This is a new story. I created it a few months ago but I wanted to finish something before I added it. It's called King Demetrius. Demetrius made a silly decision to let the love of his life leave and now when he sees her again he starts trouble... big trouble.

King Demetrius

Chapter 1

"I dubee thee Duke Ashton of Pallet to king's adviser." The sword touched his shoulder. For each new king a new adviser was chosen. This new adviser just happend to be the king's brother, Ash. King Demetrius watched his brother take this position. Ash stood and turned with a smile on his face. They clapped for him. Everyone knew he deserved it. King Demetrius wasn't paying attention to his brother though. He was watching the baeautiful red head standing there watching him or so he liked to think. This girl really wasn't looking at him. She was looking at Ash. Her name was Michella, Misty for short. MIsty didn't even take a second look at King Demetrius. Demetrius was furious but didn't let it show. Instead he looked happy, not for his brother but to see Misty, the girl he had once loved. When Ash stepped down he smiled at Misty making her giggle. She ran right up to him ad he lifted her.

Demetruis whispered to his queen, Elanora, sitting in the seat next to him, "Is that Ash's fiance?"

"Yes. They've been engaged for almost a month now. Just think we set them up at our wedding." Elanora, also called Eli, giggled. Demetrius faked a smile but it seemed real to Eli. It was true Eli introduced them to each other but he had nothing to do with it so how could it be we. "They're getting married in a few months on Misty's birtday. Isn't that sweet?" Misty's birthday, he thought. April 13th. It was now December. They had 5 months before the wedding. The audience clapped once more. Demetrius looked up to see Ash kissing his soon-to-be-bride. She belonged to Demetrius or so he thought. He hated to see his brother kiss her. It was like a sin for anyone else beside him to hold her small waist. It was suppose to be him he thought. He almost let his anger show when he pulled away from her to see her still magnitised by his charm.

"If I may say something, Majesties," Ash looked at his brother and his brother's wife and bwoed. They nodded their heads. "To tell you the truth I would have never been able to do this great task if it wasn't for tis woman right here." HE took her hands and Misty giggled. Oh How Demetrius hated it when Ash made Misty giggle like that. Ash continued, "She's the reason I made it this far. If you don't know already we are to be wed soon." He looked into her eyes and said, "I can't wait til the day. You've made me the happiest man alive and I'll be even happier when we are married, Apirl 13th." he touched her cheek and looked at the crowd, "NOw I say to every man, woman, child, duke, duchess, lord, lady, earl, my king and my queen, to every witness here at this very moment that I love you Misty with all my heart. Nothing will ever change that." Then he kissed her once more. The audience clapped and Demetrius was even more angered. Still he watched as they kissed: so passionately and lovingly. When they pulled away they were magnitized by each other once again. It was love. Everyone knew it except Demetrius for he was blinded by the love he felt between himself and the beautiful girl.

That night he couldn't help but think about Misty as he slept next to his wife. The wished it was Misty who was next to him giggling like he did before. When he woke up, it was just a dream a dream he wished would come true. He knew he probably wouldn't see her again ever. He rememebered the night it happend.


Misty sat on Demetrius's lap after having their small picnic. He held her small waist. They passionately kissed and every time they split apart they look each other in the eyes.

"Wow," Misty said.

"I love you Misty." she smiled at Demetrius. He was hypomotized by her. They were happy.

"I know."

"How did I end up with a girl like you?"

"You were lucky." She smiled and kissed him once more.

"I know," he said after the kiss. "I have to ask you something Misty."


"Well." he took out a small box from this left pocket.

Just then they heard a voice calling Demetrius' name.

"ELI." They whispered.

"Go up the tree."

"What?!" she whispered.

"You know you love to climb trees. Just hide." He lifted her into the tree. Then he quickly shoved the ring into his pocket.

"The things I do for you Dememtrius."

"Shh. He warned."

"Demetrius." He was already sitting and Eli had just missed Misty climb the tree. He stood and Eli hugged him.


"I've been looking for you."

"You have?" he questioned.

"You didn't hear me call you?"

"No."Demetrius said. "It doesn't matter now. You found me." Just then something fell out of his pocket and Elanora noticed it.

"What's this?" Demetrius went to pick it up but Eli got to it first.

"Nothing." She opened the box and screamed.


"Yes?" he questined.

"Yes. I will. I will marry you Demetrius. I have to tell everyone. I can't wait til I tell Misty. She's my best friend and I can't wait for you to meet her." Elanora went on and on talking excited about the wedding. The ring was for Misty. When he looked back up the tree where Misty was she was gone.

End Flashback...

That was the last time he seen her until last night. He and Misty were secretly dating and happily in love. His parents forced him to go out with Eli because he needed to be wed for his coronation. 3 months later he decided to propse but not to Elanora but to Misty. Even though he still loved MIsty he couldn't bring himself to stop the wedding or reak Eli's heart. So he went on with the wedding anyways. What a terrible mistake he has made! Now she will marrry Ash, his brother, who won her with his charm. Demetrius was heartbroken and only Misty could fix it.

How did you like it? Or did you hate it? I don't care. Just tell me. Bye.