To everyone who's been reading:

I thought I should let you all know why I haven't updated in so long. Well, about a year ago my hard-drive crashed and I lost everything, including a +20,000 word story and countless others still in progress. My initial effort was put into rewriting most of what I'd lost from memory, but later in the year I moved cities and sunk into a block that wouldn't let up. Recently I've started writing again and I believe it's going well, as I already have seven chapters of a story I hope to be uploading soon.

In light of this rediscovered work ethic and an upcoming vacation, I think I'll be editing what's already up. I'm also trying to ignite my interest in these story lines in order to have new chapters up in the near future (especially for this one). But remember, I am a perfectionist so please be patient just a little while longer.

Thank you all so much!