Disclaimer I don't own anything


I walked past the swinging and creaking sign of the school. The Sannin School for the Gifted. Gifted yeah that's me I thought suspiciously and I fought the overwhelming memories back into the recycle bin where I'd hope I never see them again, but they always come back. Always.

I lugged my stuff up the old stone steps towards the biggest mansion ever seen. A very beautiful but practically unstable looking girl was standing at the top of the steps next to the door was practically bouncing with excitement and the pink hair just bought to a whole new level.

"Hello Gorgeous," she purred while drooling at my form. I knew I worked out but still this was unexpected. "My name is Sakura and I am the honoured head girl at this school. Anything you need to know or just need I'm here for you. So what's your power Handsome? Is it sexiness?"

"No it's—"

"Is it Super strength 'cos you look like you work out? And I could give you a real work out."

"No thank you. My power is ……"

"Go on tell me!"

"It's difficult to explain. I'm A fire starter (A/N Sorry couldn't think of anything else) which is why the gloves are there."

"Oh I knew you were hot enough to start fires as soon as I saw you. So you caught the bus here. Where are your parents?"

I gave her my best evil laugh and smirk although all of the time repulsing harmful memories "They died…….in a house fire"

She jumped back away from me and my murderer personal space "Oh. Oh I'm sure you didn't want to……. Well on with the tour." She finished lamely

She walked towards the door all the while trying not to keep her back towards him.

Thanks people

you know the drill R&R