shuddered. She grabbed her shoes from my hands and hugged them tight to her chest.
"Well maybe I could walk you there?" I suggested. She bit her lip and she looked up into my eyes and shook her head.
Then a flashy 9/11 turbo Porsche, fish tailed in front of us.
"Hey Seth saw that your school got cancelled," Alice's voice piped up as she rolled down the window. I could see Bella on the passenger side. Alice looked at Gracie with curiosity and then her eyes landed on the shoes.
"Cute shoes! And they're Gucci I like you already!" Alice breezed her eyes wide with excitement.
"That's Alice," I told her.
"Well get of the rain Seth and we'll head back to my house," Bella spoke up.
"Of course, your girlfriend's coming along. She'll appreciate my closet," Alice told me. I rolled my eyes and opened the back door to the Porsche and lead Gracie in.
"Hi, I'm Alice," Alice sang. She was picking up speed and it was getting close to 100 miles per an hour. Gracie seemed soothed by the speed she leaned back into the seat.
"I'm Bella," Bella chimed in. Gracie opened her mouth to talk but realized she couldn't talk she clamped her mouth shut.
"She's Gracelen and her vocal chords are shot so she doesn't have the ability to talk," I explained.
"Can I call you Gracie?" Alice asked.
She nodded her head, smiling.
"You know you kind of look familiar," Bella commented. Gracie cocked her head.
"Oh. My. God," Alice said in excitement. This was odd because Alice never said oh my god.
"What is it Alice?" Bella and I said at the same time.
"You're the prima ballerina Gracelen Madison!" Alice's smile was crazy.
Gracie nodded.
"Now I know Renee forced me to go with her to a Ballet in Phoenix, I was 16 and you Gracie were one of those ballerinas," Bella said and began to smile too.
Gracie ducked her head down, her cheeks getting darker.
"Don't be embarrassed, you're really good. You have a nice effect when you dance. Soothing and calming," Bella told her.
"Not to mention beautiful and graceful," Alice added now pulling up into the Cullen's driveway.
"Compared to those other girls who just thrust their bodies," Bella shuddered.
"Not going to say anything," Alice said trying to keep her cool.
"Shut up," Bella muttered getting out of the car. Alice opened her door a popped out. I grabbed Gracie's and mine backpacks and got out. Gracie sat there for a moment. She shouldered her bag and got out. Alice pulled her inside. They were going to be best friends I could tell. I ran inside laughing to myself, I was already mainly soaked.
"Ew, wet dog," Rosalie sniffed when I walked in.
"Sorry," I apologized. Gracie cocked her head at the exchange.
"Oh we forgot about that," Alice sighed. Gracie's facial expression looked bewildered. It was really cute and I adored it but we had another situation on hand.
"What is it?" she mouthed.
"Gracie I'm sorry but I need to tell you something," I said guiltily.
She looked at me smiling and reassuring.
"Gracie I'm a werewolf," I admitted. She giggled then, her grin growing.
"I told you that you look like a puppy," she said silently.
"So you don't care if I morph into a giant fur ball?" I asked incredulously.
She shook her head.
"Does it bother you that I'm a vampire?" Alice asked. Gracie looked at her shocked a bit but than relaxed. But I didn't know if that was Jasper or herself that did that, because Jasper was watching by closely.
Gracie shook her head again.
"Good because now I'm going to show you my closet!" Alice chirped. She took Gracie's bag and handed it to me. She then grabbed Gracie's hand and led her up the stairs. Not only till a second later I realized Gracie was still clutching her shoes in one arm. I chuckled; this was going to be fun.
We heard Alice giggle upstairs, probably at Gracie's silent reaction. Even though I've only known her for less than an hour. It irked me not to have her in my sight. It was good I could trust Alice.
"Calm down," Jasper told me. He looked happy, probably soaking up Alice's excitement. Edward walked in and immediately (of course) and sat next to Bella. He smiled at me, already knowing what's going on.
"What's her middle name?" I asked him.
