Fanfictioians This is PDA and my (Jenny)'s snippets !!!!!!!! YAY!! aren't you happy? Cool right?

Well Anyways this 1st one is based on Avril Lavinge's Sk8er boi !!!!! (Don't even ask) and all rights for this song goes to Avril and her song writers, except for the editing that we made.

The lyrics are our version of how Daphne (crazy person) copies Avril and makes this up:


Your awesome fanficker writers: Jenny & PDA!! (Prinsess Dianaartemis)

"Finally! I'm done!!!!" Daphne cried and stood up abrubtly.

"Yay!" came a sarcastic voice from behind her.

"Oh, just be quiet Bobby! You're just jealous cause you just stand in the background and play your little instruments."

"Diva," mumbled Bobby.

"Loser," responded Daphne. "Anyway, who wants to listen to my awesome new song?"

"Yay, another great hit by Daphne Grimm," her band mates replied.

He was a boy, and she was a girl can I make it anymore obvious.

"Ummmmm, isn't that Avril's son......."

"Hush and let me FINISH!" Daphne snapped.

"O.....okay," Bobby said.

"Where was I.... oh yeah."

He was a boy and she was a girl can I make it anymore obvious,

He was a punk, she did karatay, what more can I say,

he wanted her, she'd never tell but secretly she wanted him as well,

her daddy, he stuck up his nose, and he had a problem with stinky clothes

he was a fairy boy, dad said get a better boy,

he wasn't good enough for her,

she wanted to go with him, but she was locked up instead,

she needed to get the heck outta here.

Five years from now, she stays at home,

cleaning her room she's all alone,

she flips on TV and guess who she sees, fairy boy's proposing to her on TV,

She calls me up, I already know, heck I'm the one who put him on the TV show,

I tag along and stand in crowd and look at the couple newly found,

He was a fairy boy, dad said get a better boy,

But he couldn't keep their love apart,

they are together now and he's buried in the ground,

Because of something he found out,

Sorry man but you just missed, tough luck now those kids have kids,

there is more than just one kid and this is how the story ends.

Too bad that you couldn't see, the happiness that boy could bring,

there is more than meets the eye, she saw the soul deep inside.

He was a fairy boy, I said see you later guys,

I"ll be waiting for a love of my own,

I'll be at the studio, singing this song I wrote,

about the love that I saw grow.

He was a fairy boy, I said see you later guys,

I"ll be waiting for a love of my own,

I'll be at the studio, singing this song I wrote,

about the love that I saw grow.

"So, what do you guys think?" Daphne asked.

"Ummmmm, that was...... er.... interesting," the drum player said, and the other guys nodded.

"Hey, you want to get pizza?" asked Bobby.

"Sure," the guys said.

"Wait, what about my song?!" Daphne cried after them.

"I'm Carol Storme and I'm here at the Ferryport Music Awards! Oh, and look who just pulled into the red carpet....... Daphne Grimm and her band mates!" a hyperactive, I-really-don't-wanna-do-this-job, kinda lady said.

"Hello Miss Grimm!" she said.

"Hey Carol," Daphne said and tried to swerve around the woman.

"How does it feel to be nominated for Best Song on the Year?" Carol said, blocking her path.

"Well, except for the phone call from Avril saying that she was gonna sue me........ It feels great!"

"Who was this song written for and is it on a real life scenario?"

"Well it was dedicated to my brother-in-law Robin, who is no, I repeat NOT a real fairy. My sister, Sabrina and my egghead of a father Henry," Daphne said.

"Well, you heard it here folks, Daphne called her father an Egghead." Carol said with some amusment

"WAIT!!!" Daphne tried to add some things but Carol was determined on wrapping it up

"This is Carol Storme for the F.M.A See You next year!!"

Very weird right sorry we tried to write other things but....this is what we came up with


More is soon to come!!!