18. The End

"Before I take you to school, you should be fully prepared for who you're going to face." The night before the practise match, Meiyuu couldn't stop warning Meiritsu of potential danger. "You know that teenage kids can be extremely mean, " Not to mention Meiyuu herself was also a teenager... "especially to timid nerds like you, bro. School bullies are everywhere and everywhere is where I cannot be all the time... Did my last sentence confuse you?"

"No... But I thought you ruled the school, sis... How stupid will it takes for a school bully to challenge the young brother of the most fearsome girl they've ever met?"

"I take that as a compliment, Meiritsu."

"You're welcome."

A moment later, Meiritsu spoke, "Are bullies really a headache? I thought they're your slaves."

"They are, but who know what they might do when I'm not around! And my Book of Thread can't cover everybody... Not like dad, he's got everyone on Earth in his BoT."

"I can help you, sis."


"I learned to use the computer at four, what do you think I will do?"


When Mamori walked past the study, she saw her two children staring into the computer screen editing various codes that didn't make any sense.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked by the door.

Meiyuu quickly turned around, "It's school assignment, mom." No way mom's going to let us hack into the school's computer server for student files... I'd better lie. Meiyuu thought.

Mamori blinked for a few times and said, "Okay." And she left.

"Thewww... That was close." Meiritsu laughed in relief, "If it had been dad..."


A familiar voice came from behind, "What are you fucking kids doing here, huh?"

"We are hacking into our school computer for student files, dad." Meiritsu disarmed himself pretty fast.

Hiruma turned to the screen, "How many times have you hacked into other computers since I taught you how?"

"Just once." Meiritsu didn't talk but typed the words out.

"Once? I don't believe you." Meiyuu said, "He's probably typing Spanish, dad. It's once, Spanish for eleven."

"Why do you kids need fucking student files?"

"To threaten school bullies, dad." Meiyuu answered, "So they won't dare go near Meiritsu."

Hiruma smirked, "I thought you're fucking the biggest school bully in all schools..."

"I am, dad. And I'm just trying to make Meiritsu the second biggest, that's all."

"Fine," Hiruma turned away, "just don't fucking let your mother know, okay?"

"Yes, sir." The kids replied.


Saturday morning, school.

"Hey, yah people, come over here!" Meiyuu shouted from the edge of the football field.

Meiritsu stood next to her.

"Meet my bro, Meiritsu. Meiritsu, these are my people."

Meiritsu bowed and said very politely, "It's a pleasure to see you guys." He also had a blushy effect on his face.

Somehow, the team sensed something different. This is no ordinary nerdy bashful boy... This is Hiruma Meiyuu's brother! So they were very cautious.

"Why don't you go around and stir some trouble, Meiritsu? It's still 20 minutes before the match." Meiyuu suggested.

Meiritsu adjusted his glasses and nodded, "Okay." He left with a very innocent smile, just like any other lovely young boys.

"Keep your bluetooth on you ear, Meiritsu. I'll call whenever I need you."

"Got it, sis."


The school was almost empty (It's Saturday, people!)with only a few sports team members running around getting ready for practise.

"It's just like any other school... Sis was being paranoid." Meiritsu murmured to himself.

Suddenly, 3 enormous shadows blocked the light from his back. "There you go..." Meiritsu muttered slowly as if he knew this was going to happen. He turned around, "Can I help you?"

The biggest of the 3 spoke, "You the Hiruma boy?"

"Without a doubt, yes, sen-pai."

"Doesn't look like one..." The one on the left mocked, "He's so small and nerdy..."

The 3 had very mean faces, so Meiritsu can recognized their faces clearly after searching in his memory of all the students in this school. Grizzly, Pineapple and Meatloaf are their nicknames. Although 100% percent clear of their dirty little secrets, Meiritsu remained smiling in very graceful manners.

"Why don't you move to the corner, kid. So we 3 can show you how to be a real man..." They said laughing like monsters.

Meiritsu was still smiling, "You mean you 3 weedy jerks?"

The three bullies were numb for a second, "What are you talking about, kid?"

Meiritsu's face suddenly changed, "Your name is Grizzly, right?" He looked at the biggest bully in the middle with his shiny evil emerald eyes. "You just made out with your girlfriend in the janitor's closet, didn't you?"

Grizzly's whole body trembled a little. "Wha, what are you talking about, kid?" All he could do was to mechanically repeat his last warning.

"I mean, your shoes smell like air freshener mixed with at least 4 types of cleanser and you're telling me you've never been there today? And there's the blue fabric stuck on your belt exactly the same kind of fabric I saw on a girl's skirt when I walked past her at the front gate 15 minutes ago. Any more questions?"

For an instance, the 3 bullies realized that they were not only facing an ordinary small boy but the many brains and the evil heart hidden behind this angel face.