"Seth I can only read the thoughts that go through her head," he reminded me.
"I need to know more about her though. All I know is her name is Gracelen Madison, she's a prima ballerina, she likes shoes, and she can't speak," I huffed.
"Her voice is actually quiet beautiful," Edward commented. We looked at him confused.
"She has a voice in her head when she thinks and that's what she would sound like if she could talk," he explained. We nodded understanding.
"What's she thinking now?" I asked.
"She wants to live in Alice's closet," he laughed. Jasper and Bella laughed too.
"It's big enough to house her," Jasper chuckled.
"It's probably her dream home," Bella added with a smile.
"And now what is she thinking?" I prodded. Edward looked at me with disapproving glance but he told me anyway.
"She's now really excited because her and Alice are the same size," he laughed even louder.
"So now we have two Alice's," Bella smirked.
"Except Gracie is a bit more conservative when it comes to wearing and spending. But otherwise yes," he told us.
Gracie amazed me; she fit right in with us. Her obsession for designers made her Alice's new best friend and Barbie doll. Something tells me Alice will be super happy these days.
Rosalie remained silent the whole time.
"What's the matter Rose?" Bella asked noticing this. Rosalie looked at her and smiled a sad smile.
"I'm fine," she reassured.
"No you're not," Bella said moving to sit next Rosalie.
Rosalie bit her lip. Why was Rosalie acting like this? She always voiced her opinion. But she seemed sad for some reason.
"Rose?" Everyone else asked. Edward was trying to read her thoughts, but he became frustrated doing.
"Why are you going over all the parts of your BMW?" Edward asked suspiciously.
"Can you just stay out of my head!? It's none of your business!" She hissed, I blinked and she was gone.
"What's with her?" I asked.
"I don't know, she was concentrating really hard on car parts," Edward said furrowing his eyebrows.
With that something started ringing in Gracie's purse.
Just dance it's gonna be okay. Du du do do. Just dance.
Gracie began to run down the stairs, almost as quiet as a vampire. But I didn't see what was coming next. She got to the last of the four steps. She jumped and landed on her left leg. Something made a horrible crack. Her eyes looked pained but she just gritted her teeth and run-limped to her bag. She kept mouthing "ow" over and over again.
She picked up her phone and began texting like there was nothing wrong with her leg. She finished texting and collapsed onto the coach next to me biting her lip.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
She nodded; I looked at Edward thinking, "Is she?"
He shook his head.
"You're not," I scolded her. She started mouthing "I'm fine," over and over again.
"You're not fine Gracie. Edward, come take a look at it," I asked him.
He quickly shot up and kneeled next to her. He gave her a look saying can I? She nodded reluctantly. He pulled back the cuff of her jeans to reveal her legs and knees which were completely covered in bruises and scars.
"What happened?" I asked her, wincing. They were hard to look at; it caused me pained to see them.
"Dancing," Edward said for her.
"I'm a mind reader," he explained to her confused look. She raised an eyebrow.
"Banana, Billy bong, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Doctor Who, Tardis!" he said quickly, laughing at the same time. She looked convinced when he said that. Then I realized he was repeating what she was saying in her head to convince her.
"So you're a Doctor Who fan?" Edward asked her. She nodded quickly.
"Okay Gracie it looks like you popped your knee out…. Again. Hey don't yell at me! You're the one who jumped and you knew you weren't supposed to!" he scolded.
"I'm going to pop it back in is that okay?" he asked. She nodded wincing.
"Okay Seth now I need to remain completely calm and do not attack me. Jasper, keep control of his emotions," he ordered.
Wait! What was he going to do? Why should I remain calm?
Gracie gripped my wrists as Edward placed his hand on the front and back of her knee. What was he doing?! He pulled up and pushed. Gracie gasped my wrists were clenched in a death grip. I growled at him.
"Stop it! It's hurting her!" I screamed.
He pulled up harder. Gracie stiffened and a tear slid down her cheek.
"That's it!" I said and stood up and started to tremble. He quickly pulled up in a jerking motion and it popped. And then he backed away from Gracie with his hands up. But that still didn't stop my trembling. I glared at him. But I felt two small warm hands touch my chest. I looked down to Gracie saying relax with her eyes. I calmed down at her touch instantly.
"Sorry Edward," I apologized.
"It's okay I understand," he nodded.
"Hey it sounds like Seth has an imprint because I heard him yelling at Edward!" Jake said cheerfully walking holding Nessie in his arms.
He looked at me and then down at Gracie, who didn't seem to be registering anything but me.
"Aww! Man!" he whined.
Edward burst out laughing.
"I mean Paul imprinting on Rachel was enough but now Seth imprinting on my cousin that's just being mean," he whined. Gracie whipped her head around, recognizing his voice. She let go of me and limped towards Jake and hugged him tight. She was so short compared to him probably like she was to me.
"Hi-a Shorty," he chuckled and rubbed her back. Gracie laughed and took a step back to look at him. She made a jester with her hand above her head.
"Well I'm sorry I got taller," he laughed. Nessie stared down curiously at Gracie. Gracie looked at her and smiled sweetly. Nessie put her hand to Jake's face, saying something.
"Of course you can show her," he told her. She reached for Gracie and Gracie held her in her arms. Nessie was about the size of a 5 year old and it looked kind of odd considering how small Gracie was but she didn't seem to be struggling with the weight. Nessie put her hand to Gracie's face, Gracie became still and distant I was standing next to her to make sure she wouldn't fall. But she didn't. When Nessie let go, she didn't know what to do. She opened her mouth and then shut it not really happy with this situation. Gracie made a motion to Jake and he nodded.
"Nessie, Gracie can't speak. She hasn't been able to since she was born. But that's a good thing because if she could talk she would be gabbing away like your auntie Alice," he explained, and then a pillow was chucked at him by Alice.
Nessie looked at Gracie who just looked helpless. She had no way to communicate. It tore me apart knowing I couldn't help her. Nessie put her hand to Gracie's face once again. Gracie smiled. Nessie smiled back.
Gracie quickly passed Nessie back to Jake and she stumbled sideways. I quickly caught her. Her knee collapsed under the pressure.
"Sit down," I told her. She shook her head. I sat down and pulled her on my lap. Locking her there with my arms. She pouted but smiled at the same time. She snuggled into me and silently sighed. And five minutes later she fell asleep then and there in a room full of vampires and werewolves.
"So she's your cousin?" I asked Jake.
"Yep and that means now two werewolves will create puppies with two of my family members. Yeesh, you guys can lay off my family please!" Jake joked.
"I can't help it," I laughed.
"Now I know you're probably itching to know all about her so I'll tell you," he started, "Her name is Gracelen Ray Madison, born in Seattle, Washington. Parents were murdered when she was three where they lived in New York at that time. She was then put into a foster care system where she now resides with her foster parents of 13 years. Started ballet when she was four and became a hug success and started every dance class possible and is now going to the top Dance academy in New York even though she's only in high school. Now moving back to Washington to get away from the horrible streets of New York and right now probably she misses her friends terribly. They were as close as sisters those four. Layla is her adoptive sister, then there's Penelope, and Callie who she's known since she was 6 from Ballet Class. Beware those four are shopaholics!" he warned.
"I hope they come here," Bella whispered.
"So Alice can have shopping companions?" Edward laughed lightly.
"Hey as long as I don't have to come along that would be nice," Bella laughed leaning into Edward.
"It would be," Edward sighed. I cringed catching the innuendo. Jake rolled his eyes. I felt Gracie's phone vibrate in her back pocket. She stirred and pulled it out of her pocket. She looked at it and ignored it as it kept on vibrating.
"Catnap," she mouthed. She stood up and stretched. I watched entranced as she pulled her whole body upwards. Her toes pointed and on the tiptoes. It was amazing and incredible. She was perfect!