I own nothing.

I own nothing.

Zim's POV

I felt the Gaz-human play dead on my lap, but I knew better than to do anything except what I was. The human had very soft hair, but I had liked it shorter.

I looked at the Dib and smirked at his look of hate. He was now smarter than to jump up and scream at me.

'heh, his brain has begun to fill that giant head of his. But he is still no match for- WHAT IS THE GAZ DOING!?!

Gaz's POV

I shimmed my body trying to dislodge the tentacles. My Dead act wasn't cutting it.

I shimmed and twirled and it seemed to have some affect. The tentacles were flexing and withering on my body, encouraging me to squirm more and to move faster.

I was so focused on getting free that I didn't notice the hissing breaths that Zim took. Or his claws gripping my hair.

But what did catch my attention, and the rest off the rooms occupants, was a large boom.

The class turned toward the windows and dropped their jaws in shock. Minus me, Zim, and Dib.

There out side the window was Zim's house. With legs.

Zim breathed out a sigh and got up with me held out in front of him. He walked with toward the window and jumped out of an open on.

"Master! I need the Tacos! I neeeeeeeed THEM!" screamed the house in Girs voice.

"GIR. What have I told you about putting your brain in the houses mainframe?" sighed Zim.

"TOOOO NOTTTT TOOO!!!!!" gargled the house.

"Why is this happening again?" asked Dib. He had followed us out.

Zim spoke with out thinking. "After the first time it happened when ever he gets too close to a computer device his mind gets sucked in."

"Really? So his normal computer mind base is a wireless trance meter?" said Dib thinking.

"Yes, his mind is not properly wired in so it works like a radio, he picks up TV and radio signals with his antenna." Said Zim as he walked over to his house and started to activate a side panel on it. His mind was wondering to different things so I was put on to the ground. I admittedly rummaged around in my pockets looking for a suitable punishment for the alien.

"That would explain his sudden mood changes and wild behavior." Mused Dib, completely side tracked from his main goal.

I found what I had been looking for and walked toward Zim. He didn't even see me coming.

I snapped the spare collar that dad made around his neck and Zim cried out in pain as the needle in the back of the collar burrowed into his spine, or his alien version of a spine.

I stood over him as he squirmed onto the ground, after a bit he stopped and just lay there breathing. I waited for him to get up. I heard a sound behind me and I turned to see Dib staring at me in shock.

"Wh- Gaz- how? When?"

I sneered at him and began to turn back to Zim when I felt the familiar feel of tentacles wrapping around me I was lifted off of the ground and swung around to face a standing, angry Zim.

He got his face too close to mine and yelled at me. "What have you Done to ZIM! GAZ HUMAN!!!!!"

I stayed calm with an unmoving face when he was yelling, as shook me like a rag doll in his tentacles.

"NO ZIM STOP! DON'T THREATEN HER!" yelled Dib as he ran towards us.

"Dib-filth your DUMB sister can not be saved from the wrath of ZIM!" he called gloatingly.

"NO You fool she controls the collars and I'm on the same frequency as yours!" he said slowing, he knew what was coming.

"EH??!?" said Zim as he turned back at me and caught my smirk as I applied pressure to my bracelet's symbol for pain.

They both screamed in pain and Zim tentacles retracted back into his PAK as he withered on the ground with Dib.

I stood over them watching their pain as I let them feel what I could do.

I turned off the pain and dragged them both up by their shirts, and made them face me.

"Boy's listen and listen good. You will not create disturbances nor will you fight, try to take over the world or make me angry. If you disobey my rules you will feel pain like no other." I dropped them on the ground and watched them scuttle away.


I turned toward the Gir house that had been quiet during this conversation.

"Go back to where you had the house and stay there and when Zim gets back he will give you a fish taco."

"Yes scary lady!"

He bounded away singing as I walked back to the skool. I still had class and I can't skip school, yet.