A/N: This was inspired by a random dream I had. I do not own any of the Twilight Saga, as much as I want to.

I came back to find my dad sitting at the end of my bed. He was wearing a pure black robe, his black hair completing the look. He held a silver box in his hands.

"Good Morning Isabella. How was your run?" He enquired.

"Delightful" I replied. He obviously had some news to tell me because otherwise he would call me Bella. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothings wrong my Bella, Its just that I have to cancel our hunting plans today. Duty calls." He said.

I sighed. "Its alright Dad, I'll just hang about the stables. Have fun."

He smiled and walked to the door before turning round to talk to me once more. "There is a note in this box, as well as a present. You will understand." And with that he left.

I loved my family, but business was their number one priority. My dad, Aro, was the leader of the Volturi-the royal family of the vampire world. My two uncles were the only other members of the Volturi, although the guard made up most of my family.

The Volturi changed me into a vampire, but Aro didn't want me to be a guard so I was officially known as his daughter. He spoiled me rotten, but only because he always wanted a daughter. My uncles were annoying, but I had lived with them for fifty-seven years, so I knew every trick in their book.

I was always reminded that I was special. Not because I was Aro's daughter, but because I had more powers than normal for a vampire. I could control the elements-wind, fire, water, earth, spirit. I could also control the weather and I had two weird powers. I could make pictures appear in someone's mind and I was a shield. This meant that no one could mess with my brain. My dad couldn't read my mind and Jane and Alec couldn't freeze or burn me. My dad was very proud of my powers. That might be one of the reasons I was not in the guard.

I dressed into a casual dark red dress, that stopped just before I would trip over. I wore an emerald necklace, with matching earrings -a present from Felix for my birthday last year.

When I was ready I put on my emerald encrusted flat's and walked to my dad's office. The office was ancient and pictures hung on the walls. The pictures were of everything, from the dark ages to yesterday. There was thousands of shelves, stacked with piles of books. The photo album contained pictures of every vampire in the world, old and new.

I knocked on the door, just loud enough for them to hear.

"Come in" a voice called from within.

I complied. My dad was sitting next to my uncles. They were talking to Dementri, Felix, Heidi, Jane and Alec.

Dementri smiled "Look, the princess has arrived. What can we do for you, your majesty."

I laughed. "Your just jealous because I turned you down-again."

He smirked. Living in one house brought you closer, and the guard were part of my slightly dysfunctional family. Dementri had asked me out twenty-odd years ago, but I never let him forget it. My first ten years as a member of the Volturi were awkward. Everyone treated me as an outsider, and I spent most of the time in my room. After a while, Aro became worried. He ordered me to go on a hunting trip with the guard.

I had wandered off on my own because no one was talking to me. I ended up in the middle of a forest in the centre of Florence. No humans walked through the woods, and my thirst was becoming unbearable. Then I stumbled across a herd of deer. Instinct took over and I crouched into a hunting position. I pounced on the male, breaking his neck in one tug, before drinking its blood. It tasted all wrong, but I regained my energy and I was no longer thirsty. The guard were intrigued that I could survive without drinking human blood.

I spent years trying to convince my dad that animal blood was better than human blood, but my attempts were wasted. He was happy that I was being accepted by the guard, but he was worried about animal blood. He knew that I wasn't going to drink human blood again, but he kept trying to curve my appetite to my 'natural food source' as he said. I stuck with my decision, and everyone accepts that now.

My dad raised his hand, beckoning me forward. He had this super cool gift, he could read someone's mind in just a single touch. He pointed at the chair directly in front of him and I sat.

"Bella, we have some news. We are holding a ball, a coming out ball." He smiled as I gave him a confused look. "As you know, no other vampire outside the Volturi knows of your existence. This ball would let them know who you are. Every vampire in the world will be attending."

I smiled. This would give me an excuse to shop.

"You and Heidi will be going in to town tonight to buy new dresses. You will buy a special dress for your ball. I have invited two covens to stay with us for two months after the ball, my good friends the Cullen's and the Denali coven. You are allowed to buy new dresses for everyday if you wish. You will have a personal designer accompanying you as well." He smiled and sent me and the guard out.

Felix put his arm around my shoulders and led me into a sitting room. He smiled before shutting the door. "Okay, so you and Heidi are going shopping tonight and Dementri and I have been allocated as bodyguards. The shopping cannot go over two hours and if you ask my opinion on anything I will rip your throat out. Understand?"

Under my influence, a cup of water that had been sitting on a coffee table erupted over Felix. I created the illusion of Dementri naked in his head. That would teach him from threatening me.

"Okay, I get it, stop." he demanded. His eyes turned from the fuzzy blurred one's I had inflicted to his normal burgundy colour. Our eyes represented our eating habits. My eyes were a golden colour, turning black when I was thirsty. Everyone else's eyes were the same colour as Felix's. "Just don't spend too long. We are planning on going hunting after."

"Whatever Felix, just don't threaten me again. Ever." I warned.

He smiled and walked into the hall before running to the gate. I followed him to the back door, but instead of going to the gate I turned left and walked through the flowers. I stopped occasionally to smell the flowers. I reached the stable just in time to avoid Jane. She was mortified when she realized that she couldn't hurt me, and every time she saw me she would try. I snuck around the back and grabbed my saddle. I slung it over my back and walked over to my horse, Alliemae. She was a beautiful black mare that I received last year.

I fixed her saddle and what-not into place before jumping on. We went for a ride until my dad found me.

"Bella, its time. You and Heidi are going shopping in 1 hour. Why don't you get a shower and wash your hair?" he said.

"Okay dad. Love you." I said as I ran to my room. I was there in less than 5 minutes and I was in the shower and washing my hair in seconds of shutting the door.

I dressed in my jeans and a short sleeved top. Heidi was at my door just after I stuffed my hair up into a ponytail.

"Come on Bells, we're going to be late"

She dragged me to the main hall where we were greeted by Felix and Dementri, who were looking rather miserable. I guess they didn't like shopping. We drove to the town and stopped in front of a cute little dress store.

We were stood in there for two hours before I found the dress for my party. It was a lilac princess dress that puffed out from the waist downwards. Felix and Dementri were holding piles of dresses. Heidi chose shoes that matched each dress, while I picked out jewellery.

Five hours after we had arrived, Felix was squeezing the bags into the back of the jeep.

"Did you have to buy so many clothes? They wont all fit."

I smiled. "Then you can hold them while I drive."

He shook his head. He loved his car too much to let me drive it. "No way!"

He drove up to the house. Dementri helped him bring the clothes and accessories up to my closet room while me and Heidi flicked through a hairstyle magazine. My ball was tomorrow and I needed to prepare. I was forbidden to go for a run, so Heidi spent all night arranging my hair. Other members of the guard decorated the house with flowers and ribbons. The ball was to start at 5pm and it would go on until 5am the next morning. The maids had prepared the rooms for the guests staying for an extended visit. I wanted it to seem as if I knew them all, so I studied the photo albums.

At 4.30 Heidi dragged me off to my room to get dressed. My hair and makeup was done in seconds and I was just waiting for the guests to arrive. When everyone was here Felix accompanied me down the stairs. Everyone was staring at me, wondering who that gorgeous girl walking down the stairs was.

Felix took my hand and lead me into the middle of the dance floor, and everyone had started drifting towards us. I prepared myself to be bombarded, here goes nothing.

A/N: So, what do you think? Review. Help me make it better!