Sadly, this isn't another chapter to "Gone, but never far away". This author's note is start to a new beginning, for me and for this story. I'm sorry I haven't updated this story as well as all my others stories in the last year. I'm not going to give you any excuses as to why I haven't updated, I owe you all at least that.

On a lighter note, I have decided to re-write all my fanfictions, including "Gone, but never far away". And if you are still interested, I already uploaded the first chapter on to Fanfiction, so feel free to check it out. The story line hasn't changed or anything, I've just enhanced my writing and corrected those annoying spelling and grammar mistakes. New updates should be occurring every week, depending on whether or not I get a job. But Mysterious Bluerose is back, I promise.

Thank You.