Meiritsu's face changed back to normal, "Want me to call the janitor or the headmaster?"

The three disappeared from his sight within 2 seconds. Their shirts were so wet that you can wring water out of them.

Meiritsu didn't move from his original spot. "'Victory of the Evilest', probably the rightest quote of all times... Theww, kids these days." He sighed.

Then, a girl's voice came from behind. "Nice job, kiddo."

Meiritsu turned around and saw a fair tall girl in a pepper-and-salt skirt. Her eyes were like black pearls.

That's the Maruko girl! Yes, Meiritsu remembered her file. The daughter of Marco and Maria. "You're a friend of my sister's, Maruko, if I had not mistaken." He said.

"You're Meiritsu?" The girl said in amaze, "I should have remembered your face..." Her lips were very sexy. But of course Meiritsu didn't say that out loud. He was blushing, really blushing.

"Just call me Malia, if you don't think that's too awkward. Meiyuu should have told you to call me that way."

"M... Malia neechan..."

"You're one shy little kiddo, aren't you? But it's alright. Now, kiddo, how did you know I'm Maruko?"

Because I hack into the school's computer and grabbed a few of your sexy bathing suit photos from the school's underground website for perverts and hypocrites.

Of course he didn't say that out loud. "Well, my sister showed a few photos to me so I recognized you."

"Oh, okay." Malia smiled. Meiritsu had never seen such a beautiful smile before. He blushed even harder. Malia continued, "It was very brave of you to stand up to those horrible school bullies... Well, maybe your sister's the biggest bully but she's very nice to good people."

"I know that, Malia neechan. She's only mean to those who never realize how ignorant they are. I know that."

Suddenly, a voice came from his left ear. "Meiritsu, where are you! Come at once, the match is starting!"

"Ouch... My ear hurts..." Meiritsu took the bluetooth out from his ear, "My sister called, I must go now."

"Alright, kiddo." Malia replied, "And I'll be there as soon as I finish my work at the lab."


"Yeah, with the new chemistry teacher. She's hot, you'd want to see her."

"Umm... Okay. See yah, Malia neechan." Then they left the hall heading for different directions.

I think I've just met the most beautiful girl in my life... But she's older than I am... Oh, well...


At home, Hiruma monitored the two kids' motions.

"Where are they now?" Mamori asked when she walked past his chair.

"Meiyuu's at the field, getting ready for the match, body temperature 37.6 centigrade, a little heated-up but it's good for the fucking match."

"You even have their body temperature monitored?"

"Yeah, but I just fucking saw something very strange."

"What is it?"

"Meiritsu, his fucking temperature is flying on the roof but he just came out from the hall with the central AC on. What do you think fucking happened?"

"He just talked to someone, didn't he?"

"He talked to a total of 4 people in the past 20 minutes. 3 are fucking school bullies, Meiyuu tracked them down so I can recognize them on the screen. But the 4th person was not recorded in this fucking computer."

Mamori bit her lip and suggested, "Try the 'Surrounding Material Analyzer'. If she used a special kind of perfume, you can track her down."

So Hiruma used the analyzer.

10 seconds later, the results came, "Cola-flavored Perfume" was the answer.

"Wow, " Mamori gasped, "now Meiritsu is definitely your slave."



At the lab, Malia found her new chemistry teacher washing a test tube.

"I heard you talking to someone at the end of the hall, Malia. Saw a friend?"

"Yeah, that was Hiruma Meiritsu. Hiruma Meiyuu's brother."

"Really..." the teacher stopped washing, "Hiruma, right?"

"Yes, Hiruma." Malia paused, "Something wrong?"

"Nothing." The teacher went on washing the tube.

5 seconds later, the teacher asked, "Want to try some homemade heroin?"


---------------------------------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------------------------------

Yes! That was the end of the whole series! I'm sorry it ended so awkwardly but I had to. School's starting in 2 weeks and the coming semester is very important to me because I'm going to university next year. I didn't want to end it like this but I've tried my best to make it end like an ending Meiyuu and Meiritsu's story is not over yet!. Maybe I can do another series next year but this year, NO! And I will not be around for a long time I suppose, after school starts. So, what I want to say here is THANK YOU for reading all along and giving priceless reviews that made my day. This is all I can say now. Sorry if you're not used to my 'leaving a message at the end of the chap' action because I never did this in previous chapters. Thank you again for R&R. Your valuable support keeps me going all this time!

Special thanks to: toya1255, princesss-myu, Jillian Leonhart, animchan, Bar-Ohki, chainedheart999 and YOU if I had missed.

Anyway, the story ends here. 18 is a good number. I should continue the story in the future but the Marriage of Heaven and Hell really ends here. Sorry that I didn't come up with more omakes that you loved. Maybe in the next series if you wish... Well, time to say goodbye!

Thank you guys for all the sweetest memories!
