AN: Hmm, this is a darker fic than I'd usually write... But Souhi-Mai was determined for me to write a rape fic... Weirdo...


Not again. Not again. Those two words ran through Ianto Jones' head like a mantra as he tried to block out what was happening around him. Not again. Not Craig again. Ianto thought this would have all ended when Jack returned. But, no, Jack Harkness wasn't there to save him this time. Not again.

Ianto was lying face down on his double bed with Craig, the bastard, forcing himself on Ianto. Kissing his back. Biting his neck. Raping him.

Not again. Why was this happening to him? It wasn't fair... Ianto knew he didn't deserve this. He didn't. Did he? Trying to ignore everything else, Ianto thought about Jack. About his cheeky, cocky grin. Perfect teeth... His clear blue eyes that reminded Ianto of that swimming pool in Spain when he was 10... His fantastic hair, the way his fringe always flopped into his eyes when he was trying to work, the way he would angrily push it back and Ianto would always long to push it into Jacks eyes again, just to see what he would do... That amazing coat. God, the coat. So simple and yet so-

Ianto was cut off, mid-thought, by Craig leaning over and whispering in his ear.

"Thanks, love!"
He grinned evilly and kissed Ianto before leaving the flat, slamming the door behind him. Ianto was frozen for a moment before he leapt up and ran to the door, fumbling the chain on. He slowly made his way back to the bedroom and stared at the blood stained sheets. Craig had never hurt him that much. Or at least, he'd never drawn that much blood...

Ianto shuddered suddenly and retched. He sprinted to the bathroom and fell to his knees in front of the toilet, heaving. After tidying himself up and changing from his battered suit into pyjama bottoms and a T-shirt, Ianto stumbled to the living room. He collapsed down onto the sofa, pulling his knees up to his chest. He sat, thinking.

The door rattled suddenly, as if someone was trying to get in. Ianto was shaken from his reverie and gazed at the door, wide eyed. He must have been thinking for hours as his DVD player display proclaimed the time as 1.02am.
"Yan? Ianto? Why's the chain on?"

Ianto swallowed but didn't reply.

"Ianto? I know you're there. Let me in, please?"

He stood slowly, shakily and walked to the door. He paused and composed his face into a suitably sleepy expression. He unhooked the chain and blinked drowsily at Jack.

"What are you doing here...?"

"Oh, thanks! No 'Hey Jack! Nice to see you! Why don't you come in?'"

Ianto laughed slightly and stood to one side, allowing Jack into his flat. He closed the door, slipping the chain on again.

"Whats with the chain?"
Ianto hesitated.

"Uh... Well, I'm supposed to be avoiding myself... I just wanted to be sure..."
Jack seemed satisfied with that, nodding. He bit his lip and grinned sheepishly at Ianto.
"Can I use your loo?"

Ianto smiled weakly and nodded.
"You know where it is..."
Jack grinned and winked at Ianto, disappearing along the corridor. The flats calm silence was suddenly broken by Jack.


Iantos eyes widened and he followed Jack down the flat.


"What the hell happened here, Yan? Did you cut yourself?"
He was staring at the bloody sheets, glancing back at Ianto. The Welshmans breathing became rapid as he gazed at the room. Grabbing Jack by the arm, he pulled him away, closing the bedroom door and pulling Jack back towards the front door.

"Hey! Get off! Yan? What the hell happened?"
"Craig! Craig happened!"

He pulled the door open, shoving Jack out and closing the door behind him.
"Who the hell is Craig?!"

"You wouldn't know! Everybody else knows! Everybody else knows what he does! Go ask them!"

Jack was shocked. Ianto had never treated him like that. He didn't like it. Something must be wrong... Just who the hell was Craig and what had he done to Ianto? Sitting back in the SUV, Jack pulled out his mobile.

"...Tosh? I need to know something. Who is Craig?"

Tosh was silent, shocked.

"Uh, Jack, you should come to my flat if you really want to know. I'm not telling you over the phone."
"Alright. I'll be there in 10."

Jack hung up without another word and slammed the SUV into gear, pulling away from the curb at high speed. Ianto watched him go from his kitchen window, silent tears running down his cheeks.


AN: Ahh! I feel so bad being mean to Yanny! Btw, Craig was actually Souhi-Mai's idea, I'm just borrowing him :)


At least one more chapter to come